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quiz 12

pht 101

1 what form of angina is characterized by coronary artery spasms? variant angina
2 beta blockers can be combined with other drugs to death chances or reduce recurrence of which myocardial infarction? aspirin
3 what drug class doesn't treat angina? hypoglycemic agents
4 which antihypertensive drugs comes in topicals for baldness? minoxidil
5 which anticoagulant drugs comes in tablets? warfarin (Coumadin)
6 which antiplatelet drug is a monoclonal antibody? abciximab (ReoPro)
7 what drug is sold as trade name Revation when treating pulmonary hypertension and Viagra when treating sexual problems? sildenafil
8 what drug treats atrial arrhythmia and congestive heart failure? digoxin (Lanoxin)
9 which form of lipoprotein is "good cholesterol"? high density lipoprotein
10 which is a class 1 or membrane stabilizing antiarrhythmic drug? all (flecainide (Norpace), lidocaine (Xylocaine), procainamide (Pronestyl), and quinidine (Tonocard)
11 what in the heart doesn't function? stable angina
12 what do ace inhibitors affect? conversion of angiotensin 1 to angiotensin 2
13 what drug class should techs be concerned with if patient is taking nitrate for the heart? erectil dysfunction drugs
14 which drug is a calcium channel blocker? amlodipine (Norvasc)
15 The SA (sinoatrial) node of the heart normally sets heart rate. What term describes other heart areas that could abnormally determine the heart rate or beats? ectopic pacemaker
16 what is the thickening heart muscle? myocardial hypertrophy
17 which is an oral anticoagulant? warfarin (Coumadin)
18 what's the primary side effect when beta (adrenergic) blockers treat angina? bradycardia
19 which drug reduces cholesterol levels by inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase, the rate limiting step in its synthesis? simvastatin (Zocor)
20 with what condition comes with chest heaviness, pressure, tightness, choking, dizzyness, sweating, & dyspnea? angina
21 in what way does ranolazine (Ranexa) differ from other drugs prescribed for chronic angina? it improves the heart's metabolic activity
22 which direct acting vasodilator (2nd line hypertension drug) also promote hair growth? minoxidil (Lonitin)
23 which antihypertensive drug binds to angiotensin 2 receptors and rarely causes coughing? valsartan (Diovan)
24 what drug class dissolves clots that caused a massive pulmonary embolism or myocardial infarction? fibriolytic agents
25 which is an angina type? all ((un)stable and variant.
26 what term describes a broken off clot lodged in the lung/pulmonary artery? pulmonary embolism
27 what part of the heart is a pacemaker? sinoatrial node
28 which lipid lowering agents interfere with the intestines cholesterol absorption? ezetimibe (Zetia)
29 which fibrinolytic agent is PO? neither (alteplase (Activase), tenecteplase (TNKase), nor urokinase (Kinlytic))
30 which isn't an abnormal heart rhythm? sinus
31 which antiarrhymic drug as like an anticonvulsant? phenytoin (Dilantin)
32 which of the heart disease contributing factors are influenced by lifestyle modification? high cholesterol levels
33 what drug is a phosphodiesterase inhibitor for IV therapy of congestive heart failure and calcium channel blocker intoxication? milrione (Primacor)
34 what pacemaker cells of the heart generate a normal cardiac rhythm? sinoatrial (SA) node
35 which drug (class) may treat heart failure? all (diuretics, digoxin, & angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor)
36 what isn't functional in the heart? stable angina
37 what does the blood pressure ratio represent? systolic/diastolic blood pressure
38 which definition of a fibrinolytic drug is correct? dissolves formed clots
39 which antiarrhythmic agents stabilizes cardiac cell membranes and is primarily a local anesthetic? lidocaine (Xylocaine)
40 what's an abnormal hyperexcitable site in the heart that's a dominant pacemaker? ectopic pacemaker
41 which is a class I or membrane stabilizing antiarrhythmic drug? all (flecainide (Norpace), lidocaine (Xylocaine), procainamide (Pronestyl), & quinidine (Tonocard))
42 which drug used for TIAs & stroke prevention blocks ADP receptors, reducing platelet adhension & aggregation? clopidogrel (Plavix)
43 which (other) drug class doesn't treat angina? angiotensin 2 receptor antagonists
44 beta blockers may be used in combination with what other drug to reduce death risk or returning myocardial infarction? aspirin
Created by: cindya
Popular Pharmacology sets




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