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Vet Terms Combined

Veterinary Terms

Aerophagic Condition of gulping air, filling the stomach with air
Analgesia Without pain
Anomaly An irregular finding
Arthrodesis Fusion of a joint
Abbreviate Very short, shortened
Celiotomy Incision into the abdomen
Cholestasis Stoppage of the bile flow
Chromatophilic Likes color (takes up stain well, i.e. cells)
Craniotomy A cut into the cranium
Cryosurgery Surgery performed by freezing (with liquid nitrogen)
Tonsillarcrypt Pocket of skin where the tonsils sit
Cyanobacteria Photosynthesizing bacteria esp. in water
Acyclic Without a cycle
Cystotomy Incision into a cyst (usually denoting the urinary bladder)
Cytology The study of cells
Dacryosyrinx Lacrimal duct
Polydactyly Many digits (i.e. 6-toed cats)
Dental Pertaining to the teeth
Dermatophytosis Condition of skin fungus
Desmitis Inflammation of a ligament
Dextroversion Version of the right, (i.e. movement of eyes to the right)
Diploid Resembling a double or two of the same
Dorsal Pertaining toward the vertebral column
Duodenoscopy Observing the duodenum
Electrocautery Burning by electricity (or coagulating)
Encephalitis Inflammation of the brain
Enterotomy Incision into the intestines
Esophagus Structure that brings the food inward
Facial Pertaining to the face
Geriatric Pertaining to the aged
Gingivitis Inflammation of the gingiva
Hypoglossal Under the tongue
Glucosuria Glucose in the urine
Glycosuria Glucose in the urine
Prognathic Having a protruding jaw
Histopathology Microscopic examination of tissue for disease (what you do to a biopsy)
Hydrocephalic “water” on the brain (excessive fluid retention in the cranium)
Ileocecal The area where the ileum joins the cecum
Ipsilateral On the same side
Iridodialysis Separation or loosening of the iris from its attachments
Isometric Measures the same
Jejunostomy Surgically created an opening in the jejunum
KCS (Keratoconjunctivitis sicca) (inflammation and drying of the cornea and conjunctiva
Labial Pertaining or toward the lips
Agalactia Not producing milk
Laparoscopy Visualization of the abdominal cavity
Lateral Pertaining to the side
Leiomyosarcoma Sarcoma of the smooth muscle
Leukocyte “White” blood cell
Lipoma Fatty tumor
Urolith Urinary stone
Macrocytic Large cells
Mastitis Inflammation of the breast tissue
Splenomegaly Enlarged spleen
Meningioma Tumor of the spinal membranes
Microscopic Unable to be seen by the naked eye
Monochrome One color
Morphologic Pertaining to the shape of something
Multipara Many viable births (i.e. as in cats)
Myotomy Incision of a muscle
Mycotic Pertaining to fungus like appearance
Myringectomy Excision of the eardrum
Myxovirus Synonym for influenza virus (mucus virus)
Nasopharyngeal Pertaining to the area where the nose and pharynx meet
Necrotic Pertaining to dead tissue
Neoplasm New growth
Nephrotoxin Toxic to the kidney
Normovolemia Normal blood volume
Oculomotor Nerve that controls eye movement
Oncology The study of masses
Onychectomy Declaw (removal of toenail)
Oocyst Egg cell
Opisthotonos A form of spasm in which the head and tail are bent dorsally and the abdomen bent ventrally
Ophthalmoscope Instrument to examine the eye
Optical Pertaining to the ability to see
Orchiectomy Removal of the testes
Oronasal Where the mouth meets the nasal passages
Orthopedic Practice of correct function of the skeletal system
Osteoporosis Pathological loss of bone
Otoscopy Visual exam of the ear
Pathology The study of disease
Pediatrics Pertaining to the study of the young/child
Perineum The region between the anus and scrotum or vulva
Phagocytosis The “eating” of cells or absorption of cells
Pharyngotomy Incision into the pharynx
Phlebitis Inflammation of the veins
Photoperiod Period of light
Piloerection Hair standing on end
Plasmacyte Plasma cell
Pneumonitis Inflammation of lung tissue = pneumonia
Arthropod Jointed foot (type of insect)
Polydactyly Many digits
Ptyalectasis Dilation of a salivary duct
Pulmonary Pertaining to the lungs/respiratory system
Pupillary Pertaining to or emanating from the pupil
Pyelonephritis Inflammation of the renal pelvis
Pylorus The distal aperture of the stomach or abomasums
Pyonephritis Infection in the kidneys
Rectocele Hernial protrusion of part of the rectum and colon
Rhinoscopy Visual exam of the nose
Scleroderma Hardened skin
Seroma Swelling of serum
Sinistrocerebral Situated in the left hemisphere of the brain
