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CVA vocabulary
CVA Vocabulary
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Speech flows smoothly but auditory comprehension is impaired | Wernickes Aphasia |
Marked impairments of both production and comprehension of language | Global Aphasia |
Thickening of the walls of the arteries due to plaque formation with loss of elasticity and contractility | Atherosclerosis |
Motor speech difficulties: respiration, phonation, resonance and/or sensory feedback may be affected | Dysarthria |
Unstable or changeable emotional state. Patient may change quickly from laughing to crying | Emotional Lability |
Motor weakness affecting one side of the body | Hemiparesis |
Localized abnormal dilation of a blood vessel, usually an artery | Aneurysm |
Characterized by an inability to initiate and perform purposeful movements that cannot be accounted for by decreased strength, coordination, sensation, attention deficits, tone or movement disorders, or mental or cognitive dysfunction | Apraxia |
Penetration of food, liquid, saliva or gastric reflux into the airway | Aspiration |
Inability to swallow or difficulty in swallowing | Dysphagia |
Stereotyped, mass movement patterns associated with neurological deficit | Synergy |
An associated reaction in which abduction of the normal limb produces a similar response in the affected limb | Raimiste's Phenomenon |
Increased tone of muscle causing stiff, awkward movements. The result of an upper motor neuron lesion | Spasticity |
Hyperactive, brisk stretch reflexes; associated with clonus, spasticity and clasp-knife phenomena, and a positive Babinski | Hyperreflexia |
Characterized by an impairment of language comprehension, formulation and use | Aphasia |
The inability to recognize or make sense of incoming information despite intact sensory capacities | Agnosia |
The inability to register and to integrate stimuli and perceptions from one side of the environment (usually the left) | Unilateral neglect |
Acute onset of neurological dysfunction due to an abnormality in cerebral circulation with signs and symptoms that correspond to involvement of focal areas of the brain | Stroke or CVA |
Flow of speech is slow and hesitant; vocabulary is limited, and syntax is impaired; articulation may be labored | Broca's Aphasia |
Uncoordinated movement; may influence gait, posture, and patterns of movements | Ataxia |
Union of the anterior, middle, and posterior cerebral arteries, branches of the carotid and vertebral basilar arteries, forming an anastomosis at the base of the brain | Circle of Willis |
Motor paralysis of of one half of the body | Hemiplegia |
Temporary interruption of blood supply to the brain causing neurological deficits that last less than 24 hrs. and leave no residual brain damage | Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) |
A response to positioning in which the supine position produces an increase in extensor tone and the prone position produces an increase in flexor tone | Symmetric Tonic Labyrinthine reflex |
The continued repetition of words, thoughts, or acts not related to current contex | Perseveration |
Deficient or absent muscle tone | Flaccidity |
Decreased awareness of the body and environment on the side of the body oppisite to the cerebral lesion | Visual Neglect |
An unusual motor behavior characterized by the patient's strong lateral lean toward the hemiplegic side in all positions | Pusher's Syndrome |
Loss of vision in the contralateral half of each visual field, the nasal half of one eye and the temporal half of the other eye corresponding to the hemiplegic side | Homonymous Hemianopsia |
Deviation of the eyes secondary to unopposed action of the eye muscles | Forced Gaze Deviation |
A response to flexion of the neck that results in flexion of the arms and extension of the legs; extension of the neck results in the opposite responses | Symmetric Tonic Neck Reflex |
Usually the result of trauma, pain usually begins in the shoulder and progresses to the hand followed by the development of sympathetic vasomotor symptoms of the hand | Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy |