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GRE Stack A

Abstruse difficult to understand; obscure
Blithe free-spirited; carefree
Credulous gullible; ready to believe anything
Repudiate shun; eschew
Reprieve a respite; postponement of a sentence
Abrogate cancel; deny; repeal
Plaudit statement giving strong praise
Engender cause
ephemeral lasting a very short time; transient
moot debatable
incorrigible not reformable; delinquent; unruly
genteel polite; stylish
premonition foreboding; prediction; portent
kleptocracy a government characterized by greed and corruption
apogee apex; climax
pogrom organized massacre or persecution of minority
soliloquy monologue revealing character's deep emotions
opprobrium disgrace; shame
opine give one's opinion about something
anomie social or political unrest from loss of values
autodidact self-taught person
litigiousness prone to engage in lawsuits
fastidious having high standards; meticulous
receptacle container; receiver
precarious unstable; impermanent
internecine destructive to both sides
inviolate safe from injury or violation
fiduciary (n) a person to whom property or power is entrusted for the benefit of another; (adj) involving trust or confidence
vicissitude unpleasant or unwelcome change in fortune or circumstance
boilerplate writing expressing cliched or general opinions
antipathy deep-seeded feeling of dislike
concomitant naturally associated or accompanying
diffident modest or shy from lack of confidence
dirge mournful lament or narrative
taciturn reserved or uncommunicative in speech
penury extreme poverty or destitution
allay ameliorate, placate or resolve
grovel to behave demurely or apologetically
polemicist strong opponent
demagogue leader seeking popular support by playing on people's prejudices
glib talkative but shallow and insincere
sojourn a short stay somewhere
slapdash ad hoc, whimsical, hurriedly
subvention grant money from government
portent foreshadowing, adumbration
self-immolation set one's self on fire
prim stiffly formal
labile likely to change; capricious
Acquiesce to agree to; give in to
Bombast arrogant, pompous language
Epicure someone who appreciates good food and drink
Lampoon ridicule; spoof
Tenuous flimsy; not solid
Tentative not certain
furtive sly; surreptitious; stealth
enigmatic resembling an enigma; perplexing; mysterious
acrid sharp, pungent smell or taste
boorish ill-mannered
poised calm; collected; self-possessed
resplendent shining; glowing; incandescent
languid tired and slow
Lammas harvest festival
sic intentionally so written
bower an attractive dwelling or retreat; arbor
irrefragable irrefutable
variegated various; diverse; varied
retrocede to go back; recede
diluvial related to a flood
adventitious occurring sporadically from source that's not innate
fillip to flick
predial related to land or fruits thereof
gumption common sense; enterprise; initiative
apocryphal of doubtful authenticity
defenestration to throw a person or thing out a window
thole to endure
propinquity nearness, association, proximity
toplofty haughty; arrogant
vaticination prediction; act of prophesying
ungainly akward clumsy appearance; difficult to control
kerfuffle disturbance; fuss
objurgation a harsh rebuke
expedite to execute promptly; speed up
imbibition act of imbibing; absorbing fluid
homiletic related to a homily; preachy; platitudinous
whirligig whirling children's toy; events that change continuously
torpor a state of mental slugishness, apathy or dullness
indite to compose in writing
quid pro quo tit for tat arrangement
precatory wishful
mettle staying quality; stamina; vigorous temperment
tropism innate, natural inclination; propensity
dovetail to fit with
avidity keen eagerness; consumption greed
microcephalic having a small head with a small braincase
acuity sharpness; perspicacity; mental keenness
hidebound rigid in opinion; favoring established ideas
languish weaken; fade away; decay
obsequious servile, submissive, timorous
polemical causing debate or argument
Created by: syncretism
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