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blood questions

what white blood cells function as phagocytes Neutrophils and monocytes
which blood type is the universal donor? O- because it doesnt have any antigens
which blood type is the universal recipient? AB+ because it doesnt have any antibodies
which groups of plasma proteins help carry lipids in the blood? Alpha and beta Globulins
which white blood cells are granulocytes neutrophils, eosinophils, and boasophils
which WBCs are a granulocytes? monocytes and lymphocytes
the movement of white blood cells toward substances released from damaged or infected tissues chemotaxis
as a platelet plug forms, platelets release a substance called__________ that will cause vasoconstriction of arterioles in the area. serotonin
which WBC has the shortest lifespan Neutrophils
the stem cells in bone marrow that have the ability to develop into any of the formed elements in blood hemocytoblasts
which chemicals are involved in the reactions that form blood clots calcium, prothrombin, and fibrinogen
albumins are synthesized in the liver, and help maintain osmotic pressure of the blood
red blood cells are normally destroyed in the liver and spleen
hemoglobin that is oxygenated is_______ and hemoglobin that is deoxygenated is (in color) Bright red, Blueish
hemostasis is defined as "stopping bleeding" its job is to minimize blood loss and allow time for repair
agglutination is defined as antigens and antibodies reacting and creating clumps in the blood
hematocrit is defined as the percentage of blood volume occupied by red blood cells
erythropoetin is release from the liver and kidneys when______ they detect a lack of oxygen
hemoglobin is made of two main parts: the__________ which contains iron and gives hemoglobin its color, and _________ which helps control the release of oxygen by sensing CO2 Heme, globin
list waste products carried by the blood urea, uric acid, co2, and ketones
tissue damage leads to the production of prothrombin activator. explain what happens after PTA has been formed prothrombin--(PTA)-->thrombin, then thrombin turns fibrinogen into fibrin. then threads of fibrin collect red blood cells creating a clot.
there are 12 clotting factors, 11 of them are_______ produced by the liver. the other one is ________ Proteins, calcium
what are the 2 most numerous white blood cell? neutrophils and lymphocytes
descride what has to happen for erythroblastosis to occur an RH incompatibility occus when the mother has Rh- sensitized blood and the fetus has Rh+ blood. the antibodies from the mother attack the fetuses blood causing clotting
name some of the dissolved substances found in blood Co2, oxygen, vitamins, and minerlas, electrolytes, waste, nutrients (monosaccharides, amino acids, triglycerides)
Created by: 688472874
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