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Pharm Unit III TC

Unit III test

Administer as required or necessary within defined limits of drug order prn medications
Check this section of the patient chart when questioning details of a drug order on the MAR physicians order form
Record scheduled drugs administered here MAR
Give immediately STAT
Section of the patient record containing the care plan kardex
Twice a day bid
Three times a day tid
before meals ac
after meal pc
with c
without s
as needed prn
drops gtt
give immediately STAT
give for a specified number of doses standing order
give three times a day tid
give one time only single order
give if needed prn
give before meals ac
give after meals pc
Medications listed on the controlled substance inventory forms are those required by law to be accounted for at the end of each shift within clinical practice setting true
a "stat" drug order terminates after the drug is administered once. true
the nurse is responsible for charting all the details of the medications patients self- administer true
incident reports need only be completed when a serious medication error has occured. false
before administering a prn medication, the nurse should check the chart and MAR to be sure when the drug was given last true
the term "OTC" refers to drugs often times controlled false
the most frequently used route of medication administration is intramuscularly false
the preferred site of injection in the infant is the vastus lateralis true
the z-track method of injection is used for irritating drugs and is given by the subcutaneous route false
buccal tablets should be placed under the tongue false
the needle is inserted at a 90 degree angle for all intramuscular injections true
eye ointments do affect visual acuity true
eye drops have a longer course of action than eye ointments false
to insert ear drops into the ear of a child UNDER 3 years of age, the nurse pulls the ear (pinna) upward and backward to straighten the ear canal false
dosage form that dissolves the drug in alcohol and water elixir
a compressed, dried powder for of a drug formed into small disks tablets
small gelatin container holding a dry or liquid form of a drug capsules
flat disk form of medication that is held in the mouth to dissolve lozenges
a medicine dissolved in a concentrated sugar sollution syrups
liquid medication with insoluble drug particles that must be shaken to disperse into the liquid before giving suspension
a component of the atients chart includes the ___ form which grants permission to the health care facility and physician to provide treatment consent
a component of the patient's chart includes the __ pathways which are standardized outcomes and timetables which require health care providers to asses patients progress toward the goals of discharge while maintaining quality care. critical
the MAR or __ __ __ lists all medications to be administered and provides the pharmacist and the nurse with identical medication profiles for the patient medication administration record
__ __ __ is the drug distribution system that uses single-unit packages of drugs dispensed to fill each dose requirements as it is ordered unit dose system
a ___ order is generally used on an emergency basis; it means that the drug is to be administered as soon as possible, but only once stat
the graphic record is an example of manual recording of temperature, pulse, respirations, and blood pressure true
when a medication is ordered PRN, the nurse identifies this as meaning the patient should receive this medication every night before bedtime false
a standing order must be written and signed by the physician before the nurse can continue to administer the medication false
medication errors can result in serious complications known as adverse drug events true
what is 6am in military time 0600
what is 2pm in military time 1400
at what time is the inventory control record completed when the controlled substance is removed
at what time is the PRN medication record completed immediatly after administering the drug
by whom is the narcotic control count performed two nurses. one from shift going off duty and one from shift coming on duty
how is a drug on a scheduled order given at prescribed/designated intervals
when a verbal order is taken, it must be co-signed and dated by the prescriber within how many days 1
which person is responsible for the transcription of a drug order nurse
when "wasting" a portion of a dose of narcotic, the nurse must have this witnessed by which person another qualified nurse
when measuring a fractional dose of a medication with a volume of less than 1 mL what is the most accurate methos to use tuberculin syringe
which is the most reliable method to calculate pediatric drug doses body surface area
a patient has a new drug ordered bid. how will the drug be administered two times per day
to what drug dosage system does the pyxis system refer electronic medication dispensing system
the mar is a long term care setting is designed to be used for how long 1 month
faxed medication orders are usually signed by the health care provider withing how many hours 24
electronis database charting systams may vary, but they must comply with the guidelines/requirements of which organization while incorporatingstandards of care the joint commission
unit dose systems in a long term care setting supply enough medication containers for what time period 1 week
___ are semicolid emulsions containg medicinal agents for external application creams
__ tablets are designed to be placed under the tongue for dissolution and absorption through the vast network of blood vessels in this area sublingual
___ tablets are designed to be held between the cheek and molar teeth for absorption from the blood vessels of the cheek buccal
medications that are labeled "ophthalmic" are meant for administration to the ___ eye
