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4a Verb Test

abanicarse* to treat harshly, to fan oneself
abatir to bring down/overthrow
abrasarse to burn up
abrumar to overwhelm
agravar to aggravate
aguzar to sharpen
alentar** to encourage, to inspire, to breathe
apratar to separate
apoyar to support
apurarse to hurry
arrullar to coo
aventajar to take advantage
balancearse to balance
bastar to be enough/suffice
bastear to baste
cobrar to collect/charge money
codiciar to covet/desire
colorear to color
componer to compose
conseguir* to get, to obtain
contentarse con to be content with
corromper to corrupt
costear to finance
definir to define
delatar* to inform on, to denounce
demorar to delay
desambular to wander around
descender to descend
descuidar to neglect
desechar to reject
desenchufar to unplug
desfalcar to embezzle
despedirse* to say goodbye, to fire someone
despejar to clean up (weather)
elogiar to praise/euglogize
embrujar to bewitch
empacar to pack
empujar to push
engañar* to deceive, to trick
engrasar to grease
escampar to clear up (weather)
espiar to spy on
exasperarse to get exasperated
fiar to sell on credit
fiarse de to trust in
frotar to rub
frotarse to scrub/rub together
fundir to melt
gastar* to spend money, to waste/consume
guiñar to wink
honrar to honor
iluminar to illuminate
imponer to impose
indignarse to anger/infuriate
ir en cabeza de to lead
jadear to pant/breathe hard
lamer to lick
llevar a cabo to carry out
marcar* to mark, to dial
mascar to chew
meditar to meditate
masticar to chew
meter la pata to put one's foot in one's mouth
meterse to interfere/meddle
ojear to eye
ordenar to put in order
patrocinar to sponsor/patronize
penalizar to penalize
pesar to weigh
pisar to step on
podar to prune/trim
poner en orden to traighten up
poner* to put, to place
ponerse en cola to get in line
ponerse + adj to become (involuntarily adjective)
proponer to propose
proseguir to continue/proceed
querer decir to mean
rebanar to slice
rebuscar to search high and low
recurrir* to revert to, to appeal to
reflexionar to reflect
regir to govern
reguir to roar
renovar to remodel/renew/renovate
replicar to reply/answer
resucitar to revive/resuscitate
reusar to reuse
rezar to pray
salpimentar to season
secuestrar to kidnap
seguir la pista to follow the lead
seguir* to continue, to follow
sumarse to join
tiritar to shiver
traducir to translate
traducirse to result in
vaciar to empty
vitrinear to display
zarpar to set sail
Created by: 1393377811
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