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Mod 4 Week 2

PT chapter 10 review 2

Where are receptors located? Receptors are located on the surfaces of cell membranes and inside cells.
What is "Site of Action"? The location where an administered drug produces an effect.
"AGONISTS VS ANTAGONIST" Receptor that "ACTIVATE"? AGONISTS are drugs that "ACTIVE" receptors to accelerate or slow normal cellular function.
"AGONISTS VS ATAGONIST 2" Receptors that "DO NOT ACTIVATE" ANTAGONISTS bind to cell receptors, but DO NOT ACTIVATE them.
"FAT"? "FAT" is the organ system expected to have lower blood concentration of the drug based on blood flow rates.
"DURATION OF ACTION" Time the drug should above the MED. Onset of Action. It is the time MEC is reached and the response occur.
"HOW DRUGS MOVE THROUGH THE BODY" "ABSORPTION" Process by which refers to the transfer of a drug into the blood from an administered drug product.
"HOW DRUGS MOVE THROUGH THE BODY 2" "METABOLISM" The body's process of transforming drugs.
"GASTRIC EMPTYING TIME"? The TIME a drug will stay in the stomach before e it is emptied into the small intestine.
"ABSORPTION 2" Intravenous administration does not have an ABSORPTION step.
"ABSORPTION 3" When gastric contents SLOWS DOWN, it will take longer to move through the bowel, therefore increasing absorption.
"ABSORPTION 4" Metabolizing enzymes in the GI tract wall will DECREASE absorption.
"ENZYMES"? Complex proteins that causes chemical reactions in other substances.
"ENZYMES INHIBITION"? Typically occurs in the liver.
"ENTEROHEPATIC CYCLING"? Involves the transfer of drugs, and their metabolites from the liver to the intestines, and then back into CIRCULATION.
"ENZYME INDUCTION"? The increase in ENZYMES activity that results in greater metabolism of drugs.
"KIDNEYS"? The KIDNEYS filter the blood and remove waste materials including drugs and metabolites.
"BIOAVAILABILITY" The relative amount of an administered dose that reaches the general circulation and the rate at which it occurs
"BIOEQUIVALENT DRUG PRODUCTS" DRUGS PRODUCTS that contain identical amounts of the same active ingredients in the same dosage form, so they have same bioavailability.
"PHARMACEUTICAL ALTERNATIVE" Same active ingredient. Amounts can be different. Dosage form can be different. Inactive ingredient can be different.
"ORANGE BOOK" FDA? The FDA requires drug manufacturers to perform bioequvalency studies on their products before they are approved for marketing.
"MINIMUM EFFECTIVE CONCENTRATION"? The blood concentration needed of a drug to produce a response.
"PASSIVE DIFFUSION"? Is the most common way an orally administered drug is distributed through the body.The movement
"PASSIVE DIFFUSION 2"? The movement of drugs from an area of higher concentration to a lower concentration.
"SELECTIVE ACTION"? The characteristic of a drug that makes its action specific to certain receptors and the tissues they effect.
BINDING Drugs BIND to may proteins in blood and tissue.
BINDING RECEPTOR BINDING with the RECEPTOR at the site of action, produces a response.
STRONGER BINDING When a drug is displaced by a STRONGER BINDING drug, the unbound drug concentration will increase.
PROTEIN BINDING PROTEIN BINDING can result in the gradual release of a drug into the bloodstream.
Created by: Rodney C
Popular Pharmacology sets




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