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Steno Briefs A - M
common brief forms and phrases
Question | Answer |
a little | ALGTS |
a long time | LAONGT |
a lot | LAO |
ability | ABLT |
able to | AIBLT |
about | ABT |
above | BOV |
accurate | KRIT |
action | A*BGS |
actual | TWAUL |
actuality | WAUL/TI |
actually | TWAIL |
adds | ADZ |
admirable | AD/MIRBL |
admissibility | MIBLT |
admissible | MIBL |
ads | A*DZ |
advance | VANS |
advantageous | VANGS |
advisory | VAOIZ/RI |
after | AF |
alcohol | KHOL |
alcoholism | KHOL/IFM |
all the | AULT |
allegation | AELGS |
allege | AELG |
allergy | L-RG |
almost | L-M |
along | LAONG |
alphabet | AFL |
alphabetical | AEFL |
alphabetically | AOEFL |
already | L-R |
always | AULZ |
am I correct | MIKT |
amount | AMT |
and a half | NAF |
and he had | SKPED |
and he will | SKP*EL |
and it is | SKPTS |
and it's | SKP*TS |
and you have been | SKPUFB |
angel | AING / EL |
ankle | A*NG / -L |
another | AOT |
anticipation | AEPGS |
apathy | AP/THI |
applicant | PLIKT |
approximately | P-L |
arbitrarily | ARB/TRAIRL |
are you able to say | RUBLTS |
are you able to | RUBLT |
are you able | RUBL |
are you familiar | RUFM |
arrival | RAOIVL |
article | ARL |
as much as | S-FPS |
as much | S-FP |
as well as | SWELS |
ask | SKP |
assemble | SEM/BL |
assembly | SEM/BLI |
at a time | TAIT |
at all times | TAULTS |
at all | TA*UL |
at least | TLAES |
at once | TWUNS |
at the end | TED |
at the same time | TAIMT |
authority | THORT |
authorization | THORGS |
authorize | THORZ |
automobile | AUBL |
away | WAE |
baby | BAEB |
baggy | BAEG |
bankrupt | BRUPT |
bankruptcy | BRUPS |
battle | BALT |
beautiful | BAOUFL |
became | BAIM |
because of the | BAUFT |
because of | BAUF |
because | BAUZ |
become | B-K |
been | B-N |
began | GAN |
begin | GIN |
begun | G-N |
behalf | BAF |
behind | HIND |
below | BLO |
better than | BERN |
between | TWAOEN |
beyond | YOND |
bicycle | BOIK |
billion | B-L |
bleary | BLAOER/YI |
body | BOED |
bossy | BOES |
bring | BRI |
brother | BROER |
brutal | BRAOUT / -L |
building | B-LG |
business | BIZ |
can be | K-B |
can have | K-F |
can he have | KEF |
cancel | KANL |
cancellation | KANLGS |
capital | KAP / TAL |
capitol | KAP / TOL |
carry | KAER |
casual | KAUZ / -L |
cate (suffix) | KAIT |
cease and desist | SD*S |
central | STRAL |
chairman | KHAIRM |
chairperson | KHAIRP |
challenge | KHAJ |
chapel | CHAP / -L |
chemical | KEM / KAL |
circle | SIRL |
circular | SIRK/LAR |
circumstance | SIRK |
city council | SKOUNS |
city | STI |
coffee | KOEF |
comfort | K-FRT |
Committee | KM*E |
committee | KM-E |
common sense | KM-NS |
company | KPAEN |
concern | K-RN |
conclude | KLU |
conclusion | KLUGS |
condition | K-N |
conditional | K-NL |
conduct | KUKT |
conduct | KUKT |
confer | K-FR |
conferred | K-FRD |
conferring | K-FRG |
confers | K-FRS |
confidence | K-FD |
confident | K-FT |
conform | K-FM |
conformity | K-FM/TI |
connect | KEKT |
connect | KEKT |
conscience | K-RBS |
conscientious | KERBS |
conscious | KORBS |
contact | KAKT |
conversation | K FR GS |
convict | KWIKT |
conviction | KW*IX |
copy | KOIP |
could find | KOUFPD |
council | KOUN / SIL |
counsel | KOUNL |
couple | KOUPL |
courageously | KRAIJS/LI |
court reporter | KROERT |
