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Gina Cardio review

Angina Pectoris Pain in chest from decreased blood flow & oxygen to heart
Arteriosclerosis Thickening of walls of arterioles causing loss of elasticity and loss of ability to contract
Hyperlipidemia Increase of lipids in the blood stream
Thrombosis Main blood clot
Arrythmia Irregular heartbeat
Potassium Sparing Diuretics Aldactone (spironolactone) & Direnium (triamterene. Work to eliminate urine by way of interrupting the sodium reabsorption within the distal tubules of the kidney.
Atherosclerosis Form of arteriosclerosis characterized by build up of fatty plaques on the walls of arteries & arterioles.
Myocardial Infarction (MI) Death of part of the heart muscle
Embolus Clot that has broken away from the main clot (which is the Thrombus)
Hypertension High blood pressure - (silent killer)
Hypotension Low blood pressure
Thromboembolism Blocking of a blood vessel by a detached embolus. Occasionally the body forms clots or thrombi that jam blood vessels causing thromboembolism
Orthostatic Hypotension Drop in blood pressure that a person experiences when changing from a supine (laying down) to an upright position.
Chronotropic Effect increase or decrease in the heart rate
Inotropic effect Increase or decrease in the force of myocardial contraction
Intermittent claudication Severe pain in the calf muscles that occurs during exercise due to inadequate blood supply to the lower extremities
Automaticity Automatic spontaneous initiation of a heart impulse.
Homeostasis when the body is "IN BALANCE". EQUILIBRIUM
Hemostasis clot formation to prevent further loss of blood from wounds.
Digitalization Rapid dosing of Digitalis to reach a therapeutic level
High Density Lipoproteins (HDL) Good Cholesterol - simple protein that is combined with the lipids-high level is desirable
Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL) A low density is desirable. A simple protein that is combined with lipids.
Classification for Lorvastatin, Prevastatin & Simvistatin Anti-Hyperlipidemics for Hyperlipidmia (excess lipids in the blood). Inhibit an enzyme responsible of the 1st steps in the overall conversion of fats into cholesterol. They raise HDL levels and decrease LDL & VLDL.
Osmotic Diuretics Eliminate excess water weight by eliminating the osmolarity of the glomerular filtrate which has the effect of decreasing tubular reabsorption of water.
Define CAD Coronary Artery Disease
what is a Thiazide Diuretics (Not potassium sparing) used for patients with edema resulting from CHF, Hypertension & other conditions. they increase urinary excretion.
T or F - Fibric Acid Derivitives are no longer a drug of choice for hyperlipidemia False
Myocardium (muscle) heart muscle that contracts
Epicardium (outside) Outer layer of the heart/inner layer of the pericardium
Pericardium The fibrous sac enclosing the heart.
Endocardium (inside) smooth accordian like surface, allows heart wall to collapse during
What layer of the heart has a smooth accordian plate Endocardium
Which layer of the heart contracts Myocardium
Nitrates Dilate the arteries to permit an increase of blood flow through the heart muscle
Anticoagulants Prevent the conversion of prothrombin
Dromotropic Effect Increase or decrease in the conduction of cardiac electrical impulses.
Loop Diuretics Work in the Loop of Henley, they work rapidly & cause large amounts of urine to be excreted, advised patient takes these in the morning.
T/F - Diuretics are used only for Hypertension? F
T/F - Do Thiazide Diuretics have a side effect of potassium loss? T
T/F - Potassium replacement must be taken with a potassium sparing diruetic? F
T/F - Diuretics should be taken in the morning? T
T/F - A normal heart rate is 30 to 60 bpm F (60 to 100 bpm)
T/F - ACE Inhibitors reduce BP by causing decrease of pressure in the arteries? T
What is nitroglycerin used for? Anginal Attacks
How long is Nitro good for after opening? 6 months
When packaging Nitroglycerin, do you put a safety cap on it? No
What color bottle is Nitroglycerin put into and why? Amber because it blocks sunlight.
T/F - Medications used as Anti-dysrrhythmics have multiple life threatening side effects. T
T/F - Estrogens may be given to ALL women ______________________ F
T/F - Overall goal treatment for CHF is to control the underlying cause? T
T/F - Oral medication should be taken 1 hr before or 4 hrs after bile acid sequestriants? T
T/F - Diuretics and ACE inhibitors are used in the treatment of CHF? T
Nitrostat should be administered by which route? SL (sublingual); lasts 1 hr, if more than 1 pill is needed administer every 5 minutes - no more than 5 tablets.
Which is not a common side effect of circulatory medications? edema & SOB
T/F - Antihypertensive therapy is long term? T
What heart muscle contracts? Myocardium
Lopressor, Tenormin & Inderal are classified as what? B-Blockers
Cardioglycosides Increase forcefulness of the pumping of the heart, but not the oxygen requirements.
Antiarrhythmics Works on the conduction system & induces regular heartbeats.
ACE Inhibitors Reduces BP by decreasing pressure in the arteries.
B-Blockers Blocks various enzymes that cause high BP.
CCB - Calcium Channel Blockers Decreases Calcium intake by the heart & blood vessels. When the Calcium channel is blocked by these agents, the heart rate slows which decreases stress on the heart muscle. Common side effects are dizziness, drowsiness & blurred vision.
Created by: Gina Peskin
Popular Pharmacology sets




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