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Regulation and integ


frontal lobe personality, motor control, speech
parietal lobe perceptions, taste, reading
temporal lobe hearing, taste, speech, language
occipital lobe seeing site
brain wights 3 ponds
gryrus bump
sulcus a shallow grove
fissure deep grove
ventricles each of the 4 connected fluid filled cavities in the center of the brain
meninges 3 membranes(dura mater, arachnoi and pia mater,
right brain artistic
left brain logical
cerebrum covering of brain
lateralization opposite side of brain contols opposite side of body
association fibers connect different parts of the same hemisphere
projection fibers connect the correbrum to the brain stem
cortex gray matter, neurons are gray, unmilenated, ouuter surface, reasoning, memory emt=otions, forsightm intellegence
commissures connect gray matter
lymbix system: telonseplon and diansuflan medialy cerebrum, creates fear, gestures, mental conflicts, oder link between cerebrum and thinking emotions can orveride logic
diansuflan deep to cerebrum, control body temp sex activity, appitite plesant sleep, emotion
thalamus relay station for info coming up to your sensory world and sent to diuifferent places to your cerebrum, consusnis, egg shaped makes 80% of dianseflan
hypothalamus mind thirt, emotions, lacation, griwth bp, matabolism, mensturation, center for emotion responce
epithalimus (panealgland) produces melotonin, sleep wake cycle, antioxidant
hypothesis pituitary gland
mesinseflon .
inferior coliculi .
rombinseplan .
metinsuflan .
pons .
cerebellum .
mialinseflon .
spinal cord .
what does the white matter do deep to the cortex? connects projection fibers
white matter milenated
gray unmilenated
cerebellum balance
highest state alertness
2nd state cloud of consiousness
3rd confusion
4th drowsiness
5th stooper
6th comma
eeg electroencephalogram graphiv record of the electrical activity of nerve cells in the brain
alpha waves relitivly regular rhythmic low amplitude, the brain is idiling a calm relaxed state of wakefulness
beta waves not as regular, higher frequency, occur when we are mentally alert, concentrating
theta waves more irregular common in children and abnormal in adults
delta waves high alpatude seen furing sleep, in awake adultds they indicate brain damage
protection of brain . meningies made up of dura mater arachnoid mater and pia mater
miningies 3 connective tissue mebranes that lie external to cns organs,, cover n protect cns, protect blood vessles, contain csf, form partionins in skull : dura mater,arachnoid mater, and pia mater
csf: cerebrospinal fluid plasmalike fluid that fills the cavities of the cns and surrounds the cns externally , protects barin and spinal cord
Created by: lisaclark12
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