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AWL Sublist #3

Academic Word List - Sublist #03 - 60 Entery

alternative one of a number of things from which only one can be chosen
circumstances your overall condition or environment in life
comments notes that an author or reviewer adds to a document
compensation something (such as money) given or received as payment
components parts
consent agreement or permission
considerable large in number or amount
constant a quantity that does not change
constraints restrictions
contribution an individual efforts in a common set purpose
convention a large formal assembly with a purpose
coordination the controlling of different parts into a working whole
core the center of an object
corporate of or belonging to a unified group of people
corresponding agreeing in amount
criteria rules by which something is judged
deduction the act of removing a part from the whole
demonstrate to explain or teach by showing
document writing that provides information
dominant exercising control
emphasis intensity of expression
ensure be careful or certain to do something
excluded not included
framework the shape or structure of something
funds assets in the form of money
illustrated show something with pictures
immigration migration into a place of which you are not from there
implies expresses or states indirectly
initial occurring at the beginning
instance an occurrence of something
interaction a mutual action
justification the act of making excuses by reasoning
layer one thickness above or between other thicknesses
link put together two or more pieces
location a point or place
maximum the most possible
minorities those that are smaller in number of groups
negative less than zero, having a bad or unpleasant effect
outcomes the results or consequences
partnership a relationship between two or more persons who agree for benefit
philosophy any personal belief about how to live
physical having substance or material existence
proportion relation of parts within a whole
published formally made public
reaction a response that reveals a person's feelings
registered recorded officially
reliance the state of depending on something
removed taken out of
scheme plan
sequence a following of one thing after another in time
sex gender -male or female
shift the act of changing one thing for another
specified clearly stated
sufficient enough
task job
technical relating to a complex process
techniques methods
technology application of science to business
validity the quality of being true
volume the ability to contain something
Created by: mhsamei
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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