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Autonomic Drugs

Drugs and classes

Neostigmine Cholinergic Agonists (AChE Inhibitors)
Neostigmine Increase Bladder Motility Treat Myasthenia gravis reverse NM blockade
Physostigmine Cholinergic Agonists (AChE Inhibitors)
Physostigmine Glaucoma Atropine Overdose
Edrophonium Cholinergic Agonists (AChE Inhibitors)
Edrophonium (tensilon) dx of myasthenia gravis
Organophosphates Cholinergic Agonists (AChE Inhibitors)
Echothiophate, DFP, Soman, sarin, tabum, parathion, malathion organophosphates
2-PAM muscarinic antagonist (use within 3 hrs)
Atropine muscarinic antagonist
Ipratropium muscarinic antagonist
Tiotropium muscarinic antagonist
Ipratropium COPD/acute asthma attacks
Tiotropium COPD/acute asthma attacks
Tolteridine muscarinic antagonist
Tolteridene used to treat overactive bladder
Lomotil Atropine + opioid to treat diarrhea
Tropicamide muscarinic antagonist
Homatropine muscarinic antagonist
Tropicamide mydriasis
Homatropine mydriasis
Atropine Low dose- salivary glands, sweat glands, bronchioles high dose- GU/GI CNS at high doses
Atropine muscarinic antagonist
Scopolamine muscarinic antagonist
Scopolamine Motion sickness
Phenlyepherine Alpha 1 agonist
Clonidine alpha 2 agonist
Dobutamine beta 1 agonist
albuterol beta 2 agonist
NE pulse pressure unchanged
Epi pulse pressure increased
Epi low dose- vasodilation (beta) high dose- vasoconstriction (alpha)
Epi vasocontrictor- for anaphylactic shock bronchodilator- for severe asthma attack
Ephedrine decongestant hypotensive emergency
pseudoephedrine decongestant mydriasis
clonidine alpha 2 agonist decreases sympathetic output decreases peripheral resistance and CO treat HTN
Isoproterenol beta 1 & 2- increased rate and contraction of heart, vasodilation
Dobutamine beta 1 agonist increased contractility of heart used for stress testing
Dopamine treat cardiac shock
Amphetame/tyramine/cocaine/antidepressants increased NE
phentolamine alpha antagonist (1 & 2)
phentolamine decrease peripheral resistance and BP reflex tachycardia alpha 2 block increases NE release, more tachycardia
phenoxybenzamine alpha antagonist
phenoxybenzamine irreversible alpha blockade used for pheochromocytoma
prazosin alpha antagonist (Alpha 1) vasodilation less tachycardia (no alpha 2 block)
terazosin, doxazosin alpha 1 blockers tx for BPH postural hypotension
Tamsulosin alpha 1A antagonist BPH
Yohimbine alpha 2 antagonist increases NE release
propanolol non-selective beta blocker
propanolol decreases mortality after MI treat angina CHF bronchoconstriction
timolol glaucoma caution in asthma
metoprolol beta-1 selective blocker
atenolol beta-1 selective blocker
bisoprolol beta-1 selective blocker
nebivolol beta-1 selective blocker
esmolol beta-1 selective blocker
betaxolol beta-1 selective blocker
nebivolol vasodilation due to NO release
esmolol short acting
betaxolol glaucoma safer than timolol, less bronchoconstriction
Labetalol beta and alpha blocker for HTN emergency decreases peripheral resistance (alpha 1 block) and prevents tachycardia (beta 1 block)
carvedilol beta and alpha blocker for HTN emergency decreases peripheral resistance (alpha 1 block) and prevents tachycardia (beta 1 block)
pindolol beta blocker with ISA
carteolol beta blocker with ISA
penbutolol beta blocker with ISA
acebutolol beta blocker with ISA
Created by: 618366825
Popular Pharmacology sets




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