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Health & Sport

aller a la peche to go fishing
alpinisme climbing
arbitre referee
athletisme athletics
balle ball
ballon ball
boules bowls
bricolage DIY
bricoler to do DIY
cacher to hide
canne a peche fishing rod
canoe canoeing
cheval horse
courir to run
course race
cyclisme cycling
cycliste cyclist
equipe team
equitation horse riding
escalade climbing
evenement event
faire du patin to skate
faire partie de to belong to
faire un promenade to go for a walk
filet net
flechettes darts
formation training
grimper to climb
gymnase gymnasium
jeu game
jouer to play
jouet toy
lancer to throw
match match
match nul draw
monter to go up
monter to get in/on
monter to ride
nager to swim
natation swimming
partie game
passe-temps hobby
patinage a glace ice skating
patinage a roulettes roller skating
patiner to skate
patinoire skating rink
patins skates
peche fishing
piscine swimming pool
piste track
piste dance floor
panche a roulettes skateboard
plance a voile windsurfing
plongee sous-marine diving
pratiquer un sport to do sport
promenade walk
se promener to hav e a walk
promener to take for a walk
randonnee hike
randonneur hiker
roller roller skate
sauter to jump
sportif sporty
sports nautiques watersports
stade stadium
supporter fan
voile sailing
volley volleyball
VTT mountain bike
abeille bee
aller bien to be well
mieux better
spirine aspirin
besoin need
bien well
bien good
blesse hurt
blesse injured
bouger to move
cabinet surgery
ca va i'm fine
comprime tablet
couper to cut
debout standing
dent tooth
dentifrice toothpaste
dentiste dentist
douleur pain
enrhume having a cold
entretien maintenance
faire mal to hurt
fievre fever
fievreux feverish
en forme fit
grippe flu
guepe wasp
hopital hospital
infimier nurse
mal pian
mal ache
malade ill
maladie illness
medecine doctor
medicament medicine
mouche fly
mouchoir handkerchief
odeur smell
ordonnance prescription
ordonner to order
penible painful
pharmacie chemist's
pharmacien chemist
pilule pill
qu'est-ce qu'il y a? what's the matter?
rhume cold
sain healthy
en bonne sante healthy
au secours help
sentiment feeling
sentir to feel
sentir to sense
souffrir to suffer
sparadrap plaster
tomber to fall
touser to cough
toux cough
vomir to be sick
bouche mouth
bras arm
coeur heart
corps body
cou neck
doigt finger
dos back
epaule shoulder
estomas stomach
figure face
genou knee
gorge throat
jambe leg
levre lip
main hand
nez nose
oeil eye
oreille ear
peau skin
pied foot
poing fist
poitrine chest
tete head
ventre stomach
visage face
voix voice
yeux eyes
s'ameliorer to get better
amenage to equip
avaler to swallow
se battre to fight
blesser to injure
blessure injury
cerveau brain
championnat championship
cheville ankle
chirurgien surgeon
chute fall
coude elbow
debuter to begin
debutant beginner
doigt de pied toe
elever to raise
enfle swollen
s'enrhumer to catch a cold
estomac derange stomach upset
fleche arrow
forme fitness
foulet to sprain
glisser to slip
gratter to scratch
guerir to cure
insolation sun stroke
joue cheek
marquer to score
materiel equipment
menton chin
nu naked
ongle nail
orteil tow
os bone
pansement bandage
piqure sting
piquer to sting
platre plaster
poignet wrist
premiers soins first aid
rayon X X-ray
se remettre to get better
rhume des foins hay fever
saigner to bleed
sain et sauf safe and soung
sang blood
sante health
saut a l'elastique bungee jumping
saut en hauteur high jump
saut en longueur long jump
sauver to save
sauvetage rescue
secouer to shake
secours assistance
securite safety
sentir to smell
soulage to relieve
soulever to lift
tournoi tournament
d'urgence emergency
victoire victory
abricot apricot
agneau lamb
ail garlic
ananas pineapple
assiette anglaise selection of cold meats
banane banana
beurre butter
bifteck steak
boeuf beef
bonbon sweet
carotte carrot
casse-croute snack
cassis blackcurrant
cerise chery
champignon mushroom
chips crisps
chou-fleur cauliflower
chou cabbage
coux de bruxelles sporuts
citron lemon
concombre cucumber
confiture jam
confiture d'oranges marmalade
cote chop
cotelette cutlet
creme cream
creme colaire suncream
crepe pancake
crevette shrimp
croque-monsieur toasted sandwich
crudites raw vegetables
dinde turkey
epinards spinach
escargot snail
farine flour
foie liver
frais fresh
fraise strawberry
framboise raspberry
frites chips
fromage cheese
fruits de mer sea food
gateau cake
glace ice cream
haricot bean
huile oil
huitre oyster
jambon ham
laitue lettuce
legume begetavle
miel honey
moule mussel
moutarde mustard
noix nut
oeuf a la coque boiler egg
oeuf sur le plat fried egg
oeufs brouilles scrambled egg
oignon onion
pain bread
pain grille toast
pamplemousse grapefruit
pates pasta
petit dejeuner breakfast
petit pain bread roll
petits pois peas
poire pear
poivre pepper
pomme apple
pomme de terre potato
potage soup
poulet chicken
prune plum
puree mashed potato
raisin grape
raisin sec raisin
riz rice
salade salad
saucisse sausage
saucisson sausage
saumon salmon
sel salt
sirop syrup
sucre sugar
sucrer to sugar
sucreries sweet things
tartine slice of bread and butter
thon tuna
tomate tomato
truite trout
vanille vanilla
veau veal
viande meat
vinaigre vinegar
yaourt yoghurt
alcool alcohol
alcoholic alcoholic
biere beer
boire to drink
boisson drink
boisson gazeuse fizzy drink
cafe coffee
eau minerale mineral water
jus juice
lait milk
limonade lemonnade
rhum rum
soif thrist
the tea
theiere teapot
vin wine
alimentation food
addition bill
bien cuit well done
boite box
bouteille bottle
degoutant disgusting
deguster to taste
diner dinner
diner to have dinner
emmener to take away
emporter to take away
donner to give
entrer to enter
entree entrance
epice spicy
epicier grocer
essayer to try
faim hunger
gout taste
gouter to taste
griller to grill
grillade grill
manger to eat
morceau piece
nourriture food
panier basket
peu little
plat dish
plat principal main course
pot pot
prendre to take
prendre to have
produit product
provisions food stuff
recette recipe
recu recipe
repas meal
rotir to roast
roti roast
saignant underdone
satisfait satisfied
serveur waiter
serveuse waitress
serviable helpful
servir to serve
se servir de to use
tranche slice
assiette plate
bol bowl
caserole pan
couteau knife
cuiller spoon
fourchette fork
soucoupe saucer
tasse cup
vaisselle washing up
verre glass
chevre goat
coupe dish
couverts cutlery
epice spicy
flacon little bottle
goutte drop
graisse fat
peler to peel
se plaindre to complain
regime diet
suffire to be sufficient
vendange grape harvest
verser to pour
vignoble vineyard
viticulteur wine grower
volaille poultry
Created by: AmaandaWood
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