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Gen Prin, ANS, SNS

Drugs that bind to receptors amd mimic effects of endogenous compounds. They have instinsic activity. Agonist
the ability to bind to a receptor is called? Affinity
Sensitivity of the receptor to the drug or the ability of the drug to achieve an effect? Intrinsic activity or Efficacy
Drugs that bind to a receptor or have affinity, but produce no intrinsic activity. Antagonist
Drugs that have affinity and weak efficacy or weak intrinsic activity. Partial agonist
Drugs may be metabolized by enzymes in the gut or gut wall. When abs from the GI tract, drugs 1st go to liver where they are metab b4 reaching circulation First pass effect
HYPOactivity that occurs from chronic exposure to a drug. Continued use of the drug req larger doses of the drug. Tolerance
What the body does to the drug? Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion. Pharmacokinetics
time req'd for the amount of the drug in the body to decr by 50%. Half-life
time it takes for plasma concen to be reduced by 50% during the elimination phase plasma elimination half-life
What is the total knowledge of drugs? Pharmacology
Any chemical agent that affects living processes. Produces a physio, bio, decr in abn tissue, decr in pop and inv microorg DRUG
the effect of drugs in man Clinical pharmacology
empathizes the disease state. Therapy for the use of drugs in preven and trtmnt Pharmacotherapeutics
drugs used to destroy or eliminate pathogenic cells or organism. *chemo or anti-infectives Chemotherapeutic agents
deals with toxic effects of drugs Toxicology
the relative toxicity of a drug is expressed as...ratioof dose capable of killing 50%/ther eff therapeutic index
something that devel btwn drugs w/in a class or btwn drugs of diff classes that prod the similar pharm effects cross-tolerance
increased activity of enzymes that metab drugs enzyme induction
on cont use of a drug, there is a decr in the # or sensitivity recep sites Down regulation
tolerance that devel acutely w/only few doses of a drug Tachyphylaxis
an unexpected abnormal reaction to a drug Idiosyncrasy
any action of the drug other than the desired (therapeutic)effect. Side effect
noxious, unintended and undesired effect that occurs in a normal drug dose. Adverse reaction
effect (usually expected) produced by large doses of the drug amd may req decr dose or stopping the drug Toxic effect
a combo of drugs, when used together, result in total effect less than sum of combo. Antagonism
initially developed to imp qual and labeling of drugs and updated through the years to test for toxicity (FDA) Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act
(DEA) classifies subst into sched based on their potential for abuse and sets requirements for documentation and storage of these..prescrip, filling orders Controlled Substances Act
nonproprietary name selected by USAN Council Generic name
brand name, or proprietary name, copyrighted by the drug company Trade name
drugs that treat rare diseases or are nonpatentable Orphan Drugs
a barrier to drug transport,bilayer of lipids, water soluble (doesn't dissolve in lipids)high elec resistance, prev permeability plasma membrane
immediate response drugs or sustained release drugs that contain a powder or liquid capsules or soft capsules
passage of drugs across plasma membrane passive diffusion
primary transport for water sol drugs,selectivity, competitive inhibition, a req for energy,mvmnt against electrochem gradient active transport
amount of drug that eventually reaches the systemic circulation bioavailability
enzymes in the gut wall (CYP3A4)that can metab drugs as well as efflux systems P-Glycoprotein
enteric coated to prevent disintegration in the stomach, it is released in the small intestine Tablet
medicine that contains sugar Caution: Diabetics Syrup
medicine that contains sugar and alcohol CAUTION:Alcoholics taking disulfiram Elixir
capsules that use insoluble transport system,the shell shows up in the feces Procardia XL
tablets placed under the tongue Sublingual tablets
this med must be shaken! Suspensions
effervescent tablets Lozenges
powders, ointments, creams, lotions, usually for local effect topical
medicine applied topically but given for systemic effect transdermal patch
the drug bound to plasma proteins Bound Drug
the drug NOT bound to plasma protein Free Drug
clients with sever burns, liver disease, kidney failure, or malnourished hypoalbuminemia
hypothetical quant est of drug distribution volume of distribution
most drugs are handled by the body. the rate of elimination is proportional to concentration. 1st order reactions
drugs that the rate is independent of concen but the time it takes to eliminate the drug is concen dependent zero order
