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CMB-Chapter 2

CMB - Chapter 2 - Rx Medications (General)

emulsions mixtures of oil & water
elixirs clear, hydroalcoholic liquids
fluid extracts & tinctures use alcohol, water, or combination of the two as their base & usually contain plant extracts as active ingredients
spirits or essences are alcoholic or hydroalcoholic solutions of volatile substances - require storage in tight containers to prevent loss through evaporation
syrups are concentrated solutions of sugar in water with active ingredients, may also contain alcohol
ointments greasy preparations, usually with a petroleum jelly base
creams combinations of water, oil, & other substances
lotions are like creams but contain much more water
liniments mixtures of various substances in oil, alcoholic solutions of soap, or emulsions intended for external use
gels semisolid suspensions of very small particles
collodions liquids that dry as flexible films on skin
transdermal patches topical delivery systems designed for prolonged action
parenteral medication sterile preps injected with syringes
pharmaceutical equivalence same active ingredients, same dosage form, same route of admin, & same strength
therapeutic equivalence same rate and extent of absorption of the active ingredients into the bloodstream
pharmaceutical alternatives meds that have the same therapeutic moiety but may differ with regard to the particular chemical complex or dosage form or strength
therapeutic alternatives meds that do not have the same active ingredients but have similar clinical effects
National Drug Code NDC
(NDC) 1st five = manufacturer
(NDC) next four = name, strength, & dosage form
(NDC) last two = package size
NCC MERP The National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting & Prevention
Purpose of NCC MERP categorizes errors based on whether an error was actually made & what harm (if any) occurred in the patient
Med Error A no error
Med Error B error that does not reach patient (near miss)
Med Error C error reaches patient but did not cause harm
Med Error D error reaches patient & requires monitoring and/or intervention to confirm that no harm was made to the patient
Med Error E error resulting in temp harm
Med Error F error resulting in temp harm & prolonged hospitalization
Med Error G error resulting in permanent harm
Med Error H error & intervention required to sustain life
Med Error I error causing death (sentinel event)
MedWatch an FDA initiated voluntary reporting system for adverse effects or medications errors with pharmaceutical products
Safety alerts, recalls, withdrawals, & important labeling changes are distributed to the medical community & general public via the... FDA Enforcement Report
Drug Recalls-Class I a drug product is being recalled because there is a strong chance of serious adverse effects or death to the patient
Drug Recalls-Class II a drug product is being recalled because there is a temporary (but reversible) chance of adverse effect, or little chance of serious adverse effect
Drug Recalls-Class III a drug product is being recalled because of some problem that is not likely to cause adverse effects
Preg. Category A failed to show a risk to the fetus; fetal harm appears remote
Preg. Category B either animal studies have shown no risk, but controlled studies in pregnant women are not done, or animal studies have shown an adverse effect that was not confirmed in women
Preg. Category C either animal studies have shown an effect on the fetus & there are no controlled trials in women, or there are not studies in either animals or women; should be given only if the risk to fetus outweighs the benefits
Preg. Category D there is + evidence of risk to a human fetus; must weigh the risks vs the benefits
Preg. Category X there are studies to show fetal abnormalities; the drug is contraindicated in women who may be pregnant
Created by: cbowers101
Popular Pharmacology sets




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