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Question | Answer |
electronic mail | |
HTML | Hypertext Markup Language |
Home Page | is the first web page the user sees when he enters a web site. |
Internet | a global network of networks |
ISP | provides Internet services to any connected user. |
World Wide Web | is a collection of electronic pages accessed by using the Internet. |
Web Site | a collection of web pages for a single domain/organization |
Web Page | is a document on the World Wide Web that stores textual information |
URL | is an address for the Internet. |
Search Engine | A web site or web page on the Internet that allows users to find web sites |
access point | device which collects wireless signals and sends them to the network |
hotspot | a location to connect to the Internet wirelessly |
protocols | a set of rules for communicating on a network |
IP | Internet protocol |
internet protocol | Universal addressing system for computers on the Internet |
TCP | transmission control protocol |
transmission control protocol | prepares data for communication on the Internet |
bps | bits per second |
bandwidth | maximum possible speed for transmitting on a network |
broadband | high speed communication |
domain name | unique name for identifying a network or Internet site on the Internet |
TLD | top level domain |
top level domain | identifies the kind of site a domain name is |
edu | education |
mil | military |
gov | governement |
com | commercial |
net | network of interests |
org | non-profit organization |
W3C | world wide web consortium |
url | uniform resource locator |
hyperlink | something to click to open a URL |
! | commentscreating comments within your HTML code. |
!doctype | specifying which version of HTML the document is using. This is referred to as the document type declaration (DTD). |
a | creating a hyperlink to either another document |
b | specifying bold text. |
base | tag is used to specify a base URI |
blockquote | indicating long quotations (i.e. quotations that span multiple lines). |
body | indicating the main content section of document. The body tag is placed between the </head> and the </html> tags. |
br | specifying a line break. |
caption | creating table captions. |
cite | indicating a citation. |
code | indicating a piece of code. The code tag surrounds the code being marked up. |
col | specifying column properties for each column within a colgroup. |
colgroup | specifying properties for a group of columns within a table. |
dd | specifying a definition description in a definition list. |
div | used for defining a section of your can group large sections of HTML elements together and format them with CSS. For example |
dl | declaring a definition list. |
dt | specifying a definition term in a definition list. |
h1 | specifying level 1 headings |
h2 | specifying level 2 headings |
h3 | specifying level 3 headings |
h4 | specifying level 4 headings |
h5 | specifying level 5 headings |
h6 | specifying level 6 headings |
head | indicating the head section of document. |
hr | creating a horizontal rule. |
html | the container that contains all other HTML elements (except for the !DOCTYPE tag which is located before the opening html tag). All other HTML elements are nested between the opening <html> and </html> tags. |
i | specifying text in italics. |
img | embedding images into an HTML document. |
li | specifying a list item in ordered |
link | defining a link to an external document. It is placed in in the <head> section of the document. |
map | defining an image map. |
meta | declaring metadata for document. |
object | embedding an object within an HTML document. Use this tag to embed multimedia in your web pages. |
ol | specifying an ordered list (or numbered list). |
HTTP | Hypertext Transmission Protocol |
Hypertext Transmission Protocol | Protocol for sending/receiving Web documents |
Hypertext Markup Language | Language used to mark up text documents and turn them into web pages |
IRC | Internet Relay Chat |
Internet Relay Chat | simple text chatting |
finger | Original search |
ftp | file transfer protocol |
file transfer protocol | protocol used to transfer files across the Internet |