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Diagnostic Lab resul

What is the purpose of laboratory tests? Results guide diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment.
How do you create a reference interval? Test samples from at least 30-40 healthy animals. Analyze results to see if normally distributed. A RI includes only 95% of results. 5% of healthy animals will have a result that falls outside RI.
Does using a more diverse population tested make the RI wider or narrower? Wider.
Should RI be transferred between labs? NO
What is analytical specificity? The ability of a test to identify patients that do not have a particular disease. The percentage of TN results. It is a confirmatory test.
A test with high specificity will have a relatively low percentage of what kind of results? False Positives
What is analytical sensitivity? The ability of a test to identify diseased subjects. The percentage of TP results.
A sensitive test will pick up most animals that do or do not have the disease? DO have the disease. It will have a low percentage of false negative results. It is a screening test.
What is accuracy? How close to the true answer the new test is giving you. Can compare new results to an old test that has been proven accurate.
What is precision? Reproducibility. IF an analyte is measured repeatedly in the lab, how close will the results be to one another?
What is the importance of a diagnostic cut-off level It is often advantageous to set the cut-off level to get the best combination of sensitivity vs. specificity. If you put cut off too far, might give you false results.
What is the positive predictive value? The percentage of patients with a positive or abnormal test result that are actually diseased.
The PPV is higher in a population with a ___ incidence of the disease in question? HIGH
Does using multiple tests increase or decrease the PPV? Increases
What is the negative predictive value? The percentage of patients with a negative or normal test result that are actually free of disease
Doing multiple tests in parallel increases or decreases the NPV? Increases
What are some sources of inaccuracy in test results? Patient factors, Sample handling factors, sample quality factors, laboratory errors, reporting errors
What is the importance of good quality control procedures? Should be used to detect and minimize laboratory errors
Created by: bazkb4
Popular Veterinary sets




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