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Verbs Alphabetical
Mary´s Alphabetical Verbs - B and C
Spanish | English |
bailar | to dance |
bajar | to lower / to climb down / to get out of a vehicle |
balancear | to swing or sway / to balance |
barrer | to sweep |
basarse en | to be based upon |
batir | to beat |
beber | to drink |
bendecir | to bless |
besar | to kiss |
bostezar | to yawn |
botar | to throw away |
brindar | to make a toast/ to offer or invite |
bucear | to dive |
burlarse a | to make fun of / to deceive |
caber | to fit/ to have room |
castigar | to punish |
cazar | to hunt or chase |
cenar | to have dinner |
cerrar con llave | to lock |
cesar | to cease |
coleccionar | to collect |
comenzar a | to begin to do sthg |
comerciar | to deal / to trade |
compadecer | to sympathize / to pity |
compartir | to share |
concebir | to conceive |
concluir | to conclude |
condenar a | to condemn to |
confiar en | to trust / to confide in |
conmemorar | to commemorate |
conquistar | to conquer |
conseguir | to get |
contenerse | to contain / to hold back |
continuar | to continue |
contradecir | to contradict |
contrahacer | to copy / to imitate |
contribuir | to contribute to |
convencer | to convince |
convenir | to be convenient |
convocar | to summon / to call a meeting |
corregir | to correct |
correr | to run |
crecer | to grow |
cumplir | to accomplish |
cumplir años | to have a birthday |
cabalgar | to ride a horse |
caer | to fall |
caer en la cuenta | to realize |
calentar | to heat up |
calificar | to qualify / to grade |
cambiar | to change |
caminar | to walk |
cantar | to sing |
carecer | to lack |
casarse con | to marry |
cegar | to blind |
celebrar | to celebrate |
celebrarse | to take place |
cerrar | to close |
chocar | to collide |
citar | to cite / to make an appointment |
cocinar | to cook |
coger | to catch |
comenzar | to begin |
comer | to eat |
cometer un error | to make a mistake |
cometer | to commit |
competir | to complete |
componer | to compose |
comportarse | to behave yourself |
comprar | to buy |
comprender | to understand |
comprobar | to prove |
comprometerse a | to commit to something or someone |
conducir | to drive / to lead / to conduct |
confesar | to confess |
construir | to construct |
contar | to count / to tell |
contestar | to answer |
continuar | to continue |
contradecirse | to contradict yourself |
conversar | to converse |
convivir | to live together / to coexist |
cortar | to cut |
cortejar | to court |
coser | to sew |
costar | to cost |
creer | to believe |
criar | to raise kids |
criticar | to criticize |
cruzar | to cross |
cuadrar | to square |
cubrir | to cover |
cuidar | to warn |
cuidar a | to care for |
cuidarse | to take care of oneself |
cultivar | to grow plants |
balbucir | to stammer |
bambolear | to wobble |
bautizar | to baptize |
beneficiar | to benefit |
bifurcarse | to bifurcate |
blanquear | to bleach |
blasfemar | to blaspheme |
bloquear | to block |
bombardear | to bombard |
bordar | to embroider |
borrar | to erase |
brillar | to shine |
brincar | to jump |
bromear | to joke |
broncearse | to tan oneself |
buscar | to search |
calcular | to calculate, to work out |
callarse | to quiet oneself |
calmarse | to calm down |
calzar | to put shoes on |
cancelar | to cancel |
cansarse | to get tired |
capturar | to capture |
caracterizar | to characterize |
cargar | to load, to charge with |
causar | to cause |
cautivar | to captivate |
ceder | to cede, to yield |
censurar | to censure |
centrar | to center |
cepillarse | to brush (one´s own hair or teeth) |
certificar | to certify |
charlar | to chat |
chiflar | to whistle piercingly |
chillar | to shriek |
chispear | to sparkle or be brilliant |
chupar | to suck |
cicatrizar | to heal |
cifrar | to encode |
circular | to circulate |
civilizar | to civilize |
clamar | to clamor |
clarificar | to clarify |
clasificar | to classify, to sort |
clavar | to nail |
coagular | to coagulate |
cocer | to boil, cook, bake |
codear | to elbow |
coexistir | to coexist |
colaborar | to collaborate |
colgar | to hang |
colmar | to fill up, to shower |
colocar | to put, to place |
colonizar | to colonize, settle |
colorar | to paint, to color |
colorear | to color, tint |
comandar | to command, lead |
combatir | to combat |
combinar | to combine |
comentar | to comment on |
compaginar | to put in order (paginate) |
comparar | to compare |
compensar | to compensate |
compilar | to compile |
complementar | to complement (to go with) |
completar | to complete |