coworker | CO / WRORK |
cozy | KOEZ |
crazy | KRAEZ |
credibility | KREBLT |
credible | KREBL |
criminal information | KRIFGS |
criminal intent | KRINT |
criminal | KR-L |
crinkle | KR*ING / -L |
customarily | KMAIRL |
customary | KMAIRL |
daily | DAEL |
dairy | DA*ER |
danger | DAIJ |
day of | DAIF |
dear | DAER |
decide | D-DZ |
decidedly | D-DZ / DLI |
defendant | D-FT |
defense | DEFS |
deform | DEFM |
deformity | DEFMT |
delay | DLAI |
denial | D-NL |
dental | DENL |
destiny | D*ES/NI |
detail | DAIL |
did not | D-N |
did you believe it | D*UBLT |
did you believe that | DUBLT |
did you believe | DUBL |
did you feel | DUFL |
did you see | DUS |
disciplinary | SPLAIR |
discipline | SPLIN |
distance | SDANS |
distant | SDANT |
District Court | DROURT |
disturb | SDURB |
disturbance | SDURB/-NS |
do not | DON |
do that | DA*P |
do this | DOJ |
do you believe | DAOIBL |
doesn't | DUNT |
dollar | DLAR |
donkey | DON/KI |
dreary | DRAOER/YI |
duty | DAOUT |
MA*IL | |
easily | EZ / LI |
easy | EZ |
economy | KMI |
education | EGS |
educational | ELGS |
efficient | FIRBT |
eligibility | JIBLT |
eligible | JIBL |
employable | PLOIBL |
employee | PLOE |
employer | PLOIR |
employment | PLOIMT |
enemy | EN/MI |
engine | J-N |
engineer | JER |
entangle | SPWANG / -L |
entirely | SPWAOIRL |
entirely | SPWAOIRT |
entrepreneur | SPWRUR |
especially | EPS |
etc. | ETS |
every | EFR |
everyone | EFRN |
everything | EFRG |
evidence | EVD |
evident | EVT |
examine | KP-M |
excel | X-L |
expect | X-PT |
expectant | X-PT/-NT |
expected | KP-PTD |
expel | SKPEL |
explained | X-ND |
external | STERNL |
failure | YUR |
familiar | FLAR |
familiarity | FLART |
family | FAEM |
fancy | FAENS |
farther | FART |
fatal | FAIT / -L |
fatality | FALT |
fatally | FAELT |
father and mother | FAM |
father or mother | FOM |
Federal Court | FROURT |
Federal | FRA*L |
federal | FRAL |
felon | FLON |
felony | FLOEN |
figure | YAOUR |
figure | YAOUR |
filthy | FIL/THI |
finance | F-NS |
financial | F-NL |
first time | FIRT |
flabby | FLAEB |
floppy | FLOEP |
focal | FOEK / -L |
foggy | FOEG |
for a | FAO |
for example | FREX |
for instance | FRIN/STANS |
for the record | FRORD |
for this | FOJ |
foreign | FORN |
formal | FORM / -L |
fortunate | F-RNT |
fortunately | F-RNLT |
fortune | F-RN |
frisk | FRIFK |
fully | FUL/YI |
function | FUNGS |
furious | FAOURS |
galley | GAL/LI |
general | JEN |
generosity | JENS / TI |
generous | JENS |
goat | GAOT |
goatee | GOET |
going to be | G-BT |
going to | G-GT |
golf | GOF |
good many | G-M |
government | GOFT |
gravy | GRAEV |
guarantee | GAERNT |
guaranty | GAIRNT |
guilty | G-LT |
gullibility | GUBLT |
had been | H-B |
had gone | H*G |
had had | H-D |
had known | H*N |
happy | HAEP |
hasty | HA*ES |
have had | V-D |
he had | ED |
he would | ELD |
healthy | HEL/THI |
heavy | HEV |
help | H*EP |
helpfully | H*EP/FLI |
hepa- | HEP |
herein | HAOERN |
herself | H*ERS |
himself | H*IMS |
his Honor | SHON |
hobby | HOEB |
hockey | HOK/KI |
hone | HO*EN |
honest | HONS |
honesty | HOENS |
honey | HOEN |
hospital | HOPT |
hundred | HUN |
I believe | IBL |
i can't remember | YARM |
I couldn't | YUNT |
I couldn't | YUNT |
I didn't remember | YIRM |
I didn't think | YING |
I don't have | YOF |
