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Vet Terms Combined
Veterinary Terms
Question | Answer |
Aerophagic | Condition of gulping air, filling the stomach with air |
Analgesia | Without pain |
Anomaly | An irregular finding |
Arthrodesis | Fusion of a joint |
Abbreviate | Very short, shortened |
Celiotomy | Incision into the abdomen |
Cholestasis | Stoppage of the bile flow |
Chromatophilic | Likes color (takes up stain well, i.e. cells) |
Craniotomy | A cut into the cranium |
Cryosurgery | Surgery performed by freezing (with liquid nitrogen) |
Tonsillarcrypt | Pocket of skin where the tonsils sit |
Cyanobacteria | Photosynthesizing bacteria esp. in water |
Acyclic | Without a cycle |
Cystotomy | Incision into a cyst (usually denoting the urinary bladder) |
Cytology | The study of cells |
Dacryosyrinx | Lacrimal duct |
Polydactyly | Many digits (i.e. 6-toed cats) |
Dental | Pertaining to the teeth |
Dermatophytosis | Condition of skin fungus |
Desmitis | Inflammation of a ligament |
Dextroversion | Version of the right, (i.e. movement of eyes to the right) |
Diploid | Resembling a double or two of the same |
Dorsal | Pertaining toward the vertebral column |
Duodenoscopy | Observing the duodenum |
Electrocautery | Burning by electricity (or coagulating) |
Encephalitis | Inflammation of the brain |
Enterotomy | Incision into the intestines |
Esophagus | Structure that brings the food inward |
Facial | Pertaining to the face |
Geriatric | Pertaining to the aged |
Gingivitis | Inflammation of the gingiva |
Hypoglossal | Under the tongue |
Glucosuria | Glucose in the urine |
Glycosuria | Glucose in the urine |
Prognathic | Having a protruding jaw |
Histopathology | Microscopic examination of tissue for disease (what you do to a biopsy) |
Hydrocephalic | “water” on the brain (excessive fluid retention in the cranium) |
Ileocecal | The area where the ileum joins the cecum |
Ipsilateral | On the same side |
Iridodialysis | Separation or loosening of the iris from its attachments |
Isometric | Measures the same |
Jejunostomy | Surgically created an opening in the jejunum |
KCS (Keratoconjunctivitis sicca) | (inflammation and drying of the cornea and conjunctiva |
Labial | Pertaining or toward the lips |
Agalactia | Not producing milk |
Laparoscopy | Visualization of the abdominal cavity |
Lateral | Pertaining to the side |
Leiomyosarcoma | Sarcoma of the smooth muscle |
Leukocyte | “White” blood cell |
Lipoma | Fatty tumor |
Urolith | Urinary stone |
Macrocytic | Large cells |
Mastitis | Inflammation of the breast tissue |
Splenomegaly | Enlarged spleen |
Meningioma | Tumor of the spinal membranes |
Microscopic | Unable to be seen by the naked eye |
Monochrome | One color |
Morphologic | Pertaining to the shape of something |
Multipara | Many viable births (i.e. as in cats) |
Myotomy | Incision of a muscle |
Mycotic | Pertaining to fungus like appearance |
Myringectomy | Excision of the eardrum |
Myxovirus | Synonym for influenza virus (mucus virus) |
Nasopharyngeal | Pertaining to the area where the nose and pharynx meet |
Necrotic | Pertaining to dead tissue |
Neoplasm | New growth |
Nephrotoxin | Toxic to the kidney |
Normovolemia | Normal blood volume |
Oculomotor | Nerve that controls eye movement |
Oncology | The study of masses |
Onychectomy | Declaw (removal of toenail) |
Oocyst | Egg cell |
Opisthotonos | A form of spasm in which the head and tail are bent dorsally and the abdomen bent ventrally |
Ophthalmoscope | Instrument to examine the eye |
Optical | Pertaining to the ability to see |
Orchiectomy | Removal of the testes |
Oronasal | Where the mouth meets the nasal passages |
Orthopedic | Practice of correct function of the skeletal system |
Osteoporosis | Pathological loss of bone |
Otoscopy | Visual exam of the ear |
Pathology | The study of disease |
Pediatrics | Pertaining to the study of the young/child |
Perineum | The region between the anus and scrotum or vulva |
Phagocytosis | The “eating” of cells or absorption of cells |
Pharyngotomy | Incision into the pharynx |
Phlebitis | Inflammation of the veins |
Photoperiod | Period of light |
Piloerection | Hair standing on end |
Plasmacyte | Plasma cell |
Pneumonitis | Inflammation of lung tissue = pneumonia |
Arthropod | Jointed foot (type of insect) |
Polydactyly | Many digits |
Ptyalectasis | Dilation of a salivary duct |
Pulmonary | Pertaining to the lungs/respiratory system |
Pupillary | Pertaining to or emanating from the pupil |
Pyelonephritis | Inflammation of the renal pelvis |
Pylorus | The distal aperture of the stomach or abomasums |
Pyonephritis | Infection in the kidneys |
Rectocele | Hernial protrusion of part of the rectum and colon |
Rhinoscopy | Visual exam of the nose |
Scleroderma | Hardened skin |
Seroma | Swelling of serum |
Sinistrocerebral | Situated in the left hemisphere of the brain |
