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Prisca pg.248 Vocab

Supply-Side Economics An economic theory based on the premise that reductions in federaltaxes and spending will increase the private sector's productivity
Swing Voters Voters who change party loyalities periodically, rather than staying exclusively with the candidates of on party
Refers to religious leaders constituting and running the government, such as in contemporary Iran Theocracy
A Constitutional Convention agreement that considered slaves to be worth three-fifths of a white voter for purposes of representation in the House of Representatives Three-Fifths Compromise
Voters dividing their candidates selection between the two major parties, a phenomenon that has become far more common as of late Ticket-Splitting
Trustee Orientation Representatives or senators whose votes on a bill are mainly reflections of their own judgement rather than an extension of their constituents.
Umbrella Parties The idea that both major parties accept members from nearrly all groups and social classes in America. By clinging to the political center, they maximize their voting appeal.
A political system in which the central government has supreme power, and in which states and localities derive all their power from that governmental level. Unitary Government
U.S.v. Curtis-Wright Export Corp. The Supreme Court case that decided that the president had exclusive power in the handling of international relations.
A presidential power that is used to reject a bill passed by Congress. In Latin, literally, "I forbid" Veto
Legislation passed in 1973 authorizing Congress to bring American combat troops home after sixty days, despite presidential opposition. The act also calls for close congressional-presidential consultaion prior to the beginning of combat operations War Power Act
Watchdog Role The role of the media centering on protecting the public from political, social or economic excesses by exposing those individuals responsible for them.
Whistle-Blower Bureaucrat who reveal waste or corruption in his/her agency or department
Writ of Certiorari An order by the Supreme Court to send up the case record because there is a claim that the lower court mishandled the case (more than ninety percent of all writs are denied by the Court.)
A type of jpurnalisim attributed to William Randolph Hearst at the turn of the century that was intended to promote newspaper sales through sensational, exagerated news stories Yellow Journalism
Created by: YWPA Government
Popular American Government sets




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