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Go-Po Chap. 7

Go-Po Test- from American Government book, written by Wilson.

what is the key term of the definition of a political party? Label, to give a candidate party identification
The federal system goes a long way toward explaining why U.S. parties are _____ than their European counterpats. more decentralized
In most states, candidates are chosen by, primary elections
The Founders saw political parties as factions motivated by ambition and self-interest
The first Republican party,was organized in the 1790s by, Thomas Jefferson
The Federalist party could not compete effectively in national elections because, it had such a limited sectional and class base
National party conventions were developed as a reform of party caucuses
Party conventions emerged during the Jacksonian era as a meas of, giving some measure of local control of the presidential nominating process
The progressives favored all of the following except, better relations with business
The progressive movement reduced the level of political corruption but ultimately failed to, solve the problem of how to select candidates
The three clearest cases of critical or realigning elections seems to be, 1865, 1896 and 1932
In recent elections, ticket splitting has been most common with, the south
the national convention meets every ____ years to nominate a presidential candidate. four
Between national conventions party affairs are managed by a ____ made up of delegates from each state and territory national committee
Beginning in the 1960s, the ___ became more bureaucratized while the ____ became more factionalized. Republican Party, Democratic Party
The republicans changed the goal of their national party to the election of candidates while the Democrats sought to make their party, achieve a fairer distribution of power
Democratic rule changes were drafted in 1972 by a commission head by George McGovern
Party machines (definition) are characterized by a high degree of leadership control over member activity
Unlike political machines, ideological parties tend to be, factionalized
Party organizations based on their member's enjoyment of the sociability of politics are referred as solidary politics
Today, a person wanting to win an election will most often seek the support of, personal following
To win in a plurality system such as that in the US, a candidate mus, gather more votes than anyone else
The plurality electoral system in the US means that, every party must be broad-based coalition
A meeting of party followers at which convention delegates are picked is known as, caucus
How can the differences between two major parties in the US best be characterized? There are large policy differences among activists and much smaller ones among the rank and file.
Created by: deegurl95
Popular American Government sets




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