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Pharm Ch 11 Terms


acute renal failure rapid reduction kidney function resulting in accumulation of nitrogen and other wastes
benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) abnormal enlargement of the prostate gland, usually associated with aging
carbonic anhydrase inhibitor a diuretic that acts in the proximal tubule to increase urine volume and change the pH to alkaline
diuretic a substance that rids the body of excess fluid and electrolytes by increasing the urine output
filtration the removal of substance from the blood as part of the formation of urine by the renal tubules
hematocrit the proportion of volume of red blood cells to the total volume of blood
loop diuretic a drug that inhibits reabsorption of sodium and chloride in the loop of Henle, thereby causing increased urinary output
nephron glomerulotubular units that are the working units of the kidney
nocturia urinary frequency at night
osmotic diuretic a drug that increases the osmotic pressure of glomerule filtrate, thereby inhibiting tubular reabsorption of water and electrolytes and increasing urinary output
potassium-sparing diuretic a drug that promotes excretion of water and sodium but inhibits the exchanghe of sodiun for potassium
reabsorption the process by which substances are pulled back into the blood after waste products have been removed during the formation of urine
reticulocytes immature red blood cells
secretion the release of cell productsm including hydrogen and potassium ions and acids and bases, into urine being formed
stress incontinence urine leakage during physical movements
thiazide diurectic a drug based on benzothiadiazine that blocks a pump that removes sodium and cloride together from the distal tubule
uremia the clinical syndrome resulting from renal dysfunction in which excessive products of protein metabolism and retained in the blood
urinary tract the group of organs that include the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra, and that is involved in the production and transportation of urine
urinary tract infection (UTI) an infection caused by bacteria, usually E.coli, that enter via the urethra and progress up the urinary tract; characterized bu the presence of bacteria in the urine with localized symptoms
Created by: Stephanie.Sloas
Popular Pharmacology sets




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