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Study for thesis methodology

What is qualitative research (as defined by Berg)? a process that "seeks to answer questions by examining social settings and the individual who inhabit these settings"
When is a multiple case-study used? when context is different in 2 or more cases with each case examined to understand similarities and differences with and between cases with the goal of replication of findings
Case study design is an approach that enables a phenomenon to be examined through ______________________. different lenses
Examining a phenomenon through different lenses allows _______________________. multiple and various themes and aspects to be revealed and understood
What contexts will be explored in the qual research on the 2 dance programs? temporal and spatial, cultural, social, and personal contexts
What is a primary characteristic of case study methodology? the understanding of culture and the engagement of individuals in interdependent activities
What type of case of format is being used in an attempt to explore relevant topics and contexts as they relate to the case of dance as a creative intervention for individuals with PD? bounded case format
What are the inclusion criteria for our study? a clinical diagnosis of PD with the presence of three out of the four cardinal signs of PD, willingness to attend 20 adapted-tango classes in 12 weeks, and ability to walk ten feet without assistance.
What are the exclusion criteria for our study? physiological instability due to excessive medications, other neurological disease or insult, and a mental status score < 24 points on the Montreal Cognitive assessment
What are the 4 concepts within the EHP theory? person, context, task, and performance
What are the internal and external factors of person in the EHP theory? internal: individual's abilities, experiences, and sensorimotor, cognitive, and psychosocial skills; external: physical, temporal, social, and cultural factors
What comprises the context related to EHP for our study? Dance for PD® and adapted tango
What does data collection consist of re. Dance for PD®? previously gathered focus group transcriptions and written demographic survey
What do focus groups allow according to Berg? quick and convenient collection of data from several people simultaneously
What are we going to do with the written transcriptions and completed surveys? code and analyze for themes
What are our sources of data collection for adapted tango? focus groups, direct observation, documentation/field notes, and participant observations
How many classes are required in order to participate in our focus groups? 3
WHat types of questions will be asked during focus group sessions? semi-structured and probing questions
What sorts of direct observations will be made by an investigator located on the periphery of the dance floor? physical environment, participant's behaviors, actions, interactions with others, and their speech
WHen will observations be documented? within one hour of observation
What is the purpose of participating as a volunteer dance partner? a means to gain greater insight into the case and the perceived experiences of the participants
How many classes are required in the larger parent study? 20 classes while "on" medications
What pre- and post-measures are being used in the larger parent study? functional mobility, postural control, gait, fall risk, balance confidence, QoL, spatial ability
Sampling of this study will be _________. purposive
When will recruitment for focus group participation occur? after 3 adapted tango classes
What methods bring meaning to case studies? catagorical aggregation and direct interpretation of collected data
Where does data analysis begin? first impressions
TO what does aggregation of data in this study refer? examining the data for information related to the primary aim of this study with the goal of discovering cohesiveness in the themes as data emerges
When might meaningful patterns arise? during observations, focus group sessions, and while reviewing collected data
How will meaning from data be drawn? from observations through the triangulation methods and assertions
How will Dedoose, a web-based application for data analysis, be used by the researchers? to separate the important data from extraneous data in order to bring key concepts and themes into focus.
When will natural generalizations be formed? when using Dedoose, the researchers will separate the important data from extraneous data in order to bring key concepts and themes into focus.
What is natural generalization? refers to conclusions derived from vicarious experience so soundly created that the person imagines that they have experienced it themselves (Stake, 1995).
How will we ensure trustworthiness? this study will incorporate different sources of triangulation including data source, investigator, and methodological types
How will data source triangulation be established? by means of comparing and contrasting the perceived experiences of the dance class participants from both dance classes to ensure observations and reports carry the same meaning under different circumstances
How will investigator triangulation be established? accomplished by including a minimum of two researchers in attendance for each focus group, one researcher for facilitating the group and the second researcher for documenting observations and notes.
How will methodological triangulation be established? using multiple audio recorders for each focus group, and incorporating participant check-in of the data after focus group transcriptions are complete.
When will peer debriefing occur? on an ongoing basis throughout the study and again at the conclusion of the study.
Created by: abascas
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