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dleary Ch.3

para vs sympathetic

Heart Parasympathetic Effect-decreases rate and contractile force Sympathetic effect- increases rate and contractile force.
Lungs Parasympathetic effect- Bronchoconstricts Sympathetic effect- Bronchodilates
Eyes Parasympathetic effects-Pupil constriction Sympathetic effects-Pupil dilation
Hair muscles Parasympathetic effects-Relaxes Sympathetic effects -contracts and causes hair to stand on end (piloerection)
Gastrointestinal Parasympathetic effect- increases digestion sympathetic effect- decreases digestion
urinary Parasympathetic effect- Constricts bladder sympathetic effect- relaxes bladder
Adgernergic receptors
Alpha 1 Tissue-Vascular smooth muscle,pupil,pilomotor smooth muscle. Action- contracts, dilation (mydriasis), goose bumps.
Beta 1 Tissue- heart Action- stimulates rate and force
Beta 2 Tissue- Respiratory, somatic motor ( voluntary muscle) Action- Bronchodilates, tremors
Dopamine Tissue- Renal Action- Relaxes arteries
Cholinergic agonist and indications
Direct acting- stimulates cholinergic receptors Bethanechol indication- urinary retention
Direct acting-stimulates cholinergic receptors Succinylcholine indications- neuromuscular blockade- intubation
Direct acting-stimulates cholinergic receptors Pilocarpine indications-Glaucoma
indirect-acting-decreases AChE activity Neostigmine Myasthenia gravis
indirect-acting decreases AChE activity- Pyridostigmine Reversal of neuromuscular blockade
indirect-acting decreases AChE activity- Malathion Insecticide
indirect-acting decreases AChE activity-nerve gas Chemical Warfare
Anticholinergic drug class
catagory and function- antimuscarinics- increases heart rate and bronchodilation drug- Atropiine ipratropium brormide (atrovent)
Nicotinic blockers-at preganglionic sites- prevent nervous transmission drug- hexamethonium
Sympathomimetic drugs
Catecholamines- Epinephrine indications- anaphylaxis
catecholamines- norepinephrine indications - hypotension
catecholamines- dopamine indications- shock
catecholamines- dobutamine indications- shock, heart failure
phenylephrine indications- nasal decongestant. hypotension
albuterol indications- asthma
sympatholytic drug sub group
alpha-blocker- drug- Doxazosin indications- hypertension, benign prostate hypertrophy
Beta-blocker- drug- propranolol indication- hypertension
Cholinergic/Parasympathomimetic drugs that stimulate or mimic the parasympathetic receptors
Anticholinergic/ Parasympatholytics drugs that block parasympathetic receptors
Adrenergic/sympathomimetics drugs that stimulate or mimic the sympathetic receptors
Antiadrenergic/sympatholytics drugs that would antagonize the sympathetic response.
Created by: dleary
Popular Pharmacology sets




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