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Chapter 12 - Terms
Question | Answer |
secret societies | underground organizations that promote revolution and allow ideas/information to travel |
Louis Phillipe | refused to give up anything, no limitations; people revolted/protested causing LP to abdicate the throne |
Guizot | LP's prime minister |
February Revolution of 1848 | new revolutions, working class and bourgeoisie dont unite on the left anymore; reformers want change, overthrown in 3 days, but now that he's gone, what are we going to do? |
Constituent Assembly | those creating the new constitution for France |
National Workshops | extensive project of unemployment relief; excluded women;to show w/c that we care |
National Guard | civilian militia; overturned revolutionary gov and reinstated Constituent Assembly |
Bloody June Days | violent revolution of the w/c; February: overthrow LP (are we gonna have socialism or const. republic); June: w/c huge revolt; once and for all, we must now always fear socialist revolution; BOURGEOISIE JOINS WITH THE RIGHT; rise of NapII |
proletarian | basically just the w/c |
Louis Napoleon Bonaparte | nephew of Napoleon; put in charge to handle the extreme left socialists - i'll let you keep your money; appease w/c through National Workshops; i will beat them up and throw em a bone (divide them), you keep money |
2 ways to end a revolution | crush it, or compromise (appease THROW EM A BONE) |
putsches | synonym for coup d'etat |
Napoleonic Legend | people looking at Napoleon kindly; peasants - Napoleon had given them free land; positive memories of Napoleon (NapIII played off them) |
Arch of Triumph | 1836; drove home the memories of the glories of Napoleon |
Legitimists | favored the bourbon line of Charles X in Spain |
Orleanists | favored Louis Phillipe |
Yugoslavs | in eastern europe, there's a non slavic barrier that divides Norht and South Slavs; dream of a "Yugoslavia", one country of all southern slavs |
Kingdom of Sardinia | only Italian state to be ruled by an Italian leader; eventual state to unify Italy; |
March Laws | laws passed by Hungarian Diet declaring independence from the Hapsburgs |
Pan-Slav Assembly | Bohemia didn't consider itself German and instead created its own slavic-only assembly; problem? north of non-slavic barrier, unlike southern slavs |
Austroslavism | Behemian/Slavic in Austrian Empire you could: 1- accept it; 2- revolt; 3- (this) middle ground: still want slavic identity, freedom, but do it within the state of Austria |
Francis Joseph | succeeded to the Austrian throne after Ferdinand abdicated |
Pius IX | reforming minister was assassinated, fled from Rome and eventually restored; was a liberal pope before scared bt revolt in Rome |
Mazzini | philosophical leader of Italian unification; inspired the movement, the brains behind it |
Syllabus of Errors | book by Pius IX; warned all Catholics against anything for liberalism, progress, and modern civilization; cant be a good Catholic if you support the revolutions |
Bach System | like the new Metternich; modernize Austrian government: out with the medival, more modern mindset |
Frankfurt Assembly | left wing approach to the unifying of Germany (fails); not an official assembly, but a bunch of people who have no authority to actually do anything, but could maybe find people who do to come along with their ideas; goal: liberal & unified Germany |
Frederick William IV | neomedival romantic who didnt want to share authority; rioting in 1848- allows election of first all-Prussian legislative assembly; proposed to get crown of unified Germany, but cant do that, could start civil war |
Zollverein | a tariff union that included almost all of Prussia |
Pre-Parliament | organizers try to plan an all-German assembly; eventually call Frankfurt Assembly with the goal of German unification |
Great-Germans | Germany+Austria+Hungary; leadership under the Hapsburgs; they might want to, would they abandon slavic land? |
Little-Germans | Germany-Austria+Prussia; Hohenzollers |
Declaration of the Rights of the German People | written during Frankfurt Assembly; like in France, but just for Germany, not for universal rights; numerous indiv. rights; civil liberties |
Germanism | German national movement; must act this way in order to unify - 1000 years worth of unification in a month |
forty-eighters | disappointed German liberals and revolutionists that migrated to the US after the failed revolutions of 48 |
"springtime of peoples" | the dreams of proletain revolutions throughout Euroep in 1848 |
realism | art and literature movement; portray life as it actually was without an attempt to make it better or more noble; return to science for answers |
positivism | 3 stages in human history: 1- theological 2-metaphysical 3-scientific |
Auguste Comte | founder of the philsosophy of positivism and sociology |
sociology | the science of society; observation of general facts to develop a scientific law of socail progress |
Realpolitik | politics of reality; give up utopian dreams for honest gov; gov shouldnt be guided by ideology, but should do whatever works best for the situation; machiovellian; war used as a strategic tool |
Karl Marx | Marx's dialectic was class warfare (material and economic) result in the ideas; flip equation of Hegel; your reality is based on your economic conditions; without economics, and wealth, no need for government (gov only there to pit people against money) |
Friedrich Engels | one of Karl Marx's friends and collaberators |
materialism | everything is an outgrowth fo physical or physiological forces; aka you are the sum of your parts |
Communist Manifesto | written by Marx and Engels in 1848; Medival: noble vs serf; Industrial Revolution changed cycle; Bourg vs Proletariat; Pro overthrow bourg; socialist dictatorship leads to communsim (worldwide) |
Capital | Marx's huge work; first volume published in German (1867), final two editions published after Marx's death |
Hegel | in order to enjoy true freedom, we must have a potent independet state; reality is a process of unfolding change; the conditions make the ideas (Marx, the ideas make the conditions) |
alienation | social and state of mind where humans become distanced from the objects they work with; society workers couldn't benefit from their labor |
Condition of the Working Classes in England | Engel's book that followed Marx's conclusions; depressed labot was a fact; labor recieved a small portion of the income; gov and parliament were in the hands of the wealthy, churches didnt care about problems- only wanted to keep power & control over w/c |
surplus value | Marx's labor theory that the w/c was being robbed; wages they got only a fraction of the value of the goods they produced; difference kept by bourg capitalists; since workers didntget wages=to what they produced, overproduction would always occur |
dialectical materialism | all change comes through the class of opposing elements; events happen in history for good and sufficient reasons, shaped by forceds and structual changes rather than by individual/chance events; conditions are the roots that trigger ideas; Marx's theory |
Council of State | inner circle of NapoleonIII's trusted advisors; people who advise and actually make decisions of NapIII (like a cabinet) |
Senate | really just for show; ceremonial upper house - appointed people, rewarding best followers/political enemies (they have no real say) |
Legeslative Body | really just for show; is an election process, but not responcilbe for any major laws; "rubber stamp" cant oppose NapIII; elected by universal male sufferage |
Tuileries | where NapIII conducts his business; central location |
Eugenie | Spanish wife of NIII; not an arranged marriage |
Baron Haussmann | a civil engenieer- structure of towns; widens streets of Paris, modernizing city; Public- modernize, trasportation more efficient; Real- they could put down revolts easier; no longer can rebels barricade themselves in the streets |
socialist emperor | NOT a socialist, but because of things NapIII does to convince left w/c to be on his side |
Suez Canal | French built, English owned; connected Mediterrainean to Indian Ocean and stuff |
Liberal Empire | NOT liberal empire, but those are the people that benefited (bourg) |
l'empire, c'est la paix | "the empire means peace" |