when administering ear drops to a child UNDER the age of 3 years, the nurse should restain the child, turn the head to the appropraite side, and gently ull the earlobe ____ and ____ downward and back
bronchodialtors and corticosteroids may be administered by oral inhalation through the mouth using an aerosolized, pressurized ___ ____ ____ metered dose inhaler
it is now recognized that a major principle in wound healing is the need for a moist environment to propagate epithelization of the wound true
patch testing is a method used to identify a patient's sensitivity to contact materials true
after applying the prescribed amount of nitroglycerin ointment to the skin the nurse should rub the ointment into the skin until it can no longer be seen false
aerosols use a flow of air or oxygen under pressure to disperse the drug throughout the respiratory tract true
douching is not recommended during pregnancy true
eye medications may be administered by which methods? irrigation, drop, ointment, patch
when administering ear medication to an adult, in which was is the pinna pulled? up and back
nitroglycerin administered by which route has the longest duration of action? transdermal
the three routes of drug administration can be classified into the following categories ___, ___, ____ enternal, parenteral, percutaneous
____ are small, cylindrical gelatin containers that hold dry powder or liquid medicinal agents capsules
____ are dispersions of small droplets of water in oil or oil in water, and are often used to mask bitter tastes or provide better solubility to certain drugs emulsions
when using the metric system, one teaspoon equal ___ mL 5
elixirs are drugs dissolved in ____ & ____ alcohol, water
after a patient receives a suppository, the nurse should instruct the patient to remain lying on the side for ___ to ___ minutes to allow melting and absorption of the medication 15 to 20
syrups are drugs dissolved in concentrated _____ with _____ water with sugar
on the medicine cup, 1 oz equals ___ tbsp 2
on the medicine cup, 1 tsp equals ____ mL 5
the oral route is safe, most conveniant, and relatively economical, and dose forms are readily available for most medications. the major disadvantage of this route is that it has the slowest and least dependable rate of absorption, and thus onset. true
enteric-coated tablets must not be crushed or chewed, or the active ingrediants will be released prematurely and be destroyed in the stomach. true
when a liquid medication is poured into a medicine cup, a meniscus forms in the cup. the amount of medication in the cup should be read at the lowest point of the concave curve of the meniscus true
suppositories are intended only for rectal administration false
patients receiving an enema should be placed in the right lateral position, unless the knee-chest postition has been specified false
the oral dropper that accompanied a specific drug is lost. the nurse should substitute a dropper from another medication for the lost one. false
to validate the correct placement of an NG tube prior to administering a medication or enteral feeding, it is acceptable to aspirate gastric contents and check the pH and color true
when flushing an NG tube, do not clamp the tube until all the solution has time to reach the stomach false
when documenting an enternal feeding, the amount administered is charted on the intake and output sheet and then is included in the intake total for each shift true
intermittent tube feedings require that the unused formula mixed and dispensed by the pharmacy be discarded every 48 hours false
the HOB is elevated 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after administering an intermittent tube feeding true
rectal suppositories are generally inserted with the patient positioned in the Sims' position true
a disposable enema is administered with the patient positioned on the right side false
when testing gastric pH for a person NOT taking an H2 blocker such ranitidine, the gastric contents would have a pH of 1.0-4.0 true
when testing gastric Ph for a person who is taking an H2 blocker such a ranitidine, the gastric contents would have a pH >4.0 false
aspirated intestinal fluid should be clear to straw-colored secretion. false
auscultation is an accurate method of checkin NG tube placement false
when administering a liquid form of an oral medication to an infant, the nurse performs which activity? is certain that the infant is alert
when administering medications to an adult via an NG tube, what does the nurse do? flushes the nasogastric tube with at least 30 mL of sterile water before and after administration of the medicine
when checking for correct placement of an NG tube, the nurse aspirates yellow fluid from the nasogastric tube. based on the color of the aspirate the nurse identifies the fluid as most likely being of which type? intestinal
when administering an enema to an adult, what does the nurse do? tells the patient not to flush the toilet until you return and can see the results of the enema
a patiented ordered 2/3 strength sustacal 360 mL to be administered over 4 hours via a gastrostomy tube. sustacal is available in 10 fluid ounce cans. how many cans of sustacal will the patient require 1 can
an order reads 2/3 strength ensure 90 mL every hour for 5 hours via NG tube. ensure is available in 8 fluid ounce cans. how many mL of water will the nurse use to dilute 300 mL of ensure to appropriate strength 150 mL
