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Pharm - Ch. 82

Principles of Antimicrobial Therapy

Define chemotherapy Chemicals against invading organisms
Define antibiotic Chemicals produced by one microorganism and have ability to harm another microorganism
Define antimicrobial agent Any agent that has ability to kill/suppress microorganisms
True or false: broad spectrum antibiotics are more potent than narrow spectrum antibiotics False. The spectrum for antibiotics has no relationship to potency/strength of antibiotic drug. The spectrum refers to ability to kill specific numbers of species.
Name three ways antimicrobial drugs can be selectively toxic 1) By disruption of bacterial cell wall, 2) by inhibiting enzymes unique to bacteria, 3) by disrupting bacterial protein synthesis
What is selective toxicity? Ability to injure target cell or organism without injuring other cells of host. (Based on cellular differences between microbes and hosts.)
True or false: narrow-spectrum antibacterial drugs have preference for G+ microbes only False. Can have preference for Gram negative too.
True or false: both broad and narrow spectrum antibacterial drugs can inhibit bacterial cell wall synthesis or activate enzymes to disrupt the cell wall True. Include penicillins and cephalosporins
Inhibition of bacterial protein synthesis can be ______ or _______ Bactericidal or bacteriostatic
True or false: antimicrobials which inhibit synthesis of bacterial DNA/RNA only bind directly to nucleic acids False. Can also interact with enzymes required for nucleic acid synthesis and disrupt DNA/RNA production.
What are antimetabolites? Antimicrobials which interact with enzymes required for producing essential cellular metabolites
Name an antimetabolite Trimethoprim
Antifungal drugs _____ membrane ______, which can cause leakage of _______ material Increase; permeability; intracellular
Inhibitors of viral enzymes are called ______ Antiviral drugs
Drug resistance can occur due to alterations in functions/structure. List some examples of this. 1) Production of drug-metabolizing enzymes, 2) cessation of active uptake of specific antibiotics, 3) alterations in drug receptors (decreasing drug binding), 4) synthesis of compounds antagonizing drug action
List two mechanisms of drug resistance that are acquired by changes in microbial DNA Spotaneous mutation, conjugation
Nosocomial infections can occur due to drug resistance, if an antibiotic is used ___ Too much. More antibiotic used = faster resistance emerges
Antibiotics provide ______ pressure Selective
True or false: all antimicrobials promote resistance, but some antibiotics are more likely to promote resistance than others True. An example includes broad-spectrum drugs.
A patient being treated for pneumonia develops a new infection on his skin. This is an example of ______ Suprainfection
True or false: Suprainfection and superinfections may be used synonymously True
Strategies for delaying drug resistance include: 1) using drugs when ______, 2) using ____ whenever possible, 3) reserving ______ _______ for situations when older drug dangerous or ineffective, 4) and limiting use of antimicrobial ______ therapy 1) only needed, 2) narrow-spectrum agents, 3) newer antibiotics, 4) prophylactic
List five host factors that can modify drug selection 1) host defenses, 2) age, 3) pregnancy/lactation, 4) previous allergic reaction, 5) genetic factors
True or false: immunocompromised patients require bacteriostatic drugs False. Require bactericidal to increase drug benefits.
List four drugs that are contraindicated during pregnancy Tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones, sulfonamides, and trimethoprim
One of the most common chemotherapeutic drugs to cause allergic reactions Penicillin
True or false: for antimicrobials, you may need dosages 4-8 times the minimum inhibitory concentration for efficacy True
Antimicrobial chemotherapy must not be ________ ________ Discontinued prematurely
Misues of antimicrobials can result from: 1) trying to treat untreatable infections, 2) treating fever of unknown origin, 3) improper dosage, 4) lack of identification of organism, 5) omission of surgical drainage
Which of the following conditions are appropriate for the nurse to treat using antimicrobials? Common cold, bronchitis, pneumonia, candidiasis, stomach ulcer, sore throat Pneumonia, candidiasis, stomach ulcer. Less than half the time is it appropriate to treat bronchitis/sore throat and NEVER appropriate to treat common cold with antimicrobial
Created by: choel
Popular Pharmacology sets




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