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growth hormone hypersecretion after puberty acromegaly
sever hypothyroidism in children cretinisam
ductless glands tht produce horones endocrine
growth hormone hypersecretion during childhood gigantism
cortisol hormone secreted from adrenal cortex glucocorticoid
toxic hyperthyroidism bc of hyperfunction of the thyroid gland thryotoxicosis (thyroid storm)
aldosterone hormone secreted from the adrenal cortex mineralocoticoid
severe hypothyroidism in adults myxedma
t4 hormone secreted by thyroid thyrosine
t3 hormone secreted by thyroid gland triiodothyronine
how soon after starting levothyroxine should the client report feeling effects 1-3 weeks
what r effects of hyperthyroidism tachycardia, chest pain, excessive sweating
when should synthroid b taken before breakfast
what is the ususal dose of prednisone 5-60 mg/day
what lab value should be monitored while taking prednisone potassium
when is the best time to take prednisone with meals
which drugs should be used with caution while on prednisone NSAIDS, potassium sparing diuretics, oral anticoagulants
what changes can occur when ginseng is taken with a corticosteroid CNS stimulation and insomnia
what electrolyte impbalance may occur with the use of prdnisone and hydrochlorothiazide hypokalemia
what effect does hypokalemia have ondigoxin may cause digoxin toxicity
why does prednisone need to b tapered when discontinuing the adrenal coretex needs time to begin production and secretion of cortisol
protein secreted from the beta cells of the pancreas insulin
tissue atrophy lipodystophy
hyperglycemia upon waking dawn phenomenon
what drugs may cause hyperglycemia prednisone, ephedrine, hydrochlorothiazide
what is the only type of inculin that may be administered IV regular
what is the clinical manefestations of ketoacidosis thirst, polyuria, kussmaul's sign, dry mucous membranes, fruity breath odor
oral hypoglycemic drug group sulfonylureas
hyperglycemic hormone that stimulates glycogenylysis glucagon
intermediate acting insulin NPH insulin
rapid acting insulin lispro insulin
where should insulin injections be administered deltoid and abdominal areas
what is the phyiologic effect that occurs with lipoatrophy a depression under the skin
wherre should insulin b stored a cool place
what describes lantus insulin some clients complain of pain at the injection site, and it is available in a 3ml cartridgeinsulin pen
what is a method used to determine if a client has insulin resistance skin test with different insulin preparations
what is a important about an insulin pump it is effective in lessening long term diabetic complications
what is the action of an oral hypoglycemic increase the number of insulin cell receptors
how do ginseng and garlic affect insulin they can lower the blood glucose level causing a hypoglycemic effect
what are the contraindications of oral antidiabetic drugs pregnancy, breastfeeding, severe infections, renal dysfunction
Created by: 1107103917
Popular Pharmacology sets




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