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Pharm - Ch. 84

Drugs That Weaken Bacterial Cell Wall (besides penicillin)

The mostly widely used group of antibiotics is known as... Cepalosporins
List four characteristics of cephalosporins 1) bactericidal, 2) beta-lactam antibiotics, 3) similar to penicillin structure, 3) usually given parenterally
Describe the mechanism of action for cephalosporins They bind to PBPs
How can bacterial resistance to cephalosporins develop? Production of beta-lactamases and altered PBPs
True or false: 4th generation cephalosporins are NOT affected by beta-lactamases True. Third gen also not affected.
MRSA would be resistant to most cephalosporins True
List some adverse effects of cephalosporins Allergy (cross-reactivity with penicillins), bleeding, thrombophlebitis
What are the benefits of the newer generation of cephalosporins in contrast with older generations? 1) better resistance to penicillinases, 2) better ability to affect G- bacteria, 3) increased ability of drugs to get into CSF
True or false: new cephalosporins are typically administrated via IM False. Administrated via IV.
How many generations exist of cephalosporins? 4
Name a first generation cephalosporin Cephalexin
Would you administer cephalexin to treat staphyloccoccus if a patient has history of mild penicillin allergy? Yes
List a third generation cephalosporin Cefotaxmine
When is cefotaxime indicated? When person has meningitis or mosocomial infection resistant to other drugs
True or false: vancomycin used to treat G- microbes False. Due to large molecular size, can't treat G- effectively
What is the mechanism of action for vancomycin? Inhibits cell wall synthesis.
A person with a severe penicillin allergy should be given _____ because this drug has a structure different from penicillins and cephalosporins Vancomycin. This drug has no beta-lactam ring or PBP binding therefore penicillin allergy not a factor.
True or false: vancomysin has restricted use True. Only for severe infections and G+ bacteria
List adverse effects of vancomycin Ototoxicity (especially when given IV), allergic reaction called red neck syndrome, thrombophlebitis
A patient develops itching, flushing, decreased BP, increased HR. This is known as red neck syndrome. How could a nurse have avoided this from occurring? Infuse slowly to lower histamine release (histamine r/t allergic signs)
True or false: a patient on vancomycin develops flushing, tachycardia, and hypotension. A nurse thinks this allergic reaction is related to the patient's history of penicillin allergy. What do you tell her? Tell her vancomycin-induced allergic reactions are not at all related to penicillin allergies
Created by: choel
Popular Pharmacology sets




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