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"The Sweater" vocab.
Question | Answer |
L'enfance | Childhood |
La patinoire | Rink |
La punition | Punishment |
La partie | Game |
La priere | Prayer |
Peignions | Combed |
La colle | Glue |
Le ruban gomme | Tape |
S'elancaient | Rushed |
Le disque de caoutchouc | Rubber puck |
Arrachions | Took away from |
Etroit | Tight |
Dechire | Torn |
Nous faire passer pour | To make us look like |
La formule de commande | Order form |
La calligraphie | Handwriting |
L'amabilite | Kindness |
La piastre | Dollar |
L'emballage | Wrapping |
La feuille d'erable | Maple leaf |
Se faisait terrasser | Was overpowered |
La larme | Tear |
La manche | Sleeve |
Le pli | Crease |
Te fait bien | Fits you |
Siffla | Blew his whistle |
Se met en colere | Have a tantrum |
Priai | Prayed |
La mite | Moth |
Combats | Battles |
Strategies | Straregies |
Deception | Dissappointment |
Lacer | Lace |
Triomphant | Winning |
Vicaire | Priest |
Les Debris | Debris |
Comme un gant | Like a glove |
Decouper | Cut |
L'etoile | The star |
Pleurer | Cry |
Le baton | Building |
L'arbitre | referee |
Siffler | Whistle |
Peser | Weigh |
Envoyer | Send |
Porter | Wear |