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Compounding Exam II

Dr. Payam Material

Iv Push are pushed directly into______and can be pushe over_____Minutes Into the the vein;2 - 5 minutes
Iv infusion. The least amount of time you can infuse a medication 15 minutes
Normal Saline 0.9% of Na Cl and 154meq in 1 liter fluid bag
1/2 Saline 0.45 % of NaCl and 77meq in 1 liter fluid bag
1/4 Saline 0.225% of Na Cl and 38.5 meq in 1 liter of fluid bag
Lactaded Ringer normaly used to patient hydrated especially good for pregnant women contain all electrolyte
Anything with a Postive Charge CAN KILL YOU
II Electrolyte
Sodium ECF Measure in Meq Lab Value 135-145 meg/L
Three forms of Sodium 1. NaCl 2. Na Acetate 3. Na Phosphate
-Na Cl 3% is reserved for Sever Hyponatremia < 125 mEQ/L
Rule of thumb for NaCl 100ml/hr over 5 hours; stop then check sodium levels
-Na Acetate reserved for TPN; b/c Bicarbonate can not be given. acetate is converted to bicarb in the body.
-Na Phosphate Low Phosphate level replacement
Potassium ICF Mesured in Meq Lab value: 3.5-5.5
DO NOT___________Potassium PUSH; It must be infused
Peripheal Potassium 10meq/hour/100ml
Central Potassium > or = 100ml amount of volume over 40-80 min
3 forms of Potassium 1. Kcl 2.kAcetate 3. K Phosphate
Magnesium MEASURED IN GRAMS lab value: 1.5 -2.2 grams
Magnesium CAN ONLY BE PUSHED FOR CODE ASSOCIATED WITH QT Prolongation and PVT - not used for replacement of magnesium
Magnesium Sulfate is the ____ Injectable form 1-4 grams in 50 -250 ml of fluid for 1 - 4 hours; lowest infusion rate is 60 min if pt is not coding
Magnesium and ______Correlates Potassium
If Mg not present in Kidney _____is excreted. If you have low Mg level check ______level and vise versa Potassium
You can IV ______ Calcium for code in the unit and ER. Nurse must be ______certified. Must monitor_____Level. Important because Calcium binds to it. It is used for ______in codes Push;ACLS; Albumin;Asystole
Calcium 1amp=1vial= 1 GRAM
2 forms of Calcium 1.Calcium Gluconate 2. Calcium Chloride
Calcium Chloride is not giving for ______ Calcium and _______ combined can cause a precipate. This form is only used safely on a _____cart Replacement;Magnesium;Crash
DO NOT _____ Phosphate PUSH
Form of Phosphate NaPhosphate 2.5 of 4 Meq
use phosphate 2.5 meq for IV fluid
Phosphate is Use for ______Replacement TPN
Phosphate and ________do put together will cause percipitate Calcium
Phosphate 1amp=1vial= 50meq
Bi Carb 1amp=1vial=50meq
Bi Carbcan be IV_____in codes,units, and ER during_____ or Sever Metabolic Acidosis; other than that it must be infused Pushed;Sepsis
forms of BiCarb Sodium BiCarb 1 2meq/ml-for IV infusion 2 4meq/mlo for TPN
Banana Bags Contains: Folic Acid 1 mg Thiamine 100 mg Multi Vitamin 1amp add Kcl MgSO4
IV pain
1mg Dilaudid = 7mg morphine
MAX of Dilaudid is____mg and the MAX mg of Morphine at 1 time is ____mg 2;10
Allergies to both Dilaudid and MOrphine require change to Fentanyl
Fentanyl is the strongest______opioid and is usually dosed in ____ IV;mcg
Demerol not a good choice becuase of it lower the _____treshold and is not used ____term seizure;long
All Cephlasporins and Penicillins______infused over 30 min CAN BE
ZYVOX is infused over ___hours;___mg_____day MOA: inhibit ability resulting in _____syndrome when given with an SSRI 2;600,BID;Serotonin
Doxycline can be infused over__min Dose is ____mg BID. Can be used to treat ____ 60;100;MRSA
Vancomycin__gram infused over __min CrCl >65ml/min NonSevere infx:___mg/kg q 12hours Severe infx: __mg/kq q 12 hours 1;60;15;20
Vancomycin can treat a. b. c. Pneumonia Osteomyelitis Sepsis
Infusion of VANCO 1-1.5 is over___min >1.5g is infused over__hours. Trough should be ___mg and for severe infection____mg 90;2;10-15;15-20
Daptomycin(Cubicin) is indicated for a. b. MRSA VRE
Daptomycin is weight based dosed regular infx __mg/kg/day sever infx __mg/kgday 4;7
Daptomycin can not be used in the treatment of______b/c surfactant in the lungs binds to cubicin and inactivates it. It takes ___min to unfreeze Pneumonia;30
Tigecyclin is indicated for ______ just like levaquin but better for MRSA. Major SX is ______ MRSA;N/V
Tigecil Dose is ___mg * 1 dose then ___mg q __hours. Use antiemetic medication ___Tigecil 100;50;12;before
Clindamycin is infused over___min 60
Clindamycin cover Gram___ and _____ +;anaerobes
other medication that cover Anaerobe Zosyn;Unasyn;Irbapenem;Penecillin( no Pseudomonas coverage)
Intra abdominal Infections worry about____ anaerobes
Clindamycin indications____ Dose is __:___ ratio MRSA;1:1
Carbapenems: Mirapenime,Imipenime,Dorapenem all cover _____ and can be infused over ____min Pseudomonas;30
Primaxin reduces _____treshold; not safe to use in people who drink and has hx of ____ Seizure;epilepsy
Azactam covers GRAM____ only and cover pseudomonas. This can be used in _____allergic patients Negative;penicillin
Fluoroquinolones Levaquin is ____dosed and is indicated for ___. 250 and 500 are infused over___min and 750mg infused over__min Renally;CAP;60;90
Cipro IV Dose is ____mg BID over___min 400;60
Microlide Zithromax IV is ____mg over 24hours infused over___min 500;60
PPI Pt are put on PPI Prophylaxis for _______ Protonix and Nexium can be _____pushed Stress Ulcers;IV
Protonix/Nexium IV Push 40mg PO and IV ___mg/hr drip is for ____bleed. Octreotide is given ___mcg bolus then ___mg in 100cc NS and fo 5 ms and hours which is 50mcg/hour 8;GI;50;1
Phenergan MAX IV dose is ____mg/dose due to acidity causing limb burn form extravasation. Start at _____mg/dose 12.5;6.25
Chlorpromazine off label use for _____ Thorazine can not be IV PUSHED Dose ___mg in 100cc over __min hiccups;100;15
Prochlorperazine use to treat ______induced N/V ___mg can be IV pushed Migraine;10
Spinal Cord Protocol RX _______;3 drips must be given STAT to prevent spinal cord inflammation MAX pushed is____mg IV SoluMedrol;125
Tylenol Overdose Treatment is ______ Prefered route route is IV Dose: __bags and all 3 must be given Mucomyst;3
Most IV soulutions can be given PO True or False True
Created by: jashoyo
Popular Pharmacology sets




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