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CS Facts

Chapter 23 (project facts)

Facts TwoFacts & more facts
Normal heart beats at 60 to 100 bpm. ( beats per min) Size of a person's fist. Two pumps composed of two chambers.
Right atrium and ventricle. Circulates through the body. Exchanging oxygen, nutrients and other substances to tissues and organs.
Superior Venae Cavae: transports blood to the upper. Inferior Venae Cavae: transports blood to the lower. Blood travels to the right artrium to the right ventricle.
The (RV) contracts expelling blood into the pulmonary arteries. PA then carries the blood to the lungs. where blood is fully oxygenated by air we breathe.
Left Artium receives the oxygenated blood fromt he lungs via the pulmonary veins. Blood is then passed through the LV through the mitral valve. Contacts expelling blood into the aorta.
In the aorta the blood initiates a pulse wave. Then carries it to parts of the body. Must be oxygenated like the rest of the organs.
Main arteries that supply blood to the heart are called the coronary arteries. Cardiac Conduction System-electric charge that makes the heart pump Lifetime battey that keeps are heartbeats in rhythm.
CCS is operated by two nodes. The Sinoatrial Node. & The Atriventricular Node.
SN located in the upper right atruium. (where the impulse begins) & AN is located in the Septum between the right artrium and the right ventricle. Cardiac impulse is sent to the Sinotrial to the AN.
Transmitted to the muscle fibers that run throughout the atria AN-impulse is conducted to the ventricles to initiate a ventricular beat. It does that by stimulation of the bundle branches and Purkinje Fibers.`
Cardiovascular Diseases are responisble for 1 death every 37 seconds. They include: heart failure, heart attacks, high BP, diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, stroke, arrhythmias & congenital heart disease. Advancements made in health care, with help of meds, surgery, lifestyle changes may help you live longer.
Hypertension is defined as intermittent or persistent elevation in diastolic or systolic bloood pressure. High BP is a big problem, affecting millions of Americans. Also known as the "Silent Killer". Cause usually there are no known signs.
The Result of High BP is the heart has to work harder to pump blood through the chambers and out into the body. If there is a continous overload on the coronary system also can contribute to the development of atherosclerosis. Atheroscleorsis-is the hardening of the arteries.
Hypotension is low BP. This occurs because a large amount of blood remains in the lower extremities. If one stands up quickly the blood returning to the heart is decreased considerably.
The body responds by increasing the heartbeat, compensating for the lack of blood flow. Hyperlipdemia-is the increase of lipids in the bloodstream that leads to hardening of the arteries. It increases the incidence of angina, stroke, and heart attack.
Fatty substances go through the bloodstream and attach themselves to large arteries and middle sized arteries of the heart and brain. Transient ischemic attacks are caused by a short duration of reduced oxygenation of the brain. Plaque causes narrowing of the blood vessels, which leads to a reduction of blood flow.
If plaque accumlates to form a blood clot, thrombosis is created. May obstruct a vessel eventually causing a stoke. Two type of strokes. Ishemic (clot) & hemorrhagic (bleeding).
Hem. Strokes are caused by weakened vessels or aneurysms in the brain that cause a vessel to rupture. A ruptured vessel blood flows into areas of the brain causing damage. The additional injury is cause by the lack oxygenated blood flow.
Symptoms of TIAs appear rapidly. Vision or hearing problems, weakness on one or both sides of thebody. Dizziness and slurred speech & sudden severe headache. Main cause of TIA is hypertension is high blood pressure.
The high risk factors are persons with diabetes, high cholesterol, heart problems, and obesity. Lifestyle habits such as smoking, alcohol consumption, lack of exercise can damage or weaken the vessels. If areas of the heart become entirely blocked because of thrombois or an embolism. then the heart cannot receive the necessary oxygen.
Death is the ultimate result of that heart muscle. A condition known as mycardial infaction. You can develop arrhythmias ( irregular heartbeat) with coronary artery disease.
Heart beats in a regular rhythm. This is accomplished via special fibers that run throughout the heart. The arteries of the heart do not receive proper oxygenation . This is called Coronary Artery Disease.
Atherosclerosis is a syndrome that affects arterial blood vessels. If inflammation occurs as a result of lifelong build up of small plaque. Composed of lipids, and clumping of the platelets Plaques or platelets tend to accumlate in the arteries throughout the heart. Restricting blood flow.
Small injuries can occur in the vessel walls. Damage can occur to the arterial wall the body respons by sending marcophages & T-lymphocytes to fight the plaques. Lymphocytes cna increase the blockage.
Due to the thickening loss of elasticity & calcification of the arterial walls is called Atherosclerosis.
Network of complex interactions. They involve the blood, lungs, arteries, and veins. And the heart itself. Located between your lungs in the chest cavity.
Created by: Lguston
Popular Pharmacology sets




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