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SAT stack

peruse to study; to read
philistine marrow minded; conventional
piety devotion to God & family
pique n. to hurt feelings; make resentful v. stimulate interest
platitude dull; stale remark
ponderous heavy, labored
pragmatic practical
preclude prevent
precocious early developed
prodigious enormous, extraordinary
profusion abundance
quandary doubtful, confused
quixotic impractical
querulous complaining, whiny
raconteur skilled at telling stories
rancor bitter, resentful
raze destroy
rebuff rudely refuse
recalcitrant resistant
relegate demote
residual remaining, residue
copious abundant
carping complaining
respite short period of rest
colloquial common
nomenclature systematic naming
opulent wealthy, abundant
overt open
officious meddling, giving unwanted advice
propensity tendency
prudent cautious in a sensible way
pugnacious ready to fight
painstaking careful, diligent
pariah outcast
disparity lack of equality, difference
provincial relating to a province
peerless better than the rest
parsimonious stingy
partisan support for a cause/party
paucity scarcity
perfidy betrayal of trust
analogous similar characteristics
autonomy self-governing, independent
duplicity deceitfulness
austere strict manner
levity lightness, lacking seriousness
lucid clear, easily understood
latent inactive, undeveloped
lassitude tired, weary
lampoon satirical writing
laconic brief speech
impassive emotionless
immutable never changing
intractable hard to manage
intemperate lacking self-control
insurgent one who rises in revolt
incipient beginning to happen/develop
inscrutable mysterious, can't be understood
innocuous harmless
ingratiate to make oneself acceptable
indigent poor, needy
incontrovertible can't be disputed
incorrigible can't be changed
incisive keen, penetrating
incongruous out of place
iconoclast person who attacks beliefs/est. institutions
immaterial unimportant
heretic person with controversial opinions against their religion
hedonist one who lives solely for pleasure
haphazard random, unplanned
hackneyed used too often
guile crafty deceit
gratuitous free of charge; uncalled for
garrulous talkative
garbled confused; mixed
galvanize arouse, startle
furtive done quickly and secretly
fortuitous happening by chance
formidable hard to overcome, dreaded
fledgling newly developed
flagrant obviously offensive, outrageous
fitful intermittent, spasmodic
fervor intense emotion
fastidious picky, hard to please
facilitate to make easy
extol to give high praise
expedite move quickly
expedient useful, advantageous
evanescent gradually disappearing
esoteric understood only by a few
equivocate use double-meaning to mislead
equanimity evenness of temper
ephemeral short-lived
engender bring into being
enervate to weaken
embroil involve in an argument
elucidate to make clear
egregious extraordinarily bad
effervescent lively
efface erase
ebb to decline
tactless insensitive
tangential merely touching, relating/ moving in the direction of a tangent
temerity reckless boldness
tenet belief held as truth by a group
tirade scolding speech
unassailable undeniable
undermine to dig, weaken
unequivocal plain, clear
ungainly clumsy, awkward
unobtrusive not noticeable, inconspicuous
unimpeachable unquestionable
untenable can't be maintained/ defended
urbane courteous, polished
vacillate swaying unsteadily, waver
vicarious substitute, second-hand
viable able to live
vilify defame, slander
vindictive revengeful
vitriolic caustic, sharp, bitter
voracious greedy, gluttonous
waive postpone
wanton immoral, malicious
whet to sharpen, stimulate
zany foolish, clownish
zealot person with great enthusiasm for a cause
zenith the highest point
sagacious wise, good judgment
soporific causing sleep, drowsy
spurious counterfeit, false
squalid dirty due to neglect/poverty; morally repulsive
salutary beneficial
sanction approve, encourage
scapegoat one who take the blame
scrupulous honest, careful about details
sectarian a group within a larger group limited by common beliefs
sequester go into seclusion, segregate
sumptuous costly, extravagant
sycophant suck up
stringent controlled, strict
stultifying stupid, ridiculous
substantiate to support with proof
succinct concise
susceptible sensitive, easily influenced
supercilious looking down on others
surmise to assume
surreptitious sly, done quietly and secretly
coalesce grow together, combine
catalyst something/someone that brings change
circumspect careful
catharsis emotional purification
criterion standard for judging
corroborate to confirm
cache hiding place, something hidden
clemency mercy, mildness
commiserate to sympathize
acquiesce accept conclusions silently
blithe happy & cheerful
bombastic pretentious speech that is meaningless
animosity strong hostility
admonish to warn/urge strongly
disposition tendency, nature
dogmatic emphatic on asserting opinions
dissipated indulging excessively
diminution to lessen
diffuse spread out, wordy
didactic intended to instruct
diatribe bitter verbal attack
devoid not lacking
deter to discourage
despot monarch with unlimited power
desecrate to treat with disrespect
delineate to describe in words, sketch
denunciation public disapproval
deference great respect
decadence decay, decline
dearth shortage
chimerical fanciful, absurd
censure blame, criticize, condemn
capitulate to surrender
conspicuous visible, noticeable
capricious fickle, changeable
aggrandizement increase in rank, power, wealth
ambivalence having conflicting attitudes
aberration unusual course of action
altruistic thoughtful of others welfare, generous
cursory without attention to details
assuage calm/soothe
apocryphal counterfeit
acumen insight
idiosyncrasy peculiarity
incontrovertible indisputable
inhibit retrain
insular narrow-minded
invective verbal insult
pedantic bookish
refractory stubborn, unmanageable
rhetoric persuasive speaking
grandiloquence extravagant language, style, or manner
untenable unachievable
discretion good judgment
effigy likeness,sculpture/model of a person
insubordinate disobedient
jostle push, brush against
pacifist one who opposes all violence
pontificate to speak at length
v. rail complain, argue
harangue lengthy speech/lecture
stave fight off
surmount overcome
tenacious persistent
truism self-evident truth
usury overcharge, excessive interest rate
abridge shorten
assiduous hard-working
auspicious favorable
avarice greed
benefactor patron (supporter)
engender generate
aesthetic artistic
facetious joking, sarcastic
gainsay contradict
hegemony authority, domination
impresario promoter
incomparable peerless
endear enamor
elude omit
domicile home, legal residence
derelict negligent
decant to pour
convocation gathering
cohere stick together
apprise inform
amenable agreeable
veracity truthfulness
sanctimonious self-righteous
reproach blame
renege break a promise
prevaricate lie
preponderance superiority in power/influence
platitude trite (trivial) remark
pithy concise
phlegmatic sluggish
pervade permeate
opprobrium disgrace
lassitude lethargy
inimical adverse, hostile
dissent disagree
disparate various
cynical doubtful of the motives of others
callow inexperienced
bellicose warlike
aggregate total, collect
Created by: CarolynT
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