Somatic | Pertaining to the body |
Spasmodic | Pertaining to a spasm |
Spermaticide | Agent that destroys spermatozoa |
Spherocyte | Red blood cell with decreased volume that is round and dense (not biconcave) |
Sphygmomanometer | Instrument for measuring arterial blood pressure |
Splenomegaly | Enlargement of the spleen |
Staphylococcus | A group of cocci |
Stenosis | Narrowing of an area |
Stethoscope | Instrument used to obtain an aural examination of the chest |
Stomatocyte | Red blood cell with the appearance of a mouth |
Symmetrical | Equally on both sides |
Tachycardic | Pertaining to a swift/fast heartbeat |
Tarsal | Pertaining to the hind foot |
Teratogenic | Production of a deformity in a developing embryo |
Thoracocentesis | Puncturing the chest with a needle |
Thrombocyte | A cell specialized for forming clots |
Toxicology | The study of poisons |
Tracheostomy | Creating an opening in the trachea |
Trichoscopy | Examination of the hair |
Urinalysis | Examination of urine |
Vasoconstriction | Constriction of blood vessels |
Venipuncture | Surgical puncture a vein |
Ventral | Pertaining to the abdomen in non humans |
Vertebral | Pertaining to the vertebra |
Visceral | Pertaining to the surface of the internal organs |
Viviparous | Giving birth to living young which develop within the maternal body |
Xanthochromic | Yellow colored |
Xeroderma | A mild form of ichthyosis, excessive dryness of the skin |
Ambidextrous | Both right |
Amphiarthrosis | Joined on both sides |
Anatomy | Process of cutting apart |
Anemia | Without blood |
Anesthesia | Without sensation |
Angiogenesis | Blood vessel origin |
Antibiotic | Against life |
Arthralgia | Pain of the joint |
Asparaginase | Enzyme |
Atelectasis | Condition of collapsed lung |
Autonomic | Pertaining to ones nerves |
Biliary | Pertaining to the bile |
Bradycardic | Slow heart |
Bronchiole | Small bronchi |
Cardiac | Pertaining to the heart |
Cardiac | Pertaining to the heart |
Cervical | Pertaining to the cervical region |
Circadian | About the day |
Circumference | Around the outside |
Coagulant | Work together to form clot |
Concussion | Together with blow |
Contralateral | Against the side |
Cystocentesis | Puncture of a cyst |
Diagnose | Knowledge of a condition |
Dialysis | To separate break apart |
Diarrhea | Rapid flow of fecal matter |
Diarticular | Two joints |
Echocardiogram | Echo tracing of the heart |
Electrocardiograph | Record of electrocardiogram |
Encephalic | In the head |
Endocrine | Secrete within |
Endoscope | Instrument used to view something within |
Epidermis | Pertaining to the skin above |
Erythrocyte | Red blood cell |
Excise | To cut out |
Exogenous | Pertaining to outward production |
Extra-label | Outside of the label |
Fibrosarcoma | Fiber cancer |
Gastric | Pertaining to the stomach |
Gastrorrhaphy | Surgical repair of the stomach by suture |
Gastroscopy | Visual examination of the gastrointestinal tract |
Gastrostomy | Opening the stomach |
Gastrotomy | Cut in the stomach |
Hematoma | Mass of blood |
Hemilaminectomy | Removal of half the lamina |
Hemogram | Blood report/graph |
Hemorrhagic | Bloody discharge |
Hepatic | Pertaining to the liver |
Homeopathy | The study of like diseases |
Homogeneous | Generated the same |
Hyaline | Clear, transparent |
Hypertrophic | Pertaining to excessive food |
Hypothyroid | Deficient thyroid |
Idiopathic | Pertaining to a disease |
Infraorbital | Pertaining to below the eye |
Ingesta | Material within |
Intrauterine | Within the uterus |
Isometric | Equal measure |
Karyocyte | Nucleated cell |
Laryngospasm | Spasm of the larynx |
Leukopenia | Decreased white blood cells |
Lipemia | Fat in the blood |
Lumpectomy | Excision of a lump |
Mediastinum | Middle of the sternum |
Myeloblast | Bone marrow cell |
Myelogram | A record of the spinal cord |
Necropsy | Viewing of a deceased body |
Nephrologist | Person specializing in kidneys |
Neural | Pertaining to a nerve or nerves |
Omnivore | One that eats all |
Opioid | Like an opiate |
Osteotome | Instrument that cuts bone |
Ovariohysterectomy | Removal of the ovaries and uterus |
Palpable | The power to feel |
Pancreatitis | Inflammation of the pancreas |
Perivascular | Pertaining to around a vessel |
Postsurgical | After surgery |
Prognathism | Condition before the jaw |
Prognosis | Forethought of knowledge |
Proptosis | Abnormal forward placement of the eye |
Pseudopregnancy | False pregnancy |
Recheck | Check back |
Retrograde | Going backward |
Rhinoplasty | Shaping the nose |
Semicircular | Half circle |
Sialocele | Swelling of the salivary gland |
Steatitis | Fat inflammation |
Submandibular | Under the mandible |
Synarthrosis | Joint joined together |
Transplacental | Across the placenta |
Unconscious | Not conscious |
Zoology | The study of animals |