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Ch 3 LU Formulas
Patents Review - Broadbent
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Formula for LU and KD Yin Deficiency and Dryness, also Bu QI with moistening herb | s/s: dry throat, lips, nose, hoarseness, dry eyes, dry vagina, weak lumbar area, deficiency headache, dizziness, tinnitus, palpitation, insomnia, anxiety, fatigue | Ge Ben Wan or Ren Shen Gu Ben Wan (Secure the Root Pills) | Sheng Di Huang, Shu Di Huang, Mai Men Dong, Tian Men Dong, Dang Shen |
Formula for LU and KID Yin Deficiency, 3 to nourish, 3 to drain, 2 for the LU, stabilizes and binds LU qi and yin | s/s: chronic deficiencies with dry cough, dry throat, dry nasal passages, dizziness, tinnitus, palpitation | Mai Wei Di Huang Wan or Ba Xian Chang Shou Wan (Ophiopogon, Schisandra & Rehmannia Pills) | Shu Di Huang, Shan Zhu Yu, Shan Yao, Mu Dan Pi, Ze Xie, Fu Ling, Mai Men Dong, Wu Wei Zi |
Formula for LU and ST yin Deficiency following febrile disorder, uses Yu Zhu and Bai Bian Dou for SP dampness | s/s: dry unproductive hacking cough with sore throat, and dry nostrils and lips, for chronic dry cough following LU fire stage, smoker's dry cough without excessive phlegm | Sha Shen Mai Men Dong Tang (Glehnia and Ophiopogon Pills) | Bai Bian Dou, Tian Hua Fen, Sang Ye, Yu Zhu, Mai Men Dong, Bei Sha Shen, Gan Cao |
Formula for dry sore throat with yin deficiency (luo han guo for nourishing and moistening) | s/s: hoarseness, dry sore throat and dry nose, chronic deficienct cough without expectoration of phlegm marked by dry weak cough | Jin Sang Zi Pian (Golden Throat Lozenges) | Lian Qiao, He Zi, Mai Men Dong, Bo He, Dang Shen, Huang Qi |
Formula for dry sore throat with yin deficiency and cough (he zi for stopping cough) | s/s: hoarseness or dry sore throat, chronic deficiency cough emanating from throat | Qing Yin Wan (Golden Throat Tablets) | He Zi, Ge Gen, Tian Hua Fen, Chuan Bei Mu |
Formula for phlegm fire in LU, purges heat in the stools as well as urine | s/s: sharp barking cough, sore lungs, cough with thick, difficult to expectorate yellow phlegm, dry mouth, sore throat, tonsillitis, pharyngitis | Qing Fei Yi Huo Pian (Clear Lungs and Restrain Fire Pills) | Huang Qin, Da Huang, Jie Geng, Zhi Zi, Tian Hua Fen, Ku Shen, Zhi Mu, Qian Hu |
Formula for clearing LU heat, stops cough and bleeding, tonifies LU | s/s: dry hacking cough with bits of blood, dry cough due to lung heat, small bits of sticky yellow phlegm that difficult to expectorate | Li Fei Pian (Benefit Lungs Pills) | Bai Ji, Bai Bu, Wu Wei Zi, Mu Li, Pi Pa Ye, Bai He, Gan Cao, Dong Chong Xia Cao, Ge Jie |
Formula for LU fire causing bleeding, also bleeding elsewhere | s/s: coughing / spitting up blood, esophageal or stomach bleeding, hemorrhagice fever from various facial orifices | Shi Hui San (Ten Ash Powder) | Ce Bai Ye, Mu Dan Pi, Da Huang, Zhi Zi, Zong Lu Pi, Bai Mao Gen, Qian Cao Gen, He Ye, Xiao Ji, Da Ji |
Formula for lingering LU heat causing cough lasting after wind invasion (similar to Yang Yin Qing Fei Wan, but more for branch) | s/s: chronic dry hacking cough, dry cough, small bits of sticky yellow phlegm difficult to expectorate, smoker's cough, dry asthma | Qing Zao Jiu Fei Wan (Clear Dryness and Restore Lung Pills) | Shi Gao, Mai Men Dong, Pi Pa Ye, Ren Shen, E Jiao, Sang Ye, Xing Ren, Gan Cao |
Formula for chronic LU heat (similar to Qing Zao Jiu Fei Wan, but more for root) | s/s: unproductive cough with sensations of heat in the lungs or in small amounts of yellow sticky phlegm, dry barking cough, laryngitis, sore throat, acute tonsillitis, recovery from smoking | Yang Yin Qing Fei Wan (Support Yin and Clear the Lungs Pills) | Chuan Bei Mu, Mai Men Dong, Xuan Shen, Bai Shao, Mu Dan Pi, Gan Cao, Bo He |
Formula for phlegm heat in LU, acute or chronic | s/s: coughing with yellow sputum, difficult to expectorate, fullness and stuffiness in chest, difficulty breathing, wheezing, nausea, scanty dark yellow urine, red tongue with yellow coating, slippery rapid pulse | Qing Qi Hua Tang Wan (Clear the Qi and Transform Phlegm Pill) | Dan Nan Xing, Ban Xia, Huang Qin, Zhi Ke, Ju Hong, Gua Lou, Xing Ren, Fu Ling |
Formula for phlegm heat in LU and moistens LU | s/s: dry, rattling cough with sticky yellow phlegm, small pieces of phlegm expectorated | Ning Sou Wan (Peaceful Cough Pills) | Jie Geng, Shi Hu, Jiang Ban Xia, Chuan Bei Mu, Su Zi, Fu Ling, Sang Bai Pi, Bo He, Xing Ren, Ju Hong, Gu Ya, Gan Cao |
Formula for clearing heat local to LU and transforms phlegm, stops cough, more chronic | s/s: labored breathing, aggravated by sticky phlegm heat difficult to expectorate | Chuan Ke Ling (Asthma Cough Effective Remedy) | Jie Geng, Xing Ren, Gan Cao, Zhu Dan Zhi |
Formula for stubborn phlegm with cough, good for kids | s/s: acute or chronic phlegm heat, causing cough, lung congestion, yellow nasal discharge, stubborn sticky phlegm with barking cough | San She Dan Chuan Bei Ye (Snake Gallbladders with Fritillaria Liquid) | Chuan Bei Mu, Xing Ren, San She Dan, Feng Mi |
Formula for chronic cough from SP deficiency | s/s: cough with profuse white sputum, easy to expectorate, fullness and distension in chest and epigastrium, nausea/vomiting, fatigue, dizziness, vertigo, palpitation, white wet coating, slippery pulse | Er Chen Wan (Two Aged Herbs Pills) | Ban Xia, Chen Pi, Fu Ling, Zhi Gan Cao |
Formula for plum pit qi | s/s: sensation of phlegm accumulation in throat, chest oppression, cough with white phlegm, vomiting | Ban Xia Hou Po Wan (Pinella and Magnolia Pills) | Ban Xia, Hou Po, Fu Ling, Zi Sue Ye, Sheng Jiang |
Simple expectorant formula but also good for LU abscess | s/s: white or yellow phlegm with rattle like cough and labored breathing, pulmonary abscess | Jie Geng Wan (Platycodon Pills) | Jie Geng, Gan Cao |
Formula for chronic copious cold-type phlegm with wheezing | s/s: acute or chronic cough with accumulation of profuse clear or white phlegm, painful chest following cough, difficulty inhaling | Qi Guan Yan Wan (Bronchitis Pills) | Ma Huang Huang, Xing Ren, Ban Xia, Zi Wan, Jie Geng, Gan Cao, Ting Li Zi, Zao Jiao |
Formula for KD not grasping causing wheezing without phlegm (boosts yang and qi of LU/KD) | s/s: wheezing, cough, shortness of breath | Ping Chuan Wan (Calm Wheezing Pill) | Dang Shen, Xing Ren, Wu Zhi Mao Tao, Gan Cao, Man Hu Tui Zi, Dong Chong Xia Cao, Sang Bai Pi, Chen pi, Bai Qian, Ge Jie, Meng Shi |
Formula for asthma with phlegm | s/s: wheezing, labored breathing, bronchial spasm, coughing, productive phlegm | Ding Chuan Wan (Stabilize Wheezing Pills) | Bai Guo, Sang Bai Pi, Jie Geng, Su Zi, Xing Ren, Huang Qin, Ban Xia, Gan Cao, Bai Bu, Zi Wan |
Formula for asthma with yin deficiency | s/s: shortness of breath, wheezing, chronic weak cough, frail constitution, tendency to flu and colds, accumulation of phlegm difficult to expectorate, spontaneous sweating, pale complecion, low voice, poor appetite | Be Fei Tang Wan (Tonify Lung Decoction Pills) | Huang Qi, Shu Di Huang, Sang Bai Pi, Zi Wan, Ming Dang Shen, Wu Wei Zi, Ren Shen |
Formula for cough with phlegm (slightly cooling, moistens LU, transform phlegm, stops cough)) | s/s: acute or chronic cough with profuse phlegm, bronchitis, asthma, pertussis, signs of thirst, dry mouth | Chuan Bei Pi Pa Lu | Chuan Bei Mu, Xing Ren, Pi Pa Ye, Sugar, Jie Geng, Bai Bu, Bo He, water |
Formula for chronic cough with LU yin deficiency (sweet liquid easy for kids, relieves thirst) | s/s: chronic cough, difficulty breathing with phlegm accumulation, dry cough, sticky phlegm heat accumulation | Luo Han Guo Pi Pa Lu (Momordica and Eriobotrya Loquat Syrup) | Luo Han Guo, Chuan Bei Mu, Huang Jing, Xing Ren, Bei Sha Shen |
Formula for LU and KD Yin Deficiency, especially following febrile disorder caused by consumptive disorder | s/s: coughing with blood tinged sputum, wheezing, dry / sore throat, five palm heat, dizziness, tinnitus, night sweating, tidal fever, red tongue with little coating, thin, rapid pulse | Bai He Gu Jin Wan (Lily Bulb Decoction to Preserve the Metal) | Bai He, Sheng Di Huang, Shu Di Huang, Mai Men Dong, Xuan Shen, Dang Gui |