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Vocab 2
<<La puerta del infierno>>
Spanish | English |
aborigen | aborigne, aborignial |
alguilar | to rent |
ardid | stratagem, trick |
avara, -ra | miserly |
bendición | blessing |
carcajada | guffaw |
cavador, -a | digger, excavator |
cima | summit, top, peak |
codicia | greed |
condenado | condemned, damned |
conjurar | to exorcize |
destello | sparkle, flash |
erguirse | to rise |
expiar | to expiate |
fechoría | misdeed, villiany |
habitar | to inhabit |
huésped | guest |
insaciable | insaitable |
inusitado, -da | unusual |
mercader | merchant |
perenne | perennial, perpetual |
pozo | well |
soberbio, -ba | magnificent, lofty |
sustento | sustenance |
tesoro | treasure |
vocerío | shouting, clamor |