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What are the 12 steps of yeast dough production?
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What are the goals of step 2 Mixing?
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What are the 12 steps of yeast dough production? 1.Scaling ingredients => weighing 2.Mixing 3.Fermentation 4.Punching 5.Scaling 6.Rounding 7.Benching 8.Makeup and Panning 9.Proofing 10.Baking 11.Cooling 12.Storing
What are the goals of step 2 Mixing? Combine all ingredients; Distribute yeast; Develop gluten; Straight Dough Method; Modified Straight Dough Method, Sponge Method (yeast starter, yeast pre-ferment, pate fermentee)
Step 3: Fermentation Yeast feeds sugars=> alcohol + CO2; Gluten => smoother + more elastic; Dough keeps on fermenting from there on
Steps 4,5,6: Punching, Scaling, Rounding Sequential steps; Punching => expel CO2, relax gluten, equalize temperature; Scaling => portion control, consistency : DO NOT TEAR THE DOUGH!!; Rounding => helps shaping
Step 7: Benching Allows gluten to relax; Easier to shape the dough; Cover the dough!!
Step 9: Proofing Underproofing => poor volume, dense texture; Overproofing => coarse texture, loss of flavor; Rich doughs are slightly underproofed (weaker gluten structure)
Step 10: Baking Over spring, coagulation of proteins, gelatinzation of starches, crust formation and browning; Cutting and Scoring; Washes; Steam
Quick Bread vs. Yeast Breads Quick breads easy to make; Leavened by chemical leaveners not yeast; No fermentation time => faster; Tender products, Little gluten development
Weakest to strongest flours Cake - Pastry - AP - Bread
What happens when over creaming cookies? No spread and caky
Why do we preferment sour dough? flavor
What happens to over worked quick breads? Tunneling
Sponge method fermentation head start
How to control fermentation? Salt, Cool, Time, Mixing
What does fat do to baked goods? Flavor, texture, moistness, shortens gluten strans
What method is used to make pound cake? Creaming method
Low temp cookies? Spread and fat content
What do you bake in sheet pan? Brownies
Hydryscopic? Soft Sugars (Liquad at room temp)
What has more sugar danish or croissant dough? Danish
Is brioche rolled-in? No, but danish and croissant are
What do eggs do to cookies? Make them chewy
What does proofing do to bread? Relx gluten and rise
What are the differance between biscit and cut in method? nothing they are the same
Why is AP flour white Because the brined has be removed
Created by: r.burns
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