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Mod 1 Week 1,2,3,4

Chapter PT Final

Automated dispensing machine? A system in which medications are dispensed at their point of use upon confirmation of an order communicated from a centralized computer system.
Closed formulary A limited list of approved medications.
Database A collection of information structured so that specific information within it cna esily be retrieved and used.
Formulary A list of medications approved for use.
Inventory A list of goods or items a buisness uses in its normal operations.
Material Data Safety Sheet (MSDS) OSHA required notices that provide hazard, handling, clean-up, and first aid information.
Open formulary A system that allows purchase of an medication that is prescribed.
Perpetual inventory A system that maintains a continuous record of every item in inventory so that it always shows the stock on hand.
Point-of-sale (POS) An inventory dydyrm in wich the item is deducted from inventory as it is sold or dispensed.
Purchase order number The number system assigned to each order for indentification.
Reorder points Min/Max stock levels which determine when a reorder is placed and for how much.
Therapeutic equivalent Pharmaceutical equivalents that produce the same effects in patients.
Turnover The rate at which inventory is used, generally expressed in number of days.
Unit-dose packaging A package containing a single dose of medication.
In an alpha-generic organization,drug are stored alphabetically? Generic name with the corresponding trade version placed next to the generic drug.
The temperature of a refrigerator in a pharmacy should generally be? 40-42 degrees F.
A generic term used for computerized medication dispensing machines used in hospital is a/an? ADM.
Proper disposal or destruction of non-returnable medications includes ? Using company that meets EPA regulations.
Best practice for ordering medications include Having anyone available placed and receive order.
An example of Durable Medical Equipment (DME) could be? Crutches.
A list of the goods or items a business will use in its normal operation is called? Inventory
A goal of inventory management is? To ensure that drugs are available when they are needed.
In an open formulary, when a medication is? The medication may be ordered without obtaining additional permission.
Formulary medication are routinely reviewed to ? Add more quantity of the same product.
A therapeutically equivalent drug is? Chemically different but with similar actions and effect.
"Fast Movers" account for approximately what percent of a pharmacy's orders and prescriptions? 80%
Wholesalers who provide medications to hospitals,pharmacies,and other medication dispensers account for _______ of Pharmaceutical manufacturers sales? three-quarters.
technician should be aware that it must be ______ before the expiration date passes? Used.
If a supplier's terms are thirty days net. It would be best to have a turnover less than thirty days.
_____________ is an inventory system in which the item is deducted from inventory as it is sold or dispensed? Point Of Sale System POS.
Minimum and maximum stock levels used to determine when a recorder is placed and for how much are? Recorder points.
Checking of order report to ensure the order contains no gross errors is done. Manually.
hand copies of order reports? Are kept for a
A listing of goods or items that a business will use in its normal operation is? Inventory
The type of formulary that allows purchase of any medication that is prescribed is an? Open formulary
Businesses that purchase drugs from pharmaceutical mfgs and resell their inventory to hospitals, pharmacies and other p haraceutical dispensers are? Wholesalers
The word pedigree refers to the? Chain of custody from mfg to final dispensing pharmacy
An example of an automated inventory machine within the pharmacy is a? Carousel
An ______________ is a system in which medications are dispensed upon confirmation of an order communicated from a centralized computer system at their point of use ? Automated Dispensing System
OSHA required notices on hazardous substances that provide hazard, handling, clean-up and first aid information are? (MSDS) Material Safety Data Sheet
Examples of durable medical equipment include all of the following except: Aspirin
The temperature for refrigeration should generally be what? 40 degrees F to 42 degrees F
Expired medications should be? Kept isolated from regular stock
The number system assigned b the "PURCHASER" to each order for identification is the? Purchase Order Number
The number assinged by the "WHOLESALERS" to each order for identification is the? Invoice Number
Shipments of broken or damaged stock should be tracked and reported to the wholesaler or supplier when? Immediately
Automated dispensing systems that travel throughout a facility and deliver drugs to varous nursing units and departments are? Mobile robots
The U.S. government agency that regulates the distribution of controlled sustances is the? DEA-Drug Enforcement Agency
Checking computer reports for accuracy is done how? Manually
To improve a computer's performance,___________ is performed to reorganize the files of a computer that have been automatically stored in pieces or fragments. Defragmentation
The NDC number is used by the mfg to indicate what? None of the above/below
Storing drugs alpha-generically organizes durgs how? Alphabetically by generic name.
The EPA allows al pharmacueticals to be disposed through the sewer supply. False
It is especially important that a person taking sulfonamides does what? Avoid the sun and drink lots of water.
The primary side effect of Augmentin is what? Diarrhea
Penicillin should be taken with what? Water
The drug of choice for "strep throat" is what? Penicillin
