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A&P- Ch. 1

What deals with the form and structures of the body and it's parts? Anatomy
What deals with the function of the body and it's parts? Physiology
What is the anatomy of structures so small that a microscope is required to view them clearly? Microscopic
What is the anatomy that deals with body parts large enough to be seen with the unaided eyes such as organs, muscles, and bones? Macroscopic
What is the study of the individual systems of the body? Systemic
What is the study of the individual areas or "regions" of the body? Regional
Bones and joints Skeletal
Skin, hair, nails, and hooves Integumentary
Central Nervous System (CNS) and peripheral nerves Nervous
Heart and blood vessels Cardiovascular
Lungs and air passageways Respiratory
Gastrointestinal (GI) tube and accessory digestive organs Digestive
Skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle Muscular
Organs of general and special sense Sensory
Endocrine glands and hormones Endocrine
Kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra Urinary
Male and female reproductive structures Reproductive
What refers to the area towards the spine? Dorsal
What refers to the area towards the belly? Ventral
What plane of reference divides animals into right and left halves? Sagittal plane
What plane of reference divides animals into equal right and left halves? Median plane
What plane of reference divides animals into cranial and caudal halves? Transverse plane
What plane of reference divides animals into dorsal and ventral halves? Dorsal plane
Individual's left Left
Individual's right Right
Toward the head of the body Cranial
Toward the tail of the body Caudal
Toward the tip of the nose (on the head only) Rostral
Toward the median plane Medial
Away from the medial plane Lateral
Toward the center (whole body or part) Deep
Toward the surface (whole body or part) Superficial
Toward the body (extremity only) Proximal
Away from the body (extremity only) Distal
"Back" of forelimb distal to carpus Palmar
"Back" of hindlimb distal to tarsus Plantar
"Front" of forelimb and hindlimb distal to carpus and tarpus Dorsal
The "wrist" Carpus
The "ankle" or hock Tarsus
The knee Stifle
Large bone in the upper portion of the front limb Humerus
Small bone in the lower portion of the front limb that makes the point of the elbow Ulna
First vertebrae in the back bone Atlas
Second vertebrae in the back bone Axis
Proximal to the carpus and tarsus, the front of back aspects of the legs are called? Cranial and caudal
What is the idea that the left and right halves of animals' bodies are essentially mirror images of each other? Bilateral Symmetry
What contains the brain and spinal cord and subdivides into the cranial cavity and spinal cavity? Dorsal body cavity
What contains most of the soft organs (viscera) of the body and subdivides into the thoracic and abdominal cavities? Ventral body cavity
What is the thin membrane that lines the organs in the thoracic cavity? Visceral pleura
What is the thin membrane that lines the thoracic cavity? Parietal pleura
What is the thin membrane that lines the organs of the abdominal cavity? Visceral peritoneum
What is the thin membrane that lines the abdominal cavity? Parietal peritoneum
Specific to the abdominal cavity Peritoneum
Specific to the thoracic cavity Pleura
What are the basic functional unit of all life and are generally specialized in nature? Cells
When specialized cells group together to do the same job Tissue
What is a group of tissues that works together for a common purpose? Organs
What is a group of organs that have a common set of activities? System
Cells that cover body systems Epithelial
Holds body together and gives it support Connective
Moves the body both inside and out Muscle
Transmits information around the body and controls body functions Nervous
What separates the thoracic cavity and the abdominal cavity? Diaphragm
What is the state of normal anatomy and physiology? Health
What is the maintenance of a dynamic equilibrium in the body? ("as things change they stay the same") Homeostasis
Created by: mdupre8705
Popular Veterinary sets




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