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Verbs Alphabetical P

Mary´s Alphabetical Verbs - P

pacificar to pacify
pactar to make a pact, to come to an agreement
padecer to suffer
pagar to pay
paginar to paginate
palatizar to palatize
palear to shovel
paliar to palliate
palidecer to turn pale
palmear to applaud
palpar to palpate, touch, feel
palpitar to palpitate, throb
parafrasear to paraphrase
paralisar to paralyze
parar to stop
parcelar to parcel out, divide into lots
parecer to seem, look, appear
parir to give birth
parodiar to parody
parpadear to blink, wink
parquear to park
participar to participate
particularizar to specify
partir to divide, share
pasar to happen, to pass
pasearse to go for a walk
pasmar to astonish
patear to kick, trample
patinar to skate
patrocinar to sponsor
patrullar to patrol
pausar to pause
pecar to sin
pedalear to pedal
pedir to ask for
pegar to stick, to hit
peinarse to comb one´s hair
pelar to peel
pelear to fight, battle, quarrel
peligrar to be threatened, to be in danger
penalizar to penalize
pender to hang
penetrar to penetrate, to pierce
pensar to think
pensionar to give a pension
percibir to perceive
perder to lose
perdonar to pardon, excuse
perduarar to last, to last a long time
perecer to perish
peregrinar to make a pilgrimmage
perfeccionar to improve, to perfect
perforar to perforate, to pierce
perfumar to perfume
perifrasear to paraphrase
perjurar to commit perjury
permancer to stay, to remain
permitir to permit
permutar to exchange, change, swap
pernoctar to stay out all night
perpetrar to perpetrate
perpetuar to perpetuate
perseguir to pursue
perseverar to persevere, continue
persistir to persist
personalizar to personalize, embody, personify
personificar to personify
persuadir to persuade
pertenecer to belong
perturbar to disturb, unsettle, perturb
pervertir to pervert, corrupt
pesar to weigh
pescar to fish, to catch
pestañer to blink, to wink
petrificar to petrify
picar to pierce, prick, chop
picotear to nibble at, to peck
pilotar to pilot, steer, navigate
pintar to paint
pisotear to trample on
plagiar plagiarize
planchar to iron
planear to plan
planificar to plan
plantar to plant
platicar to chat
pluralizar to pluralize
poblar to populate
poder to be able
polemizar to polemicize, argue
politizar to politicise
poner to put or place
pontificar to pontificate
popularizar to popularize
pormenorizar to do into detail
portarse to behave
poseer to possess
posibilitar to make possible, to facilitate
posponer to postpone
postular to postulate, request, ask
potenciar to give power to, make possible
practicar to practice
precalentar to preheat
preceder to precede
predecir to predict
predestinar to predestine
predeterminar to predetermine
predicar to preach
predisponer to predispose
predominar to predominate
prefabricar to prefabricate
preferir to prefer
prefigurar to prefigure, foreshadow
pregonar to proclaim, shout on
prejuzgar to prejudge
premeditar to premeditate
prender to seize, grasp, take
preocuparse to worry
preparar to prepare
prescribir to prescribe
presentar to present
preservar to preserve, protect
presidir to preside
presionar to pressure
prestar to lend
presumir to presume
presuponer to presuppose
pretender to seek, to try for, want
prevalecer to prevail, to take root
prevaler to prevail
prevenir to prevent, warn
prever to forsee
principiar to start
privar to deprive
probar to try, test, prove
proceder to proceed, come, go ahead of
procesar to prosecute
proclamar to proclaim
procurar to procure
producir to produce
profanar to profane, desecrate
profundizar to deepen
programar to program, to plan
progresar to progress
prohibir to prohibit
prolongar to prolong
prometer to promise
promocionar to promote
promover to promote, to cause
promulgar to promulgate, proclaim
prognosticar to foetell
pronunciar to pronounce
propagar to propagate, to spread
proponer to propose, suggest
proporcionar to give a pension
proscribir to prohibit, proscribe
proseguir to pursue, continue
prosperar to prosper, thrive
protagonizar to star in
proteger to protect
protestar to protest, grumble
provocar to provoke
proyectar to project, plan, throw
psicolanalizar to psychoanalyze
publicar to publish
pudrir to rot
pugnar to fight
pulir to polish
pulverizar to pulverize
puntuar to punctuate, to mark/grade
purgar to purge, clean, purify
purificar to purify, cleanse
Created by: SturgesFam
Popular Spanish sets




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