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WwW 1-6

vita life
demo people
stereo solid
ism doctrine
cogn know
sur over
alter other
astr star
dyna power
chron time
hyper over
luna moon
octa eight
gyro turn
contra against
geo earth
helio sun
thermo heat
tetra four
meter measure
scope look
son sound
dec ten
stell star
amor love
ante before
anti against
bi two
circum around
com together
con together
de down
dis away
equi equal
extra beyond
inter between
intra within
intro into
mal bad
mis bad
non not
post after
pre before
semi half
sub under
super over
syn together
sym together
tri three
un not
archy government
ard always
cide kill
ician specialist
itis inflammation
aqua water
audi hear
bell war
cap take
cise cut
bio life
auto self
port carry
scrib write
logy science
dict say
cred believe
cent one hundred
neo new
ad to
cede go
miss send
centri center
biblio book
anthropo man
homo same
spec look
duct lead
fer carry
pend hang
micro small
hydro water
photo light
pan all
penta five
tele far
vid look
omni all
ex out
poly many
re again
pseudo false
neuro nerve
tomy cut
proto first
phon sound
mono one
viv life
morph shape
vest clothes
bene good
pond weight
corp body
dorm sleep
nov new
punct point
ject throw
loco place
dox opinion
amphi both
magn great
eu good
endo within
phobia fear
ortho straight
put think
ver true
matri mother
mega large
pop people
sangui blood
pater father
tion act or state
hypo under
hema blood
germ vital or related
greg group
mar sea
prim first
pyro fire
clam cry out
plu more
tang touch
string bind
liber free
junct join
clud close
se apart
trib pay
dign worthy
luc light
rupt break
grat pleasing
medi middle
soph wisdom
curr run
tempor time
migr wander
trans across
gamy marriage
Created by: vmckay
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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