rate of drug absorption = rate of elim Steady state
it take 4-5 doses of a drug to reach steady state, if the full therap eff is needed earlier, a larger initial dose may be given Loading dose
primary purpose is to change lipid soluble active compounds to water soluble inactive compounds that can be excreted easily Metabolism
an important oxidizing enzyme system. cytochrome P-450 system
metabolites formed in the LIVER are excreted into the intestinal tract via the bile. it maybe excreted into feces or it may be reabsorbed. Enterohepatic cycle
measure of the speed by which the drug leaves the body either through the liver or kidney. Clearance
study of biochemical & physio effectsf drugson living organisms and their mech of action Pharmacodynamics
cellular proteins. Interact with drugs and other endogenous compounds. Receptors
tight junctions of capillaries of the CNS, along with glial cells. no large holes btwn cells. cells tightly adjourned. resistant to transport of drugs other than those that are high lipid soluble Blood Brain Barrier
the phenomenon that occurs when the effects or kinetics of one drug are altered by the prior or cocaminant admin of another drug Drug-to-drug interaction
the drug whose ACTION or KINETICS is changed Object Drug
the drug CAUSING the change Precepitant Drug
drugs may incr or decr the absorption of other agents. Altered absorption
increased activity of enzymes(or drug transport systems) that metabolize drugs. Slow in onset and disappearance. Enzyme induction
Chronic alcoholism and Heavy smoking are... Enzyme Inducers
Drugs can alter all three phases of renal excretion altered excretion
altered patient response to drugs without a change in drug blood level. Ex: digoxin&thiazides/anticoagulants&thyroxine Pharmacodynamic interactions
additive anticholinergic effect; additivecardiac depression; incr or decr in blood sugar and diabetic drug activity; additive renal toxicity Pharmacological interactions
foods can alter drug effectiveness. food delays stomach emptying. food may bind to drugs and prev absorption,foods may prom abs, food may alter metab of a drug, foods may contain activ comp that affect drugs Food Drug interaction
Pregancy Categories A,B,C,D,X FDA
...failed to demonstrate a risk to the fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy (and there is no evidence of risk in later trimesters). Pregnancy Category A
Animal reproduction studies have failed to demonstrate a risk to the fetus and... Pregnancy Category B
Animal reproduction studies have shown an adverse effect on the fetus and...but potential benefits may warrant use of the drug in pregnant women despite potential risks. Pregnancy Category C
There is positive evidence of human fetal risk based on adverse reaction data from investigational or marketing experience or studies in humans, but potential benefits may warrant use of the drug in pregnant women despite potential risks. Pregnancy Category D
Studies in animals or humans have demonstrated fetal abnormalities. there is positive evid of human fetal risk based on adv rxn data from investig or marketing exp, and the risks involved in use of the drug clearly outweigh potential benefits. Pregnancy Category X
decreased effectiveness of propoxyphene, tolbutamide & prednisone Chronic alcoholism
_______ is reported to enhance the elimination of thephylline, flecainide, pentazocine & propoxyphene. Smoking
Tolerance, psychological dependence, physio dep, w/drawal symp Characteristics of drug dependence
drug taking pattern impacts negatively on psychlogical drug abuse
a disease process chrac by continued use of a psychoactive substance despite physical, psychologic or social harm drug addiction
Important precipitant drug interactions DIGOXIN or Lanoxin
How many half-lives are required for a single dose of a medication to essentially be eliminated from the body five
Parenteral administration of medications does NOT include: Oral admin
who have low concentrations of albumin (simple form of protein) newborns
what develops when a person req the drug to experience positive feelings and a sense of self-esteem Tolerance
normal physiol change with aging (kidney) Renal function decrease
a person who is a heavy smoker (>2 packs/day) cigarette smoker is likely to req higher doses than a nonsmoker of which of the following drug? Theophylline
in a patient with alcoholic cirrhosis of liver, you should expect: Prolonged effect of a drug metabolized by the liver
A preg client takes an OTC iron prep drug. Drug data lists the drugs as Pregnancy Category A.The health prac teaches what? This drug is safe during pregnancy
Created by: boomer_bevo
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