a baby is ordered 3/8 strength enfamil. the baby needs 32 fluid ounces of the 3/8 strength enfamil for one feeding. enfamil is available in 6 fluid ounce bottles. how many bottles of enfamil will the baby need for one feeding? 2 bottles
the syring has three parts: ____ is the outer portion on which the calibrations for the measurements of drug volume are located, ____ is the inner cylindrical portion that fits snugly into the barrel, ___ is the portion that holds the needle tip, barrell, plunger
the needle ___ is the diameter of the hole trhough the needle gauge
the proper gauge for an intradermal injection is ___ to ___g, and the appropriate length of the needle is __ to __ inch. 26 to 29 3/8 to 1/2
the proper needle gauge for blood administration is ___ to ___g 15 to 19
what is the max volume of a drug injected intradermal? .1 mL
what is the max volume of a drug injected subcutaneously? 2 mL
what is the max volume of a drug injected IM? 3 mL
when drugs are given parentally rather than orally, the onset of drug action is generally more rapid but of shorter duration true
injectionof drugs requires skill and special care because of the trauma at the site of needle puncture, possibility of infection, chance of allergic reaction, and that once medication is injected, the drug is irretrievable true
insulin is now manufactured in U-50 concentration in the united states. false
low-dose insulin syringes are used for patients receiving 80 units or less of U-100 insulin. false
ampules are glass containers that usually contain a single dose of medication true
when preparing to administer a medication from an ampule, what does the nurse do? covers the ampule neck with a sterile gauze pledget or antiseptic swab
when administering NPH and regular insulin together in the same syringe, what does the nurse do is careful not to inject any of the first type of insulin already in the syringe into the vial
an obese adult is in need of an intramuscular injection. which needle length does the nurse use? 3 inches
when preparing to administer blood to a patient, which needle gauge does the nurse consider? 18
which volumes of medication are acceptable for intramuscular administration at one site to an older infant .5-1.0 mL
_____ injections are made by penetrating a needle through the dermis and subcutaneous tissue into the muscle layer intramuscular
IM injections shoule be made at a ___ degree angle 90
when a drug that is irritating needs to be administered IM, the _____ method is commonly used z-track
to use the _____ area for IM injection, the patient should be placed in the prone position on a flat surface dorsogluteal
when administering ____ and ____ subcutaneously, the nurse should not aspirate after the needle has been inserted heparin , insulin
intradermal injections are made into the dermal layer of skin just below the epidermis true
the usual amouth of volume injected subcut is 2-5 mL false
when administering heparin subcut, insert the needle quickly at a 45-degree angle, do not aspirate, and slowly inject the medication true
the gluteal are must not be used for IM injection of medication in children under 3 years of age because the muscle is not yet well-developed from walking true
when using he deltoid muscle for IM drug administration in adults, the volume should be limited to 2 mL or less, and the substance must not cause irritation true
when preparing to provide allergy testing to a patient using the intradermal injection technique, what does the nurse do wears gloves
the nurse is preparing to administer an IM injection in the dorsogluteal area. what does the nurse do first. positions the patient prone with the toes pointed inward
how many mL of medication is the usual amount administered via the IM route to adults 2
what is the upper volume of medication that can be delivered to a patient via subcut route 1 mL
what is the upper volume of medication that can be delivered into a muscle 3 mL
the most common site for the administration of intradermal medication is the inner aspect of what body part forearm
act to increase the flow of urine diuretics
steroids that cause feminizing effects estrogens
used to regulate carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism glucocorticoids
plant products usually sold as food supplements herbals
decrease the volume and increase the pH gastric secreations both during the day and the night. ex: zantac histamine (H2)antagonists
hormone required for glucose transport into the cells for energy insulins
erythromycin,azithromycin, and related antibiotics macrolides
block monoamine oxidase, thereby preventing the degradation and prolonging action of norepinephrine and serotonin MAO inhibitors
skeletal muscle relaxants neuromuscular blockers
prostaglandin inhibitors that are analgesic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory in action NSAIDs
steroids regulating endometrial and myometrial function progestins
block the maturation of HIV; used to treat HIV infections protease inhibitors
group of related chemicals that are a subclass of NSAIDs effective as analgesics, antipyretics, and antiinflammatory agents salicylates
given to an individual to produce relaxation and rest; do not necessarily produce sleep sedatives
antidepressants that act by secifically blocking the reuptake of serotonin SSRIs
block the synthesis of cholesterol statins
draw water into the stool, thereby softening it stool softeners or fecal softeners
s specific group of drugs given to dissolve existing blood clots thrombolytics
suspensions of either live, attenuated, or killed bacteria or viruses administered to induce immunity against infection of specific bacteria or viruses. vaccines
Created by: 1029390060
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