I don't mean to | YOMT |
I don't remember | YORM |
I don't think | YONG |
I don't understand | YONDZ |
I had | ID |
I have been | IFB |
I know | KWR*N |
I think | ING |
ID | I*D |
idea | Y-D |
ideal | Y-L |
ideas | Y-DZ |
if any | FAEN |
if I was | FIFS |
if only | FONL |
if you think so | FOUNGS |
if you think | FUNG |
imagine | MAJ |
impartial | KPWAR/-RBL |
importance | PORNS |
important | PORNT |
in a case | NA*IK |
in front of me | FROEFM |
in front of them | FROFM |
in front of these | FROFTS |
in front of us | FROFS |
in front of | FROF |
in spite of | N- / SPAOIF |
in the end | NED |
in this case | N*IK |
in this | N-J |
in which | N-FP |
inactive | IN/TIF |
income | N-K |
income | N-KT |
incomes | N-X |
incompetence | IKTS |
incompetent | IKT |
increase | N-KZ |
indeed | N-D |
Individual | VIJ |
industrialization | STRIL/ZAIGS |
industry | STRI |
infect | F-K |
infection | F-X |
infirmary | N-FRM/RI |
inform | N-F |
information | N-FGS |
informative | N-F/TIV |
informed | N-FD |
informer | N-F/ER |
informing | N-FG |
injure | JIR |
injurious | JOURS |
Injury | JAOUR |
innocence | NENS |
innocent | N-NT |
innocent | NENT |
insane | IN/SAIN |
insanity | IN/SAENT |
inside | N-DZ |
insist | N*Z |
inspect | N-PT |
inspection | N-PGS |
instance | STANS |
instant | STANT |
instead | N-PD |
insufficient | IN / SUF |
insurable | SNUR / -BL |
insurance | SNURNS |
insure | SNUR |
intelligence | SPWELG/-NS |
intelligent | SPWELG/-NT |
interest | SPW |
interfere | SPW-FR |
interference | SPW-FRNS |
internal | SPWERNL |
into the | SPWAOT |
into | SPWAO |
invest | NVS |
investigate | NVGT |
investigation | TPH*FGS |
involve | VOF |
involvement | VOFMT |
irresistible | *IRS/-BL |
irresistibly | *IRS/BLI |
is not | SNOT |
is that | STHA |
is there | STHR- |
issue | IRB/YAOU |
it is | T-S |
it would be | TWOUB |
itself | *ITS |
jealous | JELS |
jealously | JELS/LI |
jewelry | JIL |
journal | JOURNL |
journey | JUR/NI |
just feel | J-FL |
just have | J-F |
just will | J*L |
just | J- |
juvenile court | JOURT |
juvenile delinquent | JAOUVLD |
juvenile | JAOUVL |
kidney | KID/NI |
lacy | LAES |
landlord | L-LD |
larceny | LAERS |
last time | LAMT |
later | LAER |
lawsuit | LAUT |
lawyer | LAUR |
lazy | LAEZ |
legal | LAOEL |
let us | LETS |
liberty | LIBT |
liberty | LIBT |
library | LAOIB |
listen | L-N |
little | LGTS |
logical | L-L |
logically | LIL |
loyal | LOIL |
major | JOR |
majority | JORT |
manage | MANG |
manager | M-G |
many | M- |
material | TERL |
matter | MAER |
may be | M-B |
Mayor | MA*IR |
medially | M*ED/LI |
medical | M*K |
medley | MED/LI |
mega (prefix) | MEG |
mental | MENL |
mentality | MENLT |
method | MEFD |
methodology | MEFD/OLG |
militarily | MILT/LI |
militarization | MILGS |
military | MILT |
million | M-L |
minority | NORT |
miracle | MIRK / -L |
mist | M*IS |
mobility | MOEBLT |
monetarily | MON/TAIRL |
monkey | MON/KI |
more than | M-RN |
more time | M-RMT |
more | PH-R |
mortal | MORT / -L |
most of the | MOFT |
mother and father | MAFR |
mother or father | MOFR |
motor vehicle | MOEVK |
motorcycle | MOIK |
movability | MOV/-BLT |
move | MOV |
movie | MOEV |
movie | MOV/VI |
Mr. Chairman | MR-FP |
Mr. president | MR-PT |
must be | PHUB |
myself | MAO*EUS |
myself | MAO*I |