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Chapter 22 AP Euro

In the 1760s, Monday was popularly know as ? because so many workers took the day off. Saint Monday
Friedrich List was an early proponent of Economic Nationalism
The first modern factories arose in the textile industry
The Mines Act of 1842 Prohibited underground work for women as well as boys under ten.
The Factory Act of 1833 Limited the workday for children between nine and thirteen to eight hours a day.
David Ricardo formulated the iron law of wages
____________ managed to raise per capita industrial levels in the nineteenth century. All European states
By reducing the cost of overland frieght, the railroad Created national markets
The difficulties faced by the continental economies in their efforts to compete with the British included all of the following except Scarcity of human capital
the Major breakthrough in energy and power supplies that catalyzed the Industrial Revolution was James Watt's steam engine, developed and marketed between the 1760s and the 1780s.
the key development that allowed continental banks to shed their earlier conservative nature was the establishment of limited liability investment
The Crystal Palace exhibition of 1851 commemorated the industrial dominance of Britain
All of the following facilitated the Industrial Revolution in eighteenth-Century Britain except extensive investment of foreign capital in britain.
The men who built the european railroads were typically rural laborers and peasants
Early textile factories in Britain worked with Cotton
The earliest steam engines were used to pump water out of coal mines
in the condition of the working class in england, Friedrich Engels stated that The british middle classes were guilty of "Mass Murder" and "Wholesale Robbery"
The greatest change workers faced with the shift from cottage industry to factory work was A new tempo and discipline
British economist Thomas Malthus argued that population always grew faster than the food supply
Most early industrialists drew on _______ for labor and capital Family and Friends
Because working conditions were poor in early textile factories Factory owners turned to orphaned children as an important part of their workforce
the law which outlawed labor union and strikes in britain was the Combination Acts of 1799
All of the following were consequences of revolutionary changes in the textile industry except A reduction in child labor
A german tariff on non-German imports that was established to encourage capital investment in german industry Zollverin
WAs a famous bank in paris that helped build railroads all over France and Europe Credit Mobilier
Name for the lower bourgeoisie Petite Bourgeoisie
Another name for the cottage industry Proto Industrialization
Invented the flying shuttle John Kay
Invented the Spinning Jenny Hargreaves
Invented the Spinning Mule Crompton
Invented the water frame Arkwright
timeframe of the industrial revolution in england 1780-1850
Name of George Stephensons locomotive which traveled the Liverpool-Manchester railway at 16 MPH Rocket
Name given to a karl marx industrial worker proletariet
Wrote Conditions of the Working Class in England Engels
the person who organized the Grand National Consolidated Trades Union Robert Owen
Person who pioneered the construction of hard surfaced road McAdams
The year in which the first steamship crossed the atlantic ocean 1838
Name of Robert Fultons Steamboat Clermont
Name given to great bankers, merchants.. Upper Bourgeoisie
Passed by Parliament and prohibited all boys and girls under age 10 from working underground Mines Act 1842
A violent group of irate workers Luddites
Helped build the first industrial canal in england Duke of Bridgewater
Two individuals who invented extremely ineffecient steam pumps Savory and Newcomer
invented the puddling furnace Henry Cort
Invented and patented the first efficient steam engine in 1769 James Watt
Was passed by parliament in 1799 and prohibited labor unions Combination Act
The year workers as a whole began sharing in the general wealth 1850
Was created by parliament to investigate working conditions Saddler Commision
Individuals in England who sought political democracy Chartists
The person who made the railway locomotive commercially successful Stephenson
Was passed by Parliament and limited a workday for children ages 9-13 Factory Act of 1853
Created by: Bailey_Fire22
Popular European History sets




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