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What can effect renal fxn disease states, drug effects, age-related changes: >65 starts to ↓
What diseases can ↓ renal fxn HTN, CHF, kidney dz
What drugs can ↓ renal fxn vanco, AG’s, NSAIDS
What is creatine production directly dependent on the amount of muscle mass: nl .5-1.5
What is creatinine concentration affected by age, body mass and gender
As GFR↓ what ↑ creatinine and CrCl
List factors that alter CrCl Analytical and physiologic
How does diet affect creatinine can ↑ ~50% for 8-24hrs
What drugs effect creatinine cimetidine, trimethoprim, probenecid)-physiologically
How does creatinine change throughout the day ↑ at night, peaks around 7pm, low in the morning
How do we MEASURE CrCl normal? Ucr x Uvol/Scr x T, 100-125ml/min
How do we estimate CrCl Cockroft-Gault Equation Male: (140-age) x LBW (kg)/ 72 x Scr Female: X 0.85
What is LBW equation Male: 50 + [2.3 x (ht-60)] Female: 45.5 + [2.3 x (ht-60)]
What drugs are effected by renal dz Dextropropoxyphene and Dihydrocodine (increased absorbtion: toxic effects)
What happens to acidic drugs with uremia ↓ protein binding, ↑ unbound, ↑ free, ↑ elimination
What must we measure with drugs with a narrow therapeutic range protein binding
What happens with chronic kidney disease ↓ total [serum] cuz ↑ free, ↑ metabolism by the liver, total ↓
What happens to basic drugs with uremia plasma protein nl or slightly ↓ (not as clinically significant)
What are some acidic drugs affected 3rd gen. cephs, doxy, furosemide, MTX, naproxen, phenobarbital and phenytoin, sulfamethoxazole, valproic acid, warfarin
What significantly ↓ with Vd with renal dz digoxin (protein bound drugs) Vd ↓ 30-50% so more in blood stream
What happens with water soluble drugs with renal dz Vd ↑ d/t water retention, kidneys can’t eliminate it, need to rid of H2O or ↑ dose
3 drugs with renal metabolism Vit. D, insulin, imipenem, (acyclovir: reduced ‘’non-renal’’ clearance)
Though a drug may not be eliminated renaly, what is concerning about some drugs their metabolites may be renally eliminated
What drug do we NOT use with renal dz Meperidine (normeperdine)-its metabolite is renally eliminated, ↑ causes szs
Other drug that has a metabolite that causes problems codeine/morphine: prolonged narcotic effect in RF pt’s
What is the main effect of RF on drugs elimination: depends on Cltotal : Clrenal +CLnon-renal
Name four drugs affected by ↓ GFR cimetidine, rantidine, amantadine (H2 blockers) and Tobramycin (AG’s)
What happens with AG’s with RF Nephrotoxic when it accumulates in the proximal tubule cells (causes ATN)
6 steps to approach to adjust drug dosage w/ renal insufficiency 1)Obtain hx 2) estimate CrCl 3)review current meds 4) calculate individualized tx regimen 5)monitor 6)revise regimen
Look up drugs that need renal adjustment yup
What factors ↓ removal through dialysis ↑MW, ↑PB, ↑Vd
What factors ↑ removal thru dialysis ↑water solubility
What is severity of hepatic impairment assessed by Child-Pugh classification
What are 3 pharmacokinetic factors that change in HI hepatic BF, Plasma PB, intrinsic metabolic activity
What would ↓ bf, effect? cirrhosis of the liver, ↓ first-pass effect
How does HI affect protein binding proteins like albumin and a1-acid glycoprotein aren’t produced anymore, ↓ production w/ cirrhosis
What are the phase I rxns in intrinsic metabolic activity hydrolysis, oxidation, dealkylation, reduction rxns,
Phase II rxns involve conjugation and relatively unaffected
What drugs are affected by pharmacodynamics analgesics, benzodiazepines, loop diruetics, BB
Pharmacodynamics what the body does to the drug
Pharmacokinetics what the drug does to the body
What are the pharmacodynamics w/ HI altered target affinity, target binding, alteration in the target itself, alterered permeability to BBB, ↑ GABA
How do we change drug dose w/ mild liver dz no or minor change
How do we change drug dose when elimination is not >40%, no renal dysx ↓ in dose up to 25%
When do we change dose >25% ↓ dose when drug metabolisms is affected by liver dz, chronic drug administration, drug has narrow therapeutic range, flow-limited given orally, eliminated by kidneys and renal fxns if severely affected, altered sensitivity to drug d/t liver dz
Created by: becker15
Popular Pharmacology sets




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