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Who are the ultimate beneficiaries of a free and active media?
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The selection of topics and content in the mass media is heavily skewed toward
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We the People Government Chapter 7

Who are the ultimate beneficiaries of a free and active media? the people
The selection of topics and content in the mass media is heavily skewed toward upscale, well-educated, and affluent consumers because they have money.
Interest groups try to secure media coverage of their issues to ultimately get the attention of politicians and passage of favorable policy proposals. Interest groups do this because of the ______________ power of the media. agenda setting
Which of the following best describes the relationship between the government and the media in the United States today? The government does not own, but regulates, the content and the ownership of broadcast media.
Which age group cites the Internet as their main source of news? younger americans
The process by which a relatively similar picture of events, issues, and problems is presented to the entire nation is referred to as nationalization of the news
The FCC’s fairness doctrine ____________ is no longer being enforced
The media has a bias in favor of whatever will get the largest audience
Most of the news on the Internet is electronic versions of what is already in print.
The power of the media to decide how the American people interpret political events and results is called framing
The FCC requires broadcasters to provide individuals the right to respond to personal attacks, which is known as the right of rebuttal
Which of the following events do the authors not use to illustrate the power of the media in U.S. politics? the savings and loan scandal
In the United States, there are only three truly national newspapers. Which of the following is not one of the newspapers? The Wall Street Journal The Christian Science Monitor USA Today The Washington Post washington post
Why did Howard Stern move to satellite radio? it isnt regulated by the fcc
According to the textbook, the media’s adversarial posture toward government may decrease levels of political participation.
According to the authors of the textbook, today most publishers are business people and are more concerned with business operations than editorial content.
"Although they represent only a small % of the pop, individ under the age of 50 whose family inc is in the 80th % or better acct for nearly 50 % of the retail $ spent on consumer goods in the US." This statement supports the authors’ contention that the print and broadcast media cater to the preferences of consumers. the media cater to the upscale segments of their audiences. the media attempt to understand the tastes and preferences of consumers.
American radio and television are regulated by the Federal Communications Commission.
Broadcasters must provide candidates running for the same political office equal opportunities to communicate their messages to the public. This is the equal time rule.
According to the authors, which media outlet tended to cover international news the most thoroughly? the times of london
More than ____________ of the daily newspapers in the United States are owned by large conglomerates such as the Hearst or Gannett corporations. three quarters
Which of the following is a federally licensed media outlet? nbc newsweek NY times slate magazine NBC
What happened to the adversarial relationship between the press and the government in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks? The media openly supported the Bush administration in the immediate aftermath of the attacks but later criticized President Bush’s approach to Iraq.
Which of the following sources of news typically covers topics with the least depth of coverage? Radio talk shows Television The Internet Newspapers television
The decline of party organizations since the 1970s has increased the dependence that politicians have on the media
The media have become more partisan. more ideological. more diverse.
The media frenzy over the Monica Lewinsky scandal is evidence that the media’s bias is more oriented to audience appeal than ideology.
According to the text, what must Americans tolerate to guarantee the maintenance of a democratic society? The media will occasionally abuse their power.
Slate magazine, ActBlue, and Facebook illustrate the growing influence of the Internet in American media.
The proliferation of media sources and outlets results in coverage that is more partisan.
The Telecommunications Act of 1996 was an attempt to _____ loosen federal restrictions of media ownership. allow broadcasters, telephone companies, and cable companies to compete with one another. ban indecent sexual material accessible to minors on the Internet.
the power of the media to bring public attention to particular issues and problems agenda setting
the requirement that broadcasters provide candidates for the same political office equal opportunities to communicate their messages to the public equal time rule
a Federal Communications Commission requirement for broadcasters who air programs on controversial issues to provide time for opposing views. The FCC ceased enforcing this doctrine in 1985 fairness doctrine
the power of the media to influence how events and issues are interpreted framing
process of preparing the public to take a particular view of an event or political actor priming
a Federal Communications Commission regulation giving individuals the right to have the opportunity to respond to personal attacks made on a radio or television broadcast right of rebuttal
short snippets of information aimed at dramatizing a story rather than explaining its substantive meaning sound bites
Created by: hkrawietz
Popular American Government sets




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