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pht101 c1p1

chapter 1 part 1

In the Hippocrates era of 460–377 B.C., it was discovered that diseases were from natural causes, not supernatural
Hippocrates favored empirical learning
In the Hippocrates era of 460–377 B.C., they dissected human body to study organ functions
In the Galen era of A.D. 130–201, the 4 humors were blood, phlegm, black bile, & yellow bile
In the Dioscrides era of first century A.D., the de Materia Medica was compiled
The de Materia Medica described and classified 600 plants by substance, not by disease they were intended to treat
From 1493–1541, Paracelsus denounced Galen’s concept of humors
Paracelsus advocated use of individual drugs, not mixtures and potions
Pharmacopoeias are the official listings of medical preparations
The pharmacopoeia of Florence, Italy is Nuovo Receptario of 1498
The pharmacopoeias of Nuremberg, Germany is Dispensatorium of 1546
From 1813-1878, Claude Bernard found that certain drugs have specific sites of action in the body
Claude Bernard founded field of experimental pharmacology
During 18th century, some immigrants to the colonies were apothecaries
Those apothecaries were forerunners of today’s pharmacists in England
The Pharmacopoeia of the United States of 1820 was the first official listing of drugs in the U.S.
The Massachusetts Medical Society had a phamacopoeia
After American Civil War of 1861-1865, the boundaries between practice of physicians and pharmacists were defined
The American Pharmaceutical Association of 1852 was formed.
In 1847, Semmelweis introduced handwashing with chlorinated lime water in maternity wards
In 1860s, Lister introduced antiseptics into surgery
In 1907, Ehrlich introduced arsphenamine to treat syphilis
In 1923, Banting and Best extracted insulin from the pancreas to treat diabetes
In 1935, Domagk found the first antibiotic, sulfa drug Prontosil
In 1945, Fleming discovered penicillin
Pharmakon is a Greek word meaning a magic spell, remedy, or poison that was used in early records to represent the concept of a drug
Pharmacopeia is an official listing of medicinal preparations
Pharmacology is the science of drugs and their interactions with the systems of living animals
Apothecary is forerunner of the modern pharmacists
Pharmacology is a science based on systematic research to determine the origin, nature, chemistry, effects, and uses of drugs
Created by: moekah
Popular Pharmacology sets




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