Which drug is effective against anthrax? Doxycycline
The drug of choice for Rocky Mountain spotted fever is what? Doxycycline
Which drug is it very important to take with food? Nitrofurantoin
You can not drink milk with which drug? Sumycin
Which drug has a large amount of sugar in the oral liquid dosage form? Omnicef
Clindamycin has a special affinty for what? Bone
T/F Alcohol has no offect on the patient taking Flagyl. False
T/F Quinolones can be used safely with theophylline and antacids. False
T/F It could be very dangerous to dispense an out-of-date tetracycline True
T/F Ceclor is the drug of choice for strep throat. False
T/F Someone who is allergic to penicillin will also be allergic to cephalosporins. False
T/F A nosocmial infection is community-acquired. False
T/F The onset of fever is alwyas diagnostic of bacterial infection. False
T/F Sulfanoamide drugs may be used for UTI's and GI upset. False
T/F The major side effects of an aminoglycoside are ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity. True
T/F The most common side effect of sulfonamides is a rash. True
List six ways antibiotics work. 1-prevent folic acid synthesis 2-block protein formation 3-interfer with DNA 4-disrupt cell membranes 5-disrupt DNA structure 6-impaire cell wall formation.
Give three penicillin and beta-lactamase inhibitor combinations that are frequently use. clavulanate, amoxicillin, ticarcillin (ADD b or g name to above.
How do bactericidal antibiotic and a bacteriostatic antibiotic differ? bactericidal kills, bacteriostatic inhibits growth of bacteria.
How do nosocomial and community acquired infection differ? nosocomial is acquired in the hospital, community is acquired anywhere else.
Define superinfection. A new infection complicating the course of therapy of an existing therapy.
Which auxillary labels would you put on a sulfa perscription if there is only room for two? Take with water and Stay out of the sun.
What is the federal health insurance program for people over age 65 or people with kidney failure called? Medicare
An example of an automated point of use storage system for making floor stock items available to nurses in a hospital setting is called? Pyexil supply station
If a drug is not covered on the patient's formulary you would recieve the--------- rejection? NDC not covered
Osha required notices on hazardous substances to provide hazard, handling, and clean-up and first aid information are called what? MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet)
The maximum amount of cost that will be covered for a prescription as determined by the insurance plan is called? UCR (Usual Customary Reasonable) or U&C (Usual and Customary)
The type of managed care program that is most restrictive is? HMO (Health Maintenance Organization)
A inventory system in which the item is deducted from inventory as it is sold or dispensed is called? Point of sell or sale
the number used to identify the drug dispensed when billing a PBM for a filled prescription is NDC (National Drug Code)
what form is used prior authorization only for patients on California Medi-Cal TAR (Treatment Authorization Requires)
The U.S. government agency that regulates DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration)
An agreement for cost sharing between the insurer and insured co-insurance
Employer compensation program for employees accidentally injured on the job workman's-compensation
A company that administers drug benefit programs for insurance companies or employer PBM(Pharmacy Benefit Manager)
Another party, besides the patient or the patient or the pharmacy, that pays for some or all of the cost of a medication Third Party Billing
Programs sponsored by pharmaceutical manufacturers to help provide medications for the needy Patient Assistant Program
A portion of the price of medication that the patient is required to pay co-pay
A listing of the medications that are approved for use within a system formulary
The rate which inventory is used, generally expressed in number of days Turnover
Process for using a computer to determine the exact to coverage for a prescription with the appropriate third party Online Adjudication
DAW 1 means Dispense As Written by the prescriber
A NPI number is assigned to recognized Healthcare provider
A federal-state program that covers health expense medciade
Offered by some pharmaceutical manufacturers to help needy patients who require medications they cannot afford and do not have insurance cover Patient Assistance Programs
The maximum price per tablet an insurer or PBM will pay for a given product Maximum allowable cost
Federal Health program which covers people over 65, disabled people under 65, and people with kidney failure Medicare
A company that administers drug benefit programs PBM
Standard claim form accepted by many insurers Universal Claim Forms
Information given on a prescription benefit card which basically helps route electronic pharmacy insurance claims in the right general direction BIN number
An agreement between the insurer and the insured to share costs co-insurance
Process for using a computer to determine the exact coverage for a prescription with the appropriate third party online adjudication
The CPT Codes for biling Medication Therapy Management Services provided by pharmacists are? 99605,99606,99607
A standard form used by healthcare providers to bill for services is? CMS-1500
A (an)______is a network of providers where costs outside the network may be partially reimbursed and the patient's primary care physician need not be a member. PPO
Which type of managed care program is least likey to require generic substitution? PPO
Created by: Rodney C
Popular Pharmacology sets




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