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Pharm Cancer

What is cancer? What does it cause cells to do? Rapid, uncontrolled cell division (damage to genes controlling cell growth); cancer cells lose normal functions; cancer cells invade surrounding cells; cancer cells can metastasize
What is a carcinogen? Causes cancer; associated with a higher risk of acquiring cancer
What carcinogen is responsible for 1/3 of all cancers? Chemicals in tobacco smoke
What chemical carcinogens are associated with the workplace? Asbestos (lung cancer) and benzene (leukemia)
What physical factors are also associated with cancer? Exposure to large amounts of x-rays (leukemia); UV light from the sun (skin cancer)
Viruses are associated with what percentage of cancers? What are some examples? 15% of all human cancers; ex.: Herpes I and II, Epstein-Barr virus, papillomavirus, cytomegalovirus, HPV
What are oncogenes? Predispose client to certain cancers; inhibit development of cancers
What healthy lifestyle habits should be encouraged? Eliminate tobacco/exposure to 2nd hand smoke; limit/eliminate alcohol use; reduce animal fats in diet; increase fiber in diet (plant sources); exercise regularly; keep weight within normal guidelines
Why would someone be encouraged to reduce animal fats in diet? Carcinogens can get stored in fat cells
What tests should be performed starting at age 50 for men? Digital rectal prostate exam, prostate specific antigen (PSA), fecal occult blood test (FOBT), sigmoidoscopy/colonoscopy
What tests should be performed starting at age 50 for women? Periodic mammograms as directed by PCP, fecal occult blood test (FOBT), sigmoidoscopy/colonoscopy
When should a woman receive her first Pap test? Within 3 years of a woman becoming sexually active, or before the age of 21
What does the suffix –oma mean? Tumor; swelling, enlargement, or mass
What are the characteristics of benign tumors? Grow slowly, do not metastasize, rarely require drug treatment
How are benign tumors removed? Do they normally grow back? Surgically removed; do not normally grow back
What are 2 examples of benign tumors? Adenoma (benign tumor of glandular tissue) and lipoma (benign tumor of adipose tissue)
What are the characteristics of malignant tumors (cancer)? Rapid growth, can easily metastasize; resistant to treatment; normally results in death
What are the two major divisions of malignant tumors? Carcinoma and sarcoma
What are 3 types of “other tumors”? Leukemia (blood-forming cells), lymphoma (lymphatic tissue), glioma (central nervous system tumors)
How is cancer treated? Surgery, radiation therapy, and chemo; greater chances for cure if the cancer is treated early
What should be done if extravasation/infiltration of chemo occurs? Shut it off (leave IV in place), notify the oncologist, aspirate as much chemo from the cath as possible, admin antidote, apply heat/cold/steroid cream as ordered, thorough documentation
Why are different antineoplastic classes given to a patient? Different classes affect different stages of the cancer’s life cycle; allows lower dosages of each agent (reduces toxicity, shows development of resistant, fewer side effects)
Why is a patient specific dosing schedule/cycle mapped out at the beginning of treatment? Single or multiple doses are given over several days, gives normal cells time to recover, cancer cells may be more sensitive at the time of next treatment
What is serious toxicity? Pt is pushed to maximum possible dosage (greatest # of tumor cells killed); always results in adverse effects (means drugs are working); rapidly growing cells are most susceptible to adverse effects
What are the adverse effects that may occur in the blood? Anemia, thrombocytopenia, leucopenia
What are the adverse effects that may occur in the GI tract? Nausea/vomiting (give antiemetics prior to treatment; vomiting center in the brain is affected); diarrhea; anorexia
What are the “other” adverse effects that may occur during chemo (not in the blood or GI tract)? Fatigue (r/t anemia); opportunistic infections; alopecia; stomatitis (unique to chemo)
What is stomatitis and how is it treated? Inflammatory process in the mouth (unique to chemo); treated with special mouth rinse (usually contains Benadryl - antihistamine, Maalox - antacid, xylocaine – local analgesic, nystatin – antifungal (prevents opportunistic infx)
What are the different types of antineoplatic drugs? Alkylating agents, antimetabolites, antitumor antibiotics, plant alkaloids/natural products, hormones and hormone blockers, miscellaneous
How are alkylating agents used to treat cancer? They are the most widely used; form bonds or linkages with DNA (changes the shape) and prevents normal DNA function; kill or slow down replication of tumor cells
When do alkylating agents peak? 1-2 days after administration
What are the drug interactions for alkylating agents? Herbal – Echinacea immune stimulator, interferes with action
What are the adverse effects of alkylating agent therapy? Bone marrow suppression; damage epithelial cells lining GI tract
What are two examples of alkylating agents? cyclophosphamide (cytoxan) and chlorambucil (Leukeran)
How do antimetabolites work? Chemically similar to essential building blocks of the cell; interfere with nutritional metabolism within the cell; cancer cells use this drug to construct proteins or DNA; block DNA synthesis; kill cancer cells or slow growth
What are two examples of anitmetabolites? methotrexate (Folex, Rheumatrex) and fluorouracil (5-FU: infused or skin cream)
What are the actions and uses for methotrexate (Mexate)? Many cancers; psoriasis; rheumatoid arthritis
What are the adverse effects and interactions of methotrexate (Mexate)? Pulmonary toxicity and the usual adverse effects
