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318: Ch 73 Gout

Drugs for Gout

what are 2 characteristic traits of Gout? Gout is a recurrent inflammatory disorder characterized by HYPERURICEMIA and episodes of SEVERE JOINT PAIN
what are 2 potential causes for Gout? (1) Excessive production of uric acid. (2) Impaired excretion of uric acid (kidney dysfunction)
Name 4 s/s of gout. pain, swelling, redness, warmth (HOT)
what lab values do you look at to distinguish Gout from cellulitis? Uric acid vs WBC
When do you use short term/long term gout drugs? LONG TERM >3 attacks/year. SHORT TERM <3 attacks per year
What 3 NSAIDs are used for Gout? Indomethacin, Naproxen, Voltaren
When glucocorticoids are used for gout, what are the administration routes? PO [Prednisone] or IM
Are glucocorticoids used for acute gouty attacks in gout or long term? Glucocorticoids are used for acute gouty attacks
who should NOT take glucocorticoids? Diabetics (hyperglycemia)
What is the name of the drug that is SPECIFIC for gout? Colchicine
What is special about Colchicine? Colchicine is an anti-inflammatory agent that is ONLY SPECIFIC for GOUT!
is Colchicine used for acute gouty attacks or as prophylaxis? BOTH!!! large doses relieve gouty attacks. lower doses can decrease frequency/intensity of acute flair ups.
What are the adverse effects of Colchicine? GI toxicity (principle adverse effect) n/v/d/abdominal pain. if GI symptoms develop, DC the drug IMMEDIATELY! [risks include bone marrow suppression, renal failure, hepatic necrosis, seizures and death]
By what route is Colchicine administered? IV or PO (readily absorbed PO)
Colchicine and pregnancy? probably not. [Oral = Category C. IV = Category D]
which drugs are used for acute gouty attacks? NSAIDs(first line), Glucocorticoids, colchicine
What is the uric acid level in a gout pt? men/women men >7. women >6
what drugs are used for prophylactic treatment of gout? Allopurinol [Zyloprim], Febuxostat [Uloric]
What is the drug of choice for chronic tophaceous gout? Allopurinol [Zyloprim]
What is the mechanism of action for Allopurinol? Inhibits uric acid formation. Reverses hyperuricemia (Decreases the risk for nephropathy from deposition of urate chrystals in the kidneys)
What is Allopurinol used for? Prophylactic treatment for gout
What are the side effects of Allopurinol? Hypersensitivity syndrome (rash, fever, eosinophillia, dysfunction of liver/kidneys, n/v/d, Neuro effects (drowsiness, headache, metallic taste) PROLONG use -> Cataracts
route of administration for ALlopurinol: oral
drug interactions for allopurinol Allopurinol inhibits hepatic drug-metabolizing enzymes and can DELAY THE INACTIVATION OF OTHER DRUGS (PARTICULAR CONCERN FOR WARFARIN)
what is the mechanism of action for Febuxostat [Uloric] lowers urate levels by inhibiting XO
after starting Febuxostat [Uloric], what should patients be on? Patients should receive prophylactic NSAIDs or colchicine for up to 6 months after starting this treatment.
What are the adverse effects of Febuxostat []Uloric] Liver function abnormalities, n, arthralgia, rash
administration frequency of Febuxostat 1x/day
Created by: 1398660434
Popular Pharmacology sets




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