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CUI Music History 1

Medieval Exam

The most popular Greek wind instrument was the aulos
Heterophony refers to one person play a melody with embellishment while others sing or play the original
The rhythm of ancient Greek music was intimately tied to poetic meter
Ancient Greek musical writings included descriptions of musical practices of the time doctrines on the nature of music doctrines on the proper uses of music in society
The Doctrine of Ethos is the theory that music can influence a person's morality
The Greater Perfect System consists of a series of tetrachords linked to form a two-octave range of usable pitches
The eight church modes are defined primarily by their range, final, and reciting tone
Charlemagne is credited with attempting to bring chant practices in the Frankish kingdom into line with Roman chant practice
Which of the following is *not* an innovation by Guido of Arezzo? modal theory
The prescribed texts and rites that collectively constitute the religious services of the church are known as the liturgy
Psalms are typically preceded and followed by chants called antiphons
A _________ chant is sung by a soloist in alternation with a choir responsorial
The main sung parts of the Ordinary portion of the Mass are Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Agnus Dei
Chants that have sections with many notes per syllable are called melismatic
Psalm tones consist of intonation, tenor, mediant, and termination
The Divine Office is a series of psalms and chants, performed eight times per day
The definition of trope is an addition of words, music, or both to an established chant
Hymns were sung as part of Divine Office
The aristocratic composer-poets of norther France were the trouveres
The shawn was similar to what modern-day instrument? oboe
Bar form can be expressed as AAB
Which of the following statements is true of ancient Greek music education? Music and gymnastics were considered to be essential subjects in education
Heterophony refers to one person playing a melody with embellishment while others sing or play the original. T/F True
The doctrine of imitation holds that a person will imitate the ethos of the music they hear
Ambrosian chant, named in honor of St. Ambrose, a bishop of Milan, is one of the chant traditions that has persisted to the present day. T/F True
Chant was transmitted primarily through written notation from the earliest stages of its development. T/F False
The definition of authentic in modal theory is modes in which the melody ranges from a note below the final to approximately an octave above it
The six solmization syllables derived from the hymn *Ut queant laxis* and predecessors of the modern solfege system were, do, re, mi, fa, sol, la. T/F False
The four acceptable modal finals for the church modes were D, E, F, G
Tracts are the longest chants in the liturgy, with several psalm verses set in very florid style. T/F True
Most sequences consist of an initial single sentence, a series of paired sentences or phrases, and a final unpaired sequence. T/F True
In chantbooks, the letters EUOUAE indicate the last vowels in the Lesser Doxology
The aristocratic composer-poets of southern France were the troubadours
The term *conductus* refers to one of the *formes fixes*
Which statement is true of surviving examples of secular song? A few thousand tets survive, but only some have music
The coices that holds the chant melody is called the tenor
Discant is the style of composition used to set the melismatic sections of solo portions of chant
The new genre created by the musicians at Notre Dame in the early thirteenth century in which newly written Latin words were added to the upper voices of discant clausulae was the motet
In an isorhythmic work, the repeating rhythmic pattern is called the talea
The *Messe de Nostre Dame* is notable because it was the first time the Ordinary of the mass was composed as a unit
Changes between red and black ink indicated changes between duple and triple meter
Musica ficta is the use of pitches outside of the gamut
In the earliest notations, signs called ___________ were placed above words to show the melodic gesture for each syllable, including the number of notes, whether the melody ascended, descended, or repeated a pitch, and perhaps rhythm or manner of performa neumes
The cants of the Mass may be divided into two types. Those texts that remain the same are called the __________ whole those that change in order to reflect the day and season are called the ________ ordinary, proper
______ _______ are the simplest chants used for intoning prayers and Bible readings such as the Collect, Epistle, and Gospel. They were sung by priests who were not usually trained singers Recitation formulas
Hymns are _____________ consisting of several stanzas that are all sung to the same melody strophic
The two composers if the Notre Dame school identified by the writer known as Anonymous IV, as experts in the writing of organum were Leoninus and Perotinus
____________ chant is sung by two halves of the choir in alternation Antiphonal
____________ was the most revered authority on music in the Middle ages Boethius
_____________ and an accompanying dialogue, *Scolica enchiriadis* were among the most important musical treatises of the ninth century Musica enchiriadis
Time referred to the division of the breves
Prolation referred to the division of the semibreves
"Perfect" meant ________ subdivision triple
Musical instruments of the fourteenth century were divided into high and low depending on volume
Created by: JamesBogert
Popular History sets




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