What is the mechanism of action for methotrexate (Mexate)? Interferes with folic acid use in cells
How do antitumor antibiotics work? Interact with DNA in a manner similar to alkylating agents (side effects are similar)
How often are antitumor antibiotics prescribed? Not widely prescribed; only given IV or instilled into cavity
What are two examples of antitumor antibiotics? bleomycin (Blenozane) and doxorubicin (Dozil)
What are the actions and uses of doxorubicin (Adriamycin)? Prevents cell division; delivered per liposomes which delivers higher concentrations to cancer cells
What are the side effects of doxorubicin (Adriamycin)? Will change urine and tears to red color
What are the adverse effects and interactions of doxorubicin (Adriamycin)? Usual adverse effects and cardiac toxicity (lifetime max dose – if taken beyond the max dose starts to kill the heart); many drug interactions (herbal: green tea enhances action)
What are plant alkaloids/natural products? Structurally very different from each other; common ability to arrest cell division (sometimes called mitotic inhibitors)
What is an example of a plant alkaloid/natural product? vincristine (Oncovin)
How is vincristine (Oncovin) given and how much immunosuppression does it cause? Must be given IV and causes minimal immunosuppression
What are the actions and uses for vincristine (Oncovin)? Inhibits mitosis
What are the adverse effects and interactions for vincristine (Oncovin)? Nervous system toxicity and usual side effects (numbness, tingling, weakness, many drug interactions)
How do hormones and hormone blockers work? Used to slow the growth of hormone-dependant tumors; administered as natural or synthetic products
What are hormone-dependant tumors and why do hormones and hormone blockers work on them? Hormone dependent tumors are stimulated by natural hormones; specific hormones or hormone blockers can block receptor sites
What hormones may be used to slow breast cancer? Testosterone or antiestrogen; tamoxifen citrate (Nolvadex)
What may be some effects of taking estrogen to slow the growth of prostate cancer? May cause feminizing effects; may interfere with normal function (may be due to hormone or from cancer itself)
Why would corticosteroids be given to cancer patients? Palliation
What are the adverse effects of hormones used in chemotherapy? Higher doses of hormone than normally present in the body; produce few of the typical cytotoxic side effects; can produce significant side effects when given at high doses for prolonged periods
What are the actions and uses for tamoxifen (Nolvadex)? Treats breast cancer that have estrogen receptors; also prevents breast cancer
What are the adverse effects and interactions of tamoxifen (Nolvadex)? Nausea, vomiting, increased risk of uterine cancer, hot flashes, fluid retention, venous blood clots, abnormal vaginal bleeding
How does asparaginase affect cancer cells? Deprives cancer cells of an essential amino acid
How does mitotane (Lysodren) work? Poisons cancer cells
How do biologic response modifiers (immunotherapy) work? Stimulate the body’s immune system: do not kill cancer cells, minimize immunosuppressive effects of other anticancer drugs, some used to minimize the toxic effects of other antineoplastics
What kind of drug is interferon alfa 2 (Roferon – A, Intron A)? Biologic response modifier: combination drug
What are the actions and uses for interferon alfa 2? Stimulates immune system to remove antigens; suppresses the growth of cancer cells
What are the adverse effects and interactions of interferon alfa 2? Flu-like symptoms (fever, chills, dizzy, fatigue); nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia
What kinds of toxicity may occur when a patient is on interferon alfa 2 and why? Hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity; immunosuppression
What are the actions and uses of Epoetin alpha? Stimulate RBC production (can cause hypertension); administered 3times per week sub-q
What are the administration alerts for Epoetin alpha? Infants must be given the preservative free type; do not shake vial; inspect for particulates; adequate nutrition (iron is essential)
What are the adverse effects and interactions for Epoetin alpha? 30% incidence of hypertension (monitor BP; may need anti-HTN meds); increased risk of thromboembolic events; iron deficiency must be corrected first
What are the actions and uses of filgrastim (Neupogen)? Increase neutrophil production and enhance function of existing neutrophils; used after chemo is finished, AIDS, organ recipients
What are the adverse effects and interactions of filgrastim (Neupogen)? Wait 24hrs after chemo session; bone pain – report if not relieved by OTC meds
What is the function of oprelvekin (Neumega) and what is it given for? Stimulates platelets; given for thrombocytopenia caused by chemo
When is the onset of action for oprelvekin (Neumega)? 5-9 days
What is the duration for oprelvekin (Neumega)? 7 days
How is oprelvekin (Neumega) administered? Sub-q
What is the scope of practice for pharmacists regarding chemo? Only pharmacists mix/prepare IV chemo
What is the scope of practice for RNs regarding chemo? Only RNs hang chemo and access devices
What is the scope of practice for LPNs regarding chemo? LPNs monitor chemo infusion
What should the nurse administering chemo do to reduce body fluid exposure? Pt is contaminated for approx. 48hrs after admin.; wear gown and gloves; linens and equip should be leak and puncture proof
It is important to avoid splashing during urination for a chemo patient. How can splashing be avoided? Use toilet if possible, ask males to sit, flush with the lid down
How should chemo infusion equipment be disposed of? Hazardous waste
Created by: kthoma
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