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Tx PD and MS


What is PD caused by nigrostratal dopamine neurons loss
What is key in clinical improvements and AE’s activation of D2 receptor
How do we dx PD Bradykinesia + ≥2 of the following, limb muscle rigidity, resting tremor, postural instability, micrographia (also, lack of other neuro impairment, responsive to L-dopa, R/o drug induced parkinson’s
Staging of PD (name) 0-V: restricted to bed/wheelchair called the Hoehn and Yahr staging
Tx goals of PD maintain pt independence, alleviate sxs, minimize response fluctuations, limit med AE’s
Three ways to approach pd tx lifestyle changes, nutrition, exercise, pharm, and surgical txs
4 dopamine enhancement drugs levodopa/carbidopa, amantadine, MAO-B inhibitors, COMT inhibitors
3 types of drug categories to tx PD Dopamine enhancers, dopamine agonists, anticholinergics
Fxn of cabidopa inhibits peripheral conversion of levodopa to dopamine
Why do we need to titrate this combination slowly to avoid N/V and hypotension
MOA of amantadine blocks DA reuptake and stimulates DA receptors, sedation and confusion common
MOA of MOA-B inhibitors prevent breakdown of DA via MAO-B
Two MAO-B inhibitors selegiline and rasagiline (more inxs w/ rasagline)
Drug/food intxs w/ MAO-B I’s TCA, SSRI, SNRI, Meperidine: CNS tox, autonomic instability, HTN ↑temp, death, MAOI: HTN crisis , and tyramine foods, HTN crisis
MOA of COMT I’s inhibit breakdown of levodopa, INCREASE T1/2 OF LEVODOPA BY 50%, GOOD ADDITIVE DRUG
Two COMT I’s entacapone and Tolcapone : catecholo-o-methyltransferase inhibitors
What is the mechanism of therapy for dopamine agonists delay need for use of levodopa in early dz, or ↓ dose of levodopa in advanced dz’s
Two dopamine agonists pramipexole and ropinirole
AE’s and pt ed for dopamine agnosits confusion, dizziness, hallucinations, orthostasis, nausea, asthenia, syncope (falling asleep at the wheel must educate)
CNS effects of excess dopamine confusion, hallucinations
Systemic effects of excess dopamine GI complaints, orthostatic hypotension
What behavioral AE’s are associated w/ dopamine agnoists ↑ irribility, agitation, pshyce, more in patients that are susceptible to psych or impulse d/o
MOA of anticholinergics relative ↑ in striatal cholinergic activity →tremor
MC used anticholinergic drug Benztropine (Cogentin) Se’s: confusion, memory loss, anti-slud,
As PD progresses, what occurs ↑ loss of DA-producing neurons, so more dependence on meds to ↑ DA more med SE’s
What is the initial tx if PD selegiline or rasagiline (potent) aka MOA-b I’s
Are there current neuroprotective therapies no, but exercise may ↑motor fxn, speech therapy ↑ speech vol.
1st line tx for pshychosis in dementia quetiapine (Seroquel)
What does the definition of MS mean M: many affected areas of the brain, S: plaques or slerosed areas
Tx’s for Mild, mod, severe exacerbations Mild: may need none, Mod: oral corticosteroids (prednisone), Severe: IV methylprednisolone
When do we use corticosteroids for exacerbations, why? severe ones w/ fxn consequences, the effects decrease w/ repeated use
AE’s of corticosteroids short term: GI , insomnia, mood swings
Tx for severe attacks hemiplegia, paraplegia, etc, don’t respond to Corticosteroid tx: plasma exchange 7tx for effects
What is PML progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
What is AML acute myelogenous leukemia
What med might improve demyelinated nerve conduction Dalfampridine
Created by: becker15
Popular Pharmacology sets




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