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Rheumatoid Arthritis

Pharmacotherapy II-Spring 2012

How are joints affected in RA, OA? RA: symmetrical, OA, per joint
What are some extre-articular involvements Rheumatic nodules, vascultiis, eye inflammation, nero dysfxn, CVD, lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly
RA is common in what population F>M 3:1 genetic predisposition the same
Inflamed, proliferating synovium pannus
Onset and path of the dz insidious, prodrome, stiffnes w/ swelling, small joints in hands, wrists and feet, waxing and wayneing can result in premature death from other RA problems
Classifications of RA mild to severe: I-IV→no self care
Main tx goals of RA prevent loss of joint fxn, control systemetic complications, protect joints, eliminate pain, improve QOL
Non-pharm tx Rest, OT, PT, P ted, assistive devices, wt reduction, surg, support groups
Main tx approach to RA start DMARD w/I 3m of dx
4 common medication classes to tx RA NSAIDS, glucocorticoids, nonbio DMARDS, bio DMARDS
Three main things affecting the tx decisions of RA Dz activity, Dz duration, prognosis
What is the initial drug therapy for RA, problem? NSAIDS, DO NOT prevent joint destruction or slow dz progression, should NOT be used alone long term
What is the role of corticosteroids as RA tx bridging therapy, steroid injections, but bad for LT effects
What is the main concern w/ long term corticosteroid use risk of osteroporosis
What can help with the osteoporosis risk of corticosteroid use 1500mg calcium/day, and 4-800IU vit D /day
How do biologic DMARDS work? inhibit TNF-alpha, and interleukin-1, deplete peripheral beta cells, inhibits full T-cell activation,
When do we use biologic DMARDS when other DMARDS don’t reach adequate response
Administration for bio DMARDS paraentral only
Main risk with DMARD administration serious infection, must stop DMARD during their infx
Is a single DMARD adequate to control RA sxs? NO! combination is best, consult rheumatologist
What is the best way to tx RA DETECT and start tx early!!
Are NSAIDS effective for treating RA alone? Why NO! doesn’t slow dz progression, should NOT be used as monotherapy
Typical initial therapy for RA NSAIDS, nonbio DMARDS,
Which drugs are recommended for all pt’s with RA NSAIDS, MTX and leflunomide
Which drugs are recommended for mild dz minocycline or hydroxchhloroquine
Which drugs are for mild to moderate dz sulfasalazine
Created by: streetsmarts
Popular Pharmacology sets




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