Somatic Pertaining to the body
Spasmodic Pertaining to a spasm
Spermaticide Agent that destroys spermatozoa
Spherocyte Red blood cell with decreased volume that is round and dense (not biconcave)
Sphygmomanometer Instrument for measuring arterial blood pressure
Splenomegaly Enlargement of the spleen
Staphylococcus A group of cocci
Stenosis Narrowing of an area
Stethoscope Instrument used to obtain an aural examination of the chest
Stomatocyte Red blood cell with the appearance of a mouth
Symmetrical Equally on both sides
Tachycardic Pertaining to a swift/fast heartbeat
Tarsal Pertaining to the hind foot
Teratogenic Production of a deformity in a developing embryo
Thoracocentesis Puncturing the chest with a needle
Thrombocyte A cell specialized for forming clots
Toxicology The study of poisons
Tracheostomy Creating an opening in the trachea
Trichoscopy Examination of the hair
Urinalysis Examination of urine
Vasoconstriction Constriction of blood vessels
Venipuncture Surgical puncture a vein
Ventral Pertaining to the abdomen in non humans
Vertebral Pertaining to the vertebra
Visceral Pertaining to the surface of the internal organs
Viviparous Giving birth to living young which develop within the maternal body
Xanthochromic Yellow colored
Xeroderma A mild form of ichthyosis, excessive dryness of the skin
Ambidextrous Both right
Amphiarthrosis Joined on both sides
Anatomy Process of cutting apart
Anemia Without blood
Anesthesia Without sensation
Angiogenesis Blood vessel origin
Antibiotic Against life
Arthralgia Pain of the joint
Asparaginase Enzyme
Atelectasis Condition of collapsed lung
Autonomic Pertaining to ones nerves
Biliary Pertaining to the bile
Bradycardic Slow heart
Bronchiole Small bronchi
Cardiac Pertaining to the heart
Cardiac Pertaining to the heart
Cervical Pertaining to the cervical region
Circadian About the day
Circumference Around the outside
Coagulant Work together to form clot
Concussion Together with blow
Contralateral Against the side
Cystocentesis Puncture of a cyst
Diagnose Knowledge of a condition
Dialysis To separate break apart
Diarrhea Rapid flow of fecal matter
Diarticular Two joints
Echocardiogram Echo tracing of the heart
Electrocardiograph Record of electrocardiogram
Encephalic In the head
Endocrine Secrete within
Endoscope Instrument used to view something within
Epidermis Pertaining to the skin above
Erythrocyte Red blood cell
Excise To cut out
Exogenous Pertaining to outward production
Extra-label Outside of the label
Fibrosarcoma Fiber cancer
Gastric Pertaining to the stomach
Gastrorrhaphy Surgical repair of the stomach by suture
Gastroscopy Visual examination of the gastrointestinal tract
Gastrostomy Opening the stomach
Gastrotomy Cut in the stomach
Hematoma Mass of blood
Hemilaminectomy Removal of half the lamina
Hemogram Blood report/graph
Hemorrhagic Bloody discharge
Hepatic Pertaining to the liver
Homeopathy The study of like diseases
Homogeneous Generated the same
Hyaline Clear, transparent
Hypertrophic Pertaining to excessive food
Hypothyroid Deficient thyroid
Idiopathic Pertaining to a disease
Infraorbital Pertaining to below the eye
Ingesta Material within
Intrauterine Within the uterus
Isometric Equal measure
Karyocyte Nucleated cell
Laryngospasm Spasm of the larynx
Leukopenia Decreased white blood cells
Lipemia Fat in the blood
Lumpectomy Excision of a lump
Mediastinum Middle of the sternum
Myeloblast Bone marrow cell
Myelogram A record of the spinal cord
Necropsy Viewing of a deceased body
Nephrologist Person specializing in kidneys
Neural Pertaining to a nerve or nerves
Omnivore One that eats all
Opioid Like an opiate
Osteotome Instrument that cuts bone
Ovariohysterectomy Removal of the ovaries and uterus
Palpable The power to feel
Pancreatitis Inflammation of the pancreas
Perivascular Pertaining to around a vessel
Postsurgical After surgery
Prognathism Condition before the jaw
Prognosis Forethought of knowledge
Proptosis Abnormal forward placement of the eye
Pseudopregnancy False pregnancy
Recheck Check back
Retrograde Going backward
Rhinoplasty Shaping the nose
Semicircular Half circle
Sialocele Swelling of the salivary gland
Steatitis Fat inflammation
Submandibular Under the mandible
Synarthrosis Joint joined together
Transplacental Across the placenta
Unconscious Not conscious
Zoology The study of animals
Created by: DrCariWise
Popular Veterinary sets




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