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Clin Med 1-Nutrition
Clinical Medicine 1-Nutrition
Question | Answer |
Vitamins | organic, can't be synthesized by the body so they need to be supplied in the diet |
What are the fat soluble vitamins? | A, D, E, K |
Fat Soluble Vitamin | require bile salts and fat clusters for absorption |
water soluble vitamins | poorly stored in the body and lost by the urinary tract |
minerals | inorganic chemicals that are important to a balanced diet |
macro-minerals | required in the diet in a large amount and measured in a % |
What macro-minerals are important in bone formation and to prevent malformation? | calcium and phosphorus |
What should the calcium and phosphorus ratio be for normal bone growth? | 1:1 |
What is a major role of sodium in the body? | osmotic pressure and water retention |
micro-minerals | required in the diet in small amounts-measured in parts per million (ppm) |
What kind of eaters consume more minerals? | carnivores |
What is the goal of nutrition in companion animals? | maximize the longevity and quality of life and reduce nutritional risk factors |
What is the goal of nutrition in large animals? | increase/rapidly produce meat and dairy products |
How much does spaying and neutering change nutritional needs? | decrease 10% |
How does weather change appetite? | hot weather increases thirst and decreases hunger, cold weather increases hunger |
What reproductive statuses increase nutritional needs? | active studs, pregnancy, and lactating |
How do nutritional needs change when an animal is injured? | increase |
energy | essential for sustaining life in all animals |
nutrients | ant substance that supports life when ingested |
What are the 6 main nutrients? | vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, water |
Which of the 6 main nutrients are energy producing? | fats, proteins, and carbohydrates |
If food is high in digestibility is more or less consumption needed? | less |
True or False: Food high in fiber is lower in digestibility. | True |
Palatability | sensory factors of food |
What are the palatability factors of food? | moisture, odor, texture, shape, fat/protein levels, temperature, and acidity |
additives | non energy, non nutrient sources added to food to enhance color, flavor, texture, or stability |
preservatives | substances capable of inhibiting foods and deteriorating microbes |
What do carbohydrates break down into? | simple sugars |
What do fats break down into? | triglycerides |
What do proteins break down into? | ammino acids |
complete diet | contains nutrients with proper bioavailability |
balanced diet | provides proper amount and nutrient ratio for 24 hours |
complete and balanced diet | meets nutrient and energy requirements |
complementary diet | combining 2 or more sources to improve outcome (wet and dry) |
all-purpose | 1 stage diet that meets all life stages, formulated for growth and lactating |
special purpose foods | specialized nutrition for specialized needs |
bioavailability | the extent to which a nutrient ingested is available for absorption and utilization |
true cost | cost of feeding an animal per day per year |
How much water content does dry food contain? | 3-10% |
How much water does semi-moist food contain? | 25-35% |
What are benefits of dry food? | lower true cost, dental benefits, can be left out |
What are drawbacks of dry food? | less palatable and if left out for free feed can lead to obesity |
What are drawbacks to semi moist food? | high sugars so not good for diabetic and obese patients, high high sodium so not good for heart patients |
How much water do canned foods typically contain? | 70-83% |
What are the benefits of canned foods? | high water, high palatability, taste of animal tissue |
What is the drawback of canned foods? | increased cost |
What are the 3 textures of canned foods? | loaf, all meat appearance, and processed meat in a jelly matrix |
What can grapes and raisins cause? | renal failure |
AAFCO | Association of American Feed Control Officials |
What does AAFCO do? | make standards for what pet food labels are required to state and description of ingredients, also provides standards for food test |
What 7 things are pet foods required to state? | 1. net weight 2. product designator (dog/cat) 3. name and address of distributor 4. gaurenteed analysis in % for crude protein, fat, fiber, and moisture 5. ingredients in descending order by weight 6. nutritional adequacy statements 7. feeding guidelines |
If only 1 ingredient is listed in the food, how much of that ingredient must be in the food? | 70% |
If the food label uses the words "stew, dinner, or entree" how much of a certain ingredient listed must the food contain? | 10% in moist foods, 25% in dry foods |
If a food label says "with" a certain ingredient, how much must it contain? | 3% |
If a food label says "flavor" of a certain ingredient how much of it must it contain? | only detectable by the animal eating it |
What is the maximum moisture content for pet food in the US? | 78% unless the food is a stew, gravy, juice, or milk replacer |
all purpose | balanced for growth and lactation |
premium | specific purpose; more natural |
gourmet | higher palatability |
generic | white label |
private label | grocery store brand |
specialty | better quality, made for different life stages, and special needs, aim for disease prevention and management |
In what ways is a commercial diet better than a home made diet? | commercial diet is superior in nutrient content, convenience, cost, and overall quality. Home made diets can results in nutrient imbalances and nutrient deficiencies and excess. |
What is the difference between a complete and balanced diet? | Complete diet contains nutrients with appropriate bioavailability- Balanced diet provides proper amount and nutrient ratio for a 24 hour period |
Are supplements necessary? | not if the animal is provided with a balanced pet food |
If you're making a homemade diet what aspects require detailed knowledge? | specific nutrient knowledge, nutritional value of ingredients, possible dietary interactions, possible deterioration of nutrients during cooking and storage |
What are 5 food groups that are required in a home made diet? | 1. Carbohydrates/Fiber 2. Protein Source 3. Fat Source 4. Mineral Source 5. MultiVitamin and Trace Mineral Source |
What carbohydrate to protein ratio is required in cats? | 1:1 to 2:1 |
What carbohydrate to protein ration is required in dogs? | 2:1 to 3:1 |
Most homemade diets require what supplementation? | calcium |
Are human supplements ok to mix with home-prepared diets? | NO! |
What 3 things are not included on the nutritional adequacy statement? | 1. adequacy 2. bioavailability 3. excess |
How do ingredient percentages work? | They only give minimum and maximum levels, not exact amounts of the ingredient |
kilocallorie | the amount of heat (energy) needed to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water 1 degree Celsius |
What causes energy requirements to vary from one dog to another? | breed, size, age, activity level, environment, reproductive status |
What does a nutritional assessment consist of? | physical exam and history |
What are the 2 main feeding methods? | ad lib and time restricted |
What can ad lib feeding lead to? | overeating and obesity |
Why should large meals be avoided before exercise in dogs? | can cause GDV |
colostrum | first milk produced first few days after birth, rich in maternal antibodies; essential in passive immunity |
How long does colostrum provide immunity? | until about 2-4 months of age |
What is mother's milk composed of? | 1. water 2. protein 3. fat 4. mineral |
About how much weight should a puppy be gaining? | 2-4 grams per day per kg of their adult weight |
Puppies with low birth weights are more prone to what? | hypoglycemia, hypothermia, and sepsis |
What are signs of hypothermia? | shallow breaths, bradycardia, GI paralysis, and coma |
When is peak lactation? | 4 weeks |
When should weaning be concluded? | 6-8 weeks |
Why should calorie content be lower in giant breed dog? | they have rapid growth rates that can put stress on their bones and later cause osteochondritis, hip dysplasia, pan osteitis, and wobbler syndrome |
Why does group feeding not work well? | the dominant dog can get obese, the timid dog can get anorexic |
obesity | body condition with a ratio of too much fat to lean tissue or weight 15-20% greater than optimal |
What are the causes of obesity? | overfeeding during growth, over eating, genetic disposition, aging, neutering, and competitive eating |
True or false: It is safe to feed a feline a vegetarian diet. | FALSE-nutritional requirements can only be found in animal tissue |
What kind of eaters are cats? | carnivores, predators, and grazers |
grazers | animals that nibble throughout the day and don't prefer meal feedings |
How much more protein do cats require than dogs? | 2x |
How long is gestation in the queen? | 63 days |
What can you do to increase a cats water intake? | running water such as fountains and faucets, flavor water, wet food |
What kind of food should be fed during gestation and lactation? | a good quality kitten food |
About how much do kittens weigh at birth and gain weight? | 85-120g at birth and grow about 100g/week |
Are kittens weaned before or after puppies? | after |
Why should adult cats be fed a consistent diet? | to eliminate finicky behavior |
What raw treat can potentially cause toxic levels of Vitamin A? | raw liver |
Describe a hairball | tubular and do not contain food or bile |
FORL | feline oral re-absorptive lesions; sores in the mouth that can cause a cat to stop eating hard food |
Is fasting in cats recommended to loose weight? | NO! it can become fatal and cause hepatic lipidosis |
What is the best way to combat obesity in felines? | prevention: low fat diet, frequent small meals, l-carnitine supplement |
FLUTD | feline lower urinary tract disease and urolithiasis |
What causes FLUTD? | struvites, calcium oxalate, urethral plugs, and FIC (feline idiopathic cystitis) |
What are clinical signs of FLUTD? | improper urination, frequency of urination, and straining to urinate |
What are the 2 most common calculi? | struvite (coffin lid) and calcium oxalate (x-box) |
What factors influence FLUTD? | 1. minerals in the diet 2. urinary pH 3. urine concentration 4. magnesium in the diet |
What is a major clinical problem for patients unwilling or unable to eat? | malnutrition |
protein-calorie malnutrition | body starts using protein (muscle) for energy |
What can protein-calorie malnutrition cause? | decreased immune function, delayed wound healing, loss of muscle mass, delayed recovery, increased mortality |
anorexia | lack of desire to eat |
enteral feeding | food is introduced to the GI tract for digestion to obtain nutrients |
parenteral feeding | providing nutrients to an animal IV when the GI tract is severely impaired |
coax feeding | nursing care used to entice the animal to eat it's own food (hand feeding, adding flavor, favorite foods, other foods) |
What can be used to stimulate appetite? | medications (oral and injectable) |
What can be used in animals where coax feeding or appetite stimulation won't work? | force feeding |
syringe feeding | a/d food or clinicare and water forced into patients mouth and letting them swallow on their own |
gel feeding | nutrical or good high calorie supplement; place on the hard palate and let patient swallow/eat it |
When is a NG tube used? | when an animal has a fully functional digestive tract and is not vomiting but wont eat |
Where is an NG tube placed? | inserted through the nose, through the throat and esophagus and into the stomach |
How long can a NG tube remain in place? | an extended period of time |
Where is a NG tube measured? | from the nose to the last rib |
What are 3 ways to check that a feeding tube is in the proper position? | 1. inject a few mls of air into tube and auscult abdomen for gurgling sounds 2. inject small amount of sterile saline and observe for coughing-indicating the tube is in the lungs 3. x-ray |
What should ALWAYS be done when pulling a feeding tube? | kink it! |
What indicates a stomach tube placement? | nutrition, administer contrast medium, bloat, administer activated charcoal in case of toxin ingestion |
When is it ok to use a stomach tube? | When the GI tract is fully functional, and the animal is not vomiting but refuses to eat |
Can a stomach tube be left in for an extended period? | no |
Where is a stomach tube measured? | from the mouth to the last rib |
Where is a pharyngostomy tube placed? | through the ventral wall of the neck, through the pharynx and into the esophagus |
When is it ok to use a pharyngostomy tube? | when the animal has a fully functional GI tract distal to the pharynx. must not be vomiting (bypasses the oral cavity) |
What are certain cases where a pharyngostomy tube may be warranted? | stomatitis, severe dental disease, and mandibular fractures |
Where is a gastrostomy tube placed? | from the left wall of the abdomen into the stomach |
When is a gastrostomy tube indicated? | when nutrient intake proximal to the stomach can't occur but the rest of the GI tract is functioning normally |
How long can a peg tube be left in? | months with proper care |
Where is a jejunostomy tube placed? | into the jejunum and out of the body wall |
Total parenteral nutrition | nutrients provided through IV catheter into the bloodstream |
When is TPN indicated? | when the GI tract is compromised, vomiting, and situations where animal is unable to eat for an extended period of time |
What are signs of feeding tube discomfort? | restlessness, salivation, abdominal bloating, and vomiting |
Why should you aspirate before feeding? | to see how much of the prior meal is still left in the tube |
How much of the prior feeding remaining to skip the next feeding? | 1/3 |
Why should gastric motility be monitored? | if 2 subsequent meals are skipped medication may be needed to increase GI motility |
What is the volume of a dog's stomach? | ~90ml/kg |
What is the volume of the cat's stomach? | ~100ml/kg |
What is the maximum amount to feed a dog or cat with a feeding tube? | 50ml/kg |
What are complications of feeding tubes? | pulmonary aspiration, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, tube occlusion, paritonitis, delayed gastric emptying, bacterial contamination, and cellulitis |
Malnutrition starts taking what nutrient out of muscles? | protein |
Why should tube location be checked before each feeding? | the tube can move, the animal can become uncomfortable or in the wrong location |
What does RER stand for? | resting energy requirement |
What does IER stand for? | illness energy requirement |
What are cecotropes? | special "night droppings" that are ingested directly from the anus, elongated, green in color, and strong in odor |
What is a common vitamin deficiency in rabbits | Vitamin A |
What is the main signs of Vit A deficiency in rabbits? | increased neonatal fatality, CNS defects |
Why should antibiotics only be used when necessary in rabbits? | it disrupts normal bacterial growth in the intestine and can lead to diarrhea and death |
What color is normal rabbit urine? | light yellow-reddish brown |
What vitamin deficiency is common in guinea pigs? | Vitamin C |
What are signs of Vit C deficiency in guinea pigs? | alopecia, anorexia, dehydration, poor wound healing, TMJ, and periodontal disease |
malocclusion | teeth don't line up or over grow |
How can you prevent malocclusions? | promote gnawing, hard foods, |
What kind of teeth do most rodents have? | open rooted |
What can overgrown teeth cause? | prevents eating and drinking |
What is a common eating habit of hamsters? | hoarding |
What seed should be avoided in a gerbils diet? | sunflower seeds |
What kind of eaters are gerbils? | grazers |
What kind of digestive system do chinchillas have? | hindgut fermentors |
Why should the diets of chinchillas be high in fiber? | It can cause diarrhea, constipation, and bloat, and rectal prolapse if not |
What kind of eaters are ferrets? | carnivores |
What is unique about a ferrets weight? | looses weight in summer and autumn |