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VTPB 911 Vir disease

Virology diseases

feline panleukopenia virus parvoviridae
canine parvovirus 2 parvoviridae
mink enteritis virus parvoviridae
porcine parvovirus parvoviridae
aleutian mink disease virus parvoviridae (mink, ferret)
beak & feather disease virus circoviridae (psittacine birds)
porcine circovirus 2 circoviridae
african swine fever virus asfarviridae
bovine papillomavirus 1, 2 papillomaviridae
bovine papillomavirus 5 papillomaviridae
equine papillomavirus 1 papillomaviridae
canine oral papillomavirus papillomaviridae
feline papillomavirus papillomaviridae
bovine papillomavirus 3, 4, 6 papillomaviridae
avian polyomavirus polyomaviridae (psittacine birds)
budgerigar fledgling disease polyomaviridae (psittacine birds) (=avian polyomavirus)
canine adenovirus 1 adenoviridae
canine adenovirus 2 adenoviridae
equine adenovirus 1, 2 adenoviridae
fowl adenovirus A-E (1-12) adenoviridae (chicken)
turkey hemorrhagic enteritis virus adenoviridae (turkey)
MARBLE SPLEEN DISEASE VIRUS adenoviridae (pheasant)
EGG DROP SYNDROME VIRUS adenoviridae (chicken)
Bovine herpesvirus 2 Herpesviridae subfamily alphaherpesvirinae
bovine herpesvirus 1, 5 Herpesviridae subfamily alphaherpesvirinae
Canine herpesvirus 1 Herpesviridae subfamily alphaherpesvirinae
Equine herpesvirus 1, 3, 4 Herpesviridae subfamily alphaherpesvirinae
FELINE HERPESVIRUS 1 Herpesviridae subfamily alphaherpesvirinae
Pseudorabiese virus Herpesviridae subfamily alphaherpesvirinae (pig, dog, cat, sheep, ox)
suid herpesvirus 1 Herpesviridae subfamily alphaherpesvirinae (pig, dog, cat, sheep, ox) (= pseudorabies virus)
Marek's disease virus Herpesviridae subfamily alphaherpesvirinae (chicken) (= gallid herpesvirus 2)
gallid herpesvirus 2 Herpesviridae subfamily alphaherpesvirinae (chicken) (= Marek's)
infectious laryngotracheitis virus Herpesviridae subfamily alphaherpesvirinae (chicken) (= gallid herpesvirus 1)
gallid herpesvirus 1 Herpesviridae subfamily alphaherpesvirinae (chicken) (=infectious laryngotracheitis virus)
porcine cytomegalovirus Herpesviridae subfamily betaherpesvirinae (pig) (=suid herpesvirus 2)
suid herpesvirus 2 Herpesviridae subfamily betaherpesvirinae (pig) (= porcine cytomegalovirus)
Malignant catarrhal fever virus Herpesvifidae subfamily gamaherpesvirinae (ox) (=alcelaphine herpesvirus 1)
Alcelaphine herpesvirus 1 Herpesvifidae subfamily gamaherpesvirinae (ox) (= malignant catarrhal fever virus)
Sheep-associated malignant catarrhal fever virus Herpesvifidae subfamily gamaherpesvirinae (ox) (= ovine herpesvirus 2)
Ovine herpesvirus 2 Herpesvifidae subfamily gamaherpesvirinae (ox) (= sheep-associated malignant catarrhal fever virus)
Equine herpesvirus 5 Herpesvifidae subfamily gamaherpesvirinae
Vaccinia virus Poxviridae (ox)
cowpox virus Poxviridae (ox)
ectromelia virus Poxviridae (mouse)
bovine papular stomatitis virus Poxviridae; GENUS PARAPOXVIRUS; (ox)
orf virus Poxviridae; GENUS PARAPOXVIRUS; (sheep, goat)
pseudocowpox virus Poxviridae; GENUS PARAPOXVIRUS; (ox)
fowlpox virus Poxviridae (turkey, chicken)
sheeppox virus Poxviridae (sheep, goat)
goatpox virus Poxviridae (goat, sheet)
Lumpy skin disease virus Poxviridae (ox)
swinepox virus Poxviridae (pig)
Foot-and-mouth disease virus Picornaviridae; GENUS APHTHOVIRUS (ox, pig, sheep, goat)
equine rhinitis A virus Picornaviridae; GENUS APHTHOVIRUS (horse)
swine vesicular disease virus Picornaviridae
equine rhinitis B virus Picornaviridae
porcine teschovirus Picornaviridae
vesicular exanthema of swine virus Caliciviridae
feline calicivirus Caliciviridae
san miguel sea lion virus Caliciviridae (marine mammals)
rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus Caliciviridae
european brown hare syndrome virus Caliciviridae
Eastern equine encephalitis virus Togaviridae
WEstern equine encephalitis virus Togaviridae
Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus Togaviridae
Created by: shelbell8389
Popular